John Gruver
Class Guidelines
U.S. History 1607-1790/Civics
What makes you and I the people we are today and the people we will become in the future is our past. We can each look back on our lives and remember a moment or time that changed us forever. What the United States has become today was shaped by the past and the study of our country’s history is the study of the events that changed our country forever.
Course Description:
In order to understand our country's origin and evolution, students will study the development of the American Colonies and their fight for independence from England. We will analyze the writings of philosophers such as John Locke and Thomas Hobbes, the contributions of the first representative governments in America such as Jamestown's House of Burgesses, and the impact our struggle for independence from England had on the creation of the Constitution. We will continue with an analysis of the Constitution, our rights and responsibilities as U.S. citizens, and the origins of our political parties. The year will conclude with a unit on local history from 1879 through the 1900s.
Class Guidelines:
Come to class prepared and on time.
Remain seated and quiet throughout the class period.
Keep only your textbook, notebook, and a pen or pencil on your desk.
Show respect for your fellow students, teachers, administration, property, and your own ability and self-worth.
You must have a UniversalPass in order to use the lav. If you do not have your pass with you do not ask to leave.
Marking period grades will be determined by calculating a percentage of each students accumulated test, quiz, homework, and class participation grades. **It is the responsibility of each student to make up any missed assignments due to absences from class.** Refer to the assignment board located in the back of the room and the worksheet folder to get a copy of the assignment you may have missed.
Tests = 35% A minimum of three tests will be given each marking period.
Quizzes = 25%
Homework = 20% A deduction of 15% points will be assessed for each day an assignment is late and any late assignments must be placed in your late assignment class folder.
Class Participation = 20%
Remind App: Remind is an app developed for teachers to improve communication among teachers, students, and parents The app is free and is a convenient way to take advantage of today’s technology and stay informed about class assignments, tests, quizzes, and activities. You are invited to take advantage of this opportunity quickly and easily in one of the following ways:
- Download the free Remind App.
- Send a text to 81010and text the message@mrgruve