Please tick your preference: Oral presentation: ___ Poster presentation: ____


Xerxes Nobody1 and Yvonne Somebody2

1Thule Institute, University of Oulu,P.O. Box 7300, FIN-90014 OULUN YLIOPISTO, Finland, e-mail:

2Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, S-601 76 Norrköping, Sweden, e-mail:

Please provide a 50 word summary of the abstract.


The following provides all instructions for lay-out and style for preparing your extended abstract. Please note that you should use this document as a template.The abstracts will be printed as they have been submitted. The length of the abstract can be up to 4 pages, including short summary, figures and tables and references. The abstract should be submitted as a Word file to riitta.kamula(at) The submission deadline is November 8, 2017. Authors will be informed of acceptance by November 15, 2015. All accepted abstracts will be published in the proceedings book.

Please tick your preference of presentation on the first line of this document. This line will be invisible in the proceedings book.

Lay-out and style

The abstract should be short, clear, concise and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure. The basic page size for the abstracts is the standard European A4-Format page (21 x 29,7 cm). Set your paper size to A4, and set the margins on each side to 25 mm and at the head and foot of the page to 30 mm. In text paragraphs, first line indentation should be 0,6 cm, and in list of references, the hanging indentation should be 0,6 cm. Text should be single-spaced, with no space between paragraphs. The text must be justified. Acceptable font types are Calibri or similar. These instructionsare written using the Calibri font. Important mathematical symbols and equations must be typed and metric symbols used.

The abstract must detail the title (in bold, capital letters, font size 14), author’s name(s), affiliation, present address and e-mail address (font size 12). Body text should be written using font size 11.

It is recommended that the abstract is carefully compiled and thoroughly checked by the authors prior to submission.Please notice that the abstract must be ready to publish.

Tables & Figures

Figures, line drawings, photographs and table should be placed in the appropriate location, aligned centre, and positioned close to the citation in the document. They should have a caption and should be numbered consecutively, e.g. Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, and Table 2.Please attach a colored figure with as high resolution as possible in the abstract.

A figure can be incorporated in the abstract at the appropriate place. The figure should have a figure caption under it. Make sure the size of lettering within the figure is big enough. The text should include references to both the table and the figure (Figure 1). A Figure title should be placed at the bottom of the figure and a table title should be placed at the top of the table.

Figure 1: Formatting used for figure. (Mitra et al 2016).

There should be one blank line between a table or a figure and the corresponding table or figure title and leave on blank line between the table or figure title and the preceding/following paragraph.


Equations are to be numbered in square brackets, placed flush with the right hand side as follows.

F=ma [1]

A blank line should be left before and after each equation.

References in the text

In the text, the references should be cited by the last name of the author and the year of publication, e.g. Rekolainen and Posch (2011) or (Rekolainen and Posch, 2011). If there are more than two authors use “et al” for other authors, e.g. Lindström et al. (2016). The reference list should be detailed at the end of your abstract, organized alphabetically (by the name of the author, followed by the author's initials, year of publication, and other complete information about the published work) and in chronological order. References should not be numbered. Example references are given below.


Dill, DD., Mitra, SK, Jensen HS., Lehtinen, E., Mäkelä, T., Parpala, A., Pohjola, H., Ritter, MA., Saari, S., 2006. PhD Training and the Knowledge-Based Society – An Evaluation of Doctoral Education in Finland. Publications of the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council 1:2006.

Sundseth K., Pacyna JM., Banel A., Pacyna EG., Rautio A. 2015 Climate change impacts on environmental and human exposure to mercury in the Arctic.International Journalof Environmental Research and Public Health 12: 3579-3599; doi: 10.3390/ijerph120403579, 2015.