MOCC Agenda

March 17, 2006 * 10:00 to 12:00 CDT * 605-773-2300

Conference ID: 1118#, Conference PW: 2622#

Minutes to be recorded by Pam Thomas

Roll Call:

Approval of Minutes: February 24, 2006


MCR Discussion items:

MCR #20 – Immunizations Mike compiling information for later discussion.

·  Committee has been established - Laura Crosley

·  Their findings will go to MOCC

·  Then finalize MCR 20

·  Procedures need to be written

·  Committee questions

MCR #26 – Certificates/Certifications FINAL

·  Resolve content majors (DOE) with Lynda/Lesta

o  Still being addressed by Lynda, Ranny, & Carla for “E” coding

·  Resolve Fin Aid/non-Fin Aid coding

o  Work around being tested by Sharon/Cindy Sharon working with Joann. They are still testing but it looks like a workaround is possible. They will forward results of testing to FA Module in the near future. FA is withdrawing request to MOCC for policy change as it appears that only procedural changes will be necessary.

·  Complete implementation as stated in the MCR

·  Procedures being written and revised

·  There was discussion of this on the DA call 3/15/06. This MCR has implications for IPEDS and Clearinghouse reporting. A proposal will be forwarded from the DAs.

MCR #27 – Coding for Multiple Majors/Degrees Still concerns with IPEDS and Clearing House reporting. DA discussion continues in areas of concern re: Education degrees particularly at BHSU and NSU.

·  Finalized

·  Waiting for procedures by Carla Reihe

·  There was discussion of this on the DA call 3/15/06. This MCR has processing implications at the time of graduation. A DA proposal will be forwarded.

MCR #28 – Enrollment Reporting (BOR Policy 2:24) Waiting for action from the Board. The goal appears to be compiling Summer information to be more complete thus avoiding underreporting at campuses and possibly impacting funding decisions. Summer extract #s will probably be a combination of first and last data collection added together. Mike will compile information and report back on procedures.

·  When the AAC draft passes the BOR then the MCR should be finalized with the final document

·  Summer Extract ASCC Recommendation

·  Procedures will need to be written.

MCR #29 - Institution Name No additional discussion/action.

Registrars still need to identify institution codes in order for RIS to proceed with changes.

MCR #30 - Sharing Residual ACT Scores Still pending. Michael has been facilitating this one

·  Draft of final recommendation

·  Residual ACT Procedures review

·  ACT – National ACT scores are to be recorded into student record. See attached response.

MCR #31 – SD Technical Institutes Program to Program Implementation Guidelines

·  Ranny sent letter to Financial Aid to change wording in MCR 31 (Delivery code of 027 has been approved)

·  Other items in the MCR need to be updated

·  Fall and Spring students have been coded

·  Financial Aid needs to monitor student enrollment to stay within Federal DoE identified percentage of non-synchronous scheduled students. FA looking for clarification on procedures. Who/how will this be monitored? Does this need to be on the System Calendar? Mike will refer back to Carla, Suzanne, and the Board.

·  All the Articulation Programs will be built by the Carla. The pseudo courses will be built for all programs by Ranny.

MCR #32 – SDBOR Student email Policy Board will address at March meeting.

·  BOR March agenda item

·  Draft MCR – No changes as of January 26, 2006. Still slated to go before BOR in March 2006.

·  TAC comments – Monte Kramer

·  Draft email proposals from TAC

·  MOCC response – NSU comments on draft proposal

·  USDSU response

·  EUC response

MCR #33 – Coordination scheduling of the calendar on ADPA, catalog on Programs and the catalog on Degree Audits. No action at this time.

·  Ranny did not write this one.

·  Registrar's Module and Degree Audit Module will draft a proposal that is then reviewed by ASCC and MOCC. Matt Aschenbrener, lead

Future MCR Item(s): None.

Discussion Items:

1.  System Academic Calendar Issues

o  May Academic Calendar – The BOR action item for Academic Calendars that was approved at the December BOR is attached.

o  Academic Dates for 06-07

o  Summer Extract Issues Draft - D Ticknor, lead. ASCC discussion in progress.

o  Winter Interim Issue Draft – Mike Merrill, lead ACC discussion in progress.

o  E-Advising and Session and Yearly Cycle ASCC working on this. Need clarification on coding changes. Mike forwarding info compiled to AAC for April meeting.

2.  General Education Restrictions (Attachment 1)

Exception majors to the gen ed requirements being met within the first 64 hours (Restriction CGE1) and procedures to implement. Registrars submitted concerns on Gen Ed and Pre-Gen Ed processes (Attachment 2) ASCC concerns on Gen Ed and Pre-Gen Ed processes/holds (Attachment 3)

o  Transfer of Completed IGR’s

o  New Transfer – Hold Codes

3.  Computer Course requirement – Clarification that the credit rule applies to 42 hours “attempted”. Joann Pomplin, lead

4.  Proficiency Exam – New Hold code - MOCC Comment to be drafted by USD/SDSU, lead USD Registrar requested. Matt will take back to Registrars and Degree Auditors.

