Clearwater Township
Minutes- August 21, 2007 UNAPPROVED
The regular meeting for the Town of Clearwater was called to order by Vice-Chair Bruce Sobotta at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at the Clearwater Town Hall.
Board Members present: Supervisors Rose Thelen, and Bruce Sobotta, and Clerk Sharon Lee. Absent: David Nelson and Kristin Helwig
After reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, Sobotta asked if there were any additions or corrections to the proposed agenda. Thelen moved to approve agenda as presented, seconded by Sobotta. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
The minutes of the regular meeting of July 17, 2007 were presented. Thelen moved to approve the minutes as presented. Sobotta seconded the motion.
Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Clerk Sharon Lee read the Treasurer’s report. Checking: $1,193.56, Savings: $133,416.11 Total in Accounts: $134,609.67. Thelen moved to accept the report as presented. Sobotta seconded the motion. Motion carried by a unanimous vote.
Continued item from July 17th meeting:
A brief discussion was held on the Nixon Lake concerns about boats and jet skis, Thelen suggested that any further discussion be delayed until the full board is present. Rose Thelen moved to tabled until Sept meeting. Motion was seconded by Bruce Sobotta. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
New Items on Agenda:
Scott Miller presented a request to have a lot line adjustment to property located at 16976 St Hwy 24 NW. He would like to divide the property into two 5 A lots. The property was rezoned as a part of a series of ten-acre lots approved for Linus Latour in 1994. The property is now in the Clearwater Orderly Annexation Area. Therefore, it cannot be divided because it is zoned residential and the only way it can be sold is as one whole 10 A piece.
Miller stated that he thought the property would be regulated by the City of Clearwater zoning since it is in the orderly annexation area. Sobotta stated that at this time any rezoning, variances, signage, etc. would be required to meet with the joint planning board. The City of Clearwater’s guidelines would not take effect until the property is annexed into the city.
Rose Thelen moved that the request for lot line adjustment not be approved. Motion seconded by Sobotta. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Amy Alvero approached the board with a request to remodel a cabin located at 6921 124th Street NW. The cabin is located on two parcels of land: Parcel I.D. #’s 204-100-363212 & 204-100-36213. The plan is to leave current foundation where it is, but change the loft and rooms within the current footprint of the existing cabin. The footprint of the existing cabin will not be changed to do the remodeling project.
Rose Thelen moved to approve, on the township level, the request to remodel an existing cabin located on Sugar Lake. Motion was seconded by Bruce Sobotta. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Carlos Lopez of Fish Lake Property Owners Association presented a request to rent town hall on Sept. 8 for Visioning Session Meeting. Rose Thelen moved approve the rental of town hall on Sept. 8, 2007. A damage deposit of $500 was received and will be returned after the meeting on the inspection of the hall. The rental fee will be waved because the request is from a local township organization. Motion was seconded by Bruce Sobotta. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
The township board reviewed the draft of the proposed sign regulations from the Wright County Planning Commissions. The board made no recommendations.
A motion was made by Rose Thelen to approve appointment of election judges for the November 6, 2007 as follows: Nancy Pierskalla, Judy Wolseth and Sharon Lee. Alternate- David Nelson. Motion seconded by Bruce Sobotta. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Information was presented from the 2010 Decennial Local Update of Census Addresses Program Program. The Census Bureau estimates that it will take between 105 and 1,575 hours to complete the LUCA review depending on the number of addresses and the rate of address growth and change. The township does not have to participate in the update process. Rose Thelen made a motion to not to participate 2010 Decennial LUCA Program because of lack of current addresses available on the township computer, lack of funds, and shortage of paid staff. Motion seconded by Bruce Sobotta. Motion carried by unanimous vote.
Clerk Sharon Lee will return the forms to the Census Bureau indicating that Clearwater Township will not participate in the LUCA review.
Minnesota Association of Townships 2007 Legal Seminar will be held on Oct. 11-12, at the Grand Rios Hotel in Brooklyn Park. Advanced Registration due by October 1, 2007 - Cost $130.00, on site -late registration additional $10.00.
Road report: Jerry Duncan
1. Reported that damage has been done to Grover Ave- a property owner used a tractor & disk to grade the township road. The sheriff was called- property owner may receive a bill for damage that was done.
2. Culvert needs to be replaced on Greer Ave
3. Because of the Hwy 24 project there is additional traffic on Huber Ave and there is a need for more gravel to be spread from County Rd104 to Nixon Lake on Huber Ave. The board gave approval to Jerry to spread 2,000 yards of gravel and CC on Huber Ave.
Payment of Claims: Claims covered by Check Numbers 7329-7349 & 7353, payroll checks #’s 7350-52 for the total amount of $31,194.32 was approved for payment.
Rose Thelen moved to adjourn. Bruce Sobotta seconded the motion. Motion carried, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Sharon R. Lee, Clerk Bruce Sobotta, Vice-Chair