Week Commencing 08 February 2010
Date and Time of Issue: Wednesday, 10 February 2010, at 3.16 p.m.
09/02/2010 / WEDNESDAY
10/02/2010 / THURSDAY
11/02/2010 / SUBJECT [Witnesses]
Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs / CR4, LH 2000
2 p.m. (T) / Widening the parameters and appeal of tourism on an All-Ireland basis and harnessing the Irish Diaspora as a lucrative tourism development opportunity [Mr. Niall Gibbons, Chief Executive, Tourism Ireland]
Communications, Energy and Natural Resources / 1. CR1, LH 2000
9.45 a.m. (T)
2. CR4, LH 2000
6 p.m. (T) / 1. Miners compensation [National Miners Group]
2. Nominations under the Broadcasting Act [Minister for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources]
Constitutional Amendment on Children / CR2, LH 2000
5 p.m. / Private Meeting
Constitution / CR2, LH 2000
9.30 a.m. (T) / Review of the electoral system:
(i) (a) Surplus vote transfer procedures in proportional voting systems; and (b) Rotating the order of candidates on the ballot paper [Professor David Farrell, School of Politics and International Relations, University College Dublin];
(ii) Filling of vacancies that arise in Dáil Éireann [Dr. Gary Murphy, Associate Professor of Government, Dublin City University]
(iii) The application of PR-STV electoral system in Malta [Mr. Hermann Schiavone, Ph D. student, University of Manchester]
Education and Science / CR2, LH 2000
10 a.m. (T) / The provision of supports for children in a multi-ethnic/multi cultural society, with particular regard to children whose first language is other than English [The Principals of: Scoil Ghráinne, Phibblestown, Dublin 15; Scoil Choilm, Porterstown, Dublin 15; St. Nicholas National School, Claddagh, Co. Galway; and St. John the Evangelist National School, Adamstown, Co. Dublin]
Environment, Heritage and Local Government / CR3, LH 2000
3.30 p.m. (T)(S) / Motion relating to an Agreement between Ireland and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on participation in the Multilateral Carbon Credit Fund
European Affairs / CR4, LH 2000
2 p.m. (T) / The work of the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) [Ms. Anastasia Crickle, Chairperson of the FRA Management Board]
European Scrutiny / CR4, LH 2000
12 noon (T) / Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals - consideration of new proposals
Health and Children / CR2, LH 2000
3 p.m. (T) / Quarterly update on health issues [Minister for Health and Children; and Prof. Brendan Drumm, Chief Executive Officer, Health Service Executive]
Human Rights (Sub-Committee) / CR3, LH 2000
11.30 a.m. (T) / Human Rights in Gaza [Mr. Khalil Shaheen, Director of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Unit, Palestinian Centre for Human Rights]
Justice, Equality, Defence and Women's Rights / CR2, LH 2000
12.15 p.m. / Private Meeting
Public Accounts / CR1, LH 2000
10 a.m. (T) / 2008 Annual Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General: Chapter 5 - Public Service Pensions; Chapter 42 – National Treasury Management Agency, National Pensions Reserve Fund;
and 2008 Appropriation Accounts:
Vote 7: Superannuation and Retired Allowances;
National Pensions Reserve Fund Commission 2008 Accounts;
Special Report 68 of the Comptroller and Auditor General – Public Service Pensions [Mr. Ciarán Connolly, Secretary General, Public Service Management and Development, Department of Finance; Mr. John Corrigan, Chief Executive, National Treasury Management Agency; Mr. Paul Carthy, Chairman, National Pensions Reserve Fund; Officials from The Pensions Board; and Officials from Department of Social and Family Affairs]
Transport / CR1, LH 2000
3.45 p.m. / Private Meeting

Click on the links provided to access documents or obtain information on specific Committees

(T) = To be televised; (S) = Select; (M) = Multi-media presentation


Week commencing 15 February 2010

Adoption Bill 2009 (17 and 18 February)

Week commencing 22 February 2010

Finance Bill 2010 (23, 24 and 25 February)

Inland Fisheries Bill 2009 (24 February)


Primary Medical Care in the Community (February 2010), Second Report by the Joint Committee on Health and Children.

Audio Visual Room, LH 2000 on Wednesday 10 February at 12.15 p.m.

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