5.  Admissions – First Time Freshman/Non-Accredited – IPEDS impact – MOCC Comment draft by Registrars and Financial Aid, Mike/Rose, lead Rose looking for coding procedures from Admissions to address students who transfer from non-accredited institutions…”First-time freshman” or “Transfer”. Currently being coded First-time Freshman and concerned that this may be in conflict with IPEDS rules. Matt will request Registrars to compile a common list of Accredited Institutions for resource reference. FA will need a comment on Institution screen regarding transcripts/previous aid from nonaccredited institutions.

6.  Students Called to Active Military Service (BOR Policy 2.30) and concern About "W" Grades – Carla provided the withdrawal procedures for processing Students Called to Active Military Service. Refer to attachment. Item Completed.

7.  Post Office Box # versus Address MOCC concurs with Admissions recommendation to use P. O. Box only when two lines of information are provided with the stipulation that if an institution needs to use a two-line address, they will follow the Postal Regulations (first line – street address and second-line – P. O. Box.) It was noted that the street address could also be noted on the Emergency address screen, which is not used for any mailings at the present time.

o  Admissions Module Recommendation

o  Postal Regulations

8.  South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship Mike will have draft procedures distributed for review before the next meeting.

a.  High School GPA – request by BOR Staff to add both the High School GPA as printed on the high school transcript and the recalculated, unweighted GPA on Colleague and move both to the SDOS database. Note: Policy on recalculation of high school retakes. (One Attachment) This will be addressed by SDOS Committee at Feb 24 meeting.

b.  SDOP AP/CLEP credit

c.  High School Units that Meet South Dakota Opportunity Scholarship - Lesta – I sent the email below and Dr. Perry has responded that we need the additional information on high school courses. Just the number of units is not enough. Our database (Colleague and SDOS) will need to include the additional information on high school courses. The SDOS meeting on February 16, 2006 determined there may be a way to capture course number and description linked to student name and school in the SSTR screen for accomplishing most of the BOR request. Still determining whether reporting options will meet BOR requirements.

Action Item(s):

FYI Items:

System Processing Calendar It is important that all Modules review the newly distributed Calendar for accuracy, additions, etc. specifically from June 06 forward and report any changes/corrections to Mike, Suzanne, and Carla.

·  Ranny sent the folders with all the data to Michael.

·  Submit all recommended calendar changes to Mike, Suzanne and Carla.

·  Review System Academic and System Processing Calendar

Course Change Data Input

·  Send those to Carla.

·  Ranny sent the duplicate courses that Carla ran to Lesta so AAC can begin cleanup. Mike to check on status of that cleanup.

SDOS Procedures

·  Ranny sent the changes to the draft SDOS procedures discussed in our previous meetings to Michael for the upcoming meeting. SDOS committee met and reviewed draft with Lesta. Work on draft continues as there were also legislative changes that need to be incorporated and reviewed by legal counsel.

CPG2 hold – Information Only

Information Updates:

1.  UDA Update – Don Ticknor A. Two problems with partial registrations in WebAdvisor: 1) for registrations in sections with co-requisites, it is necessary to use the action box beside each section rather than the action box at the top. 2) if sections in a registration have time conflicts, NO registration rather than the desired PARTIAL registration will occur. It is recommended that a message be included on the Registration screen to help students in these problematic areas. B. Major system upgrade will be done on 3/25/06. Servers will be down much of that day. C. Change in transcript specializations has been installed in the TEST account and forwarded to the campuses. D. CLUP-Class Level Updates- didn’t work correctly in January. Since it is run centrally, no realized that there was a problem until after the Census extract was frozen. Normally, no changes are requested once the data is frozen; but since Bying hasn’t run the reports yet and it was a systemwide problem that impacted all campuses, the UDAs have asked that the extract data be corrected this time only.

2.  Residency Policy and Residency form – Rose Hansen/Admissions Module

3.  High School Electronic Transcript Update

4.  Document Imaging Update Campuses have migrated to the new system and scanners are being installed at this time. Testing is in progress and should be complete by 3/31. Campus contacts have been appointed to disseminate information on upcoming Webinars prior to full implementation.

5.  e-Commerce Update Next upgrade will be in April. Refund management should be in place for FA06. AR is working on recommendations to satisfy Current Account Activity. Payment plan options will not be available for either FA06 or SP07.

6.  e-Commerce Transcripts Monte Kramer on 1/23/06 assigned Mike Merrill to work with Shelley Brunick and committee to review enterprise nodes and follow up with e-Commerce. Nothing new at this time.

Added Agenda Items:

Next Meeting:

The next MOCC meeting and call will be March 31. Minutes to be taken by Mark Lee 10:00 to 12:00 CDT 605-773-2300, Conference ID: 1118#, Conference PW: 2622#.

M. Merrill Page 1 3/30/2006