Revised Oct 1, 2016
Years of age by December 31st of the current season.
TYKES 4 to 6
NOVICE 7 & 8
ATOM 9 & 10
PEE WEE 11 & 12
BANTAM 13 & 14
MIDGET 15 to 17
In Tykes, Dynamite and Novice divisions, all players shall be given equal ice opportunity in each game, regardless of skill level subject to player attendance (Rule D31).
In Atom, Pee Wee, Bantam and Midget divisions, allplayers should be given equal ice opportunity throughout the season, subject to player attendance (Rule D31).
All beginner players’ ages 4 to 6 as of December 31 will be registered in the Tykes and Dynamite Program. Players will be accepted into the Program if an evaluation indicates their ability to skate AND their readiness for the Program. After completion of the evaluation process, players will be divided into groups based on skill and development level.
TYKES: Tykes will consist of 1st and 2nd year players and beginner skaters. This level will play zero games, and will focus on developing skating skills and introducing young players to hockey basics.
DYNAMITES: Dynamites will consist of players with more advanced skating and hockey skills fitting into a pre-novice level, and that are ready for competitive hockey. Players will be evaluated and played on equal teams.
Dynamite teams will have 1 or 2 practices per week on a 3 week rotation.
NOVICE: Novice will consist of players ages 7 to 8. Players will be evaluated and placed on equal teams. Novice teams will have 1 or 2 practices per week on a 3 week rotation.
Teams play in the West Country Minor Hockey Association. (WCMHA)
Players in Atom to Midget go through evaluations to select teams. Atoms through Midget will have 1 to 2 practices per week on a 3 week rotation.
Teams play in North Central Minor Hockey Association (NCMHA) or Rocky Mountain Female Hockey League (RMFHL).
3. RMHA will accept import players on top tier teams from Pee Wee to Midget. A Hockey Alberta
“Player Movement” formis required before players are allowed on the ice for the first session. If
players fail to make the top tier team, they will return to their resident association.
4. Players must be at least 4 years old by December 31 of the current hockey season and must register in theirproper age division. Players may try out for the top team in a higher age division, but if they are not evaluated as one of the top 3 players, they must return to their own age division, at their evaluated skill level. Parents of players wishing to try out in older age groups must submit a Letter of Intention to RMHA at registration. These moves will not be approved if there are fewer than 12 players remaining on the team, or if the players do not want to move. Players may only try out for one team at a time. No more than TWO underage players can be carded to a Tier 1 team. In certain situations, registration numbers may cause variations to this rule. Each case will be evaluated separately.
5. Players are assessed primarily on their skills within the division where they have registered. The goal of evaluations is to evenly distribute players in non-tiered divisions, and to help place players in tiered divisions. Tier 1 & 2 teams will be tiered, from Atom to Midget. If there are more than three teams in a division, the remaining teams will be made as equal as possible. No All-Star teams are allowed.
6. If registration numbers permit, the minimum and maximum number of players on teams shall be: 17 & 19 Bantam & Midget (Tier 1 & 2)
14 & 17 Atom & Pee Wee (Tier 1 & 2)
12 & 17 All Tier 3 (& 4), Novice & Initiation
Any changes to these numbers must be approved at a meeting of the executive, coaches
and parents concerned. If not enough players’ register for the minimum numbers per team,
then alternate arrangements within and/or between divisions may be required.
7. Players cannot register in RMHA after December 10 unless a family moves to Rocky Mountain House after this deadline.
- Registration fees are calculated to cover ice rent, referee cost, insurance, league fees, equipment, and other operating costs for the estimated number of teams in the coming season. Association fundraising is required to subsidize registration fees, and cover any other unexpected costs. Individual team fundraising may be necessaryto fund team operating costs such as tournament entries,player development and transportation.Corporate donations cannot be used to purchase team apparel, clothing or equipment.
- In all divisions, any player who acquires four absences &/or late arrival for games or practices, is subject to disciplinary action. After six (6) absences &/or late arrival for games or practices, the family must meet with the coach, manager, division director and a member of the executive to assess the situation and determine whether further disciplinary action is necessary.
- Parents/guardians must complete and sign a RMHA Registration form. Signing the registration from also indicates that the parent/guardian agrees to the FOIP guidelines, which are available for review at
- All outstanding fees from the previous season must be paid before a player will be permitted to register for the current season
- A $200 late fee will be applied to all returning players for registration received after the deadline.
- Fees must be paid in full by October 01. Failure to meet this deadline will result in the player being suspended for the remainder of the current season. Only written appeals submitted by October 08 to the RMHA Executive for review will be considered.
- Players will not be allowed on the ice at all until at least one parent has completed the Parent Respect in Sport online program as mandated by Hockey Alberta.
- RMHA does not accept personal checks as a method of payment.
- Players trying out for all top tier teams will be charged an additional $65 for2guaranteed
10. Tryout fees collected will pay for tryout ice costs. Any remaining funds will go to the player
development account and teams can apply to use funds as needed.
11. People having difficulty paying fees may apply to a RMHA committee to review their request
for payment options. This request must be received prior to September 04.
12. Refunds will not be issued after October 01 with the exception of illness/injury or relocation
outside RMHA boundaries. All refunds are subject to a $50administration fee.
13. Refunds will not be issued after December 15 under any circumstance.
14. No new teams will be formed after September 7.
15. Late registration will be accepted only if there is room available on a team
16. Players may request an evaluation for the top team only if there is room on that team. The
coach may keep the player for the top team or release to the next lower level. A player
evaluated to the top team cannot be removed to accommodate a late registration: there
must be room for that player. Players who register late and miss evaluations may find there is
no room available on a team. The executive will have the final decision on player placement
on all teams based on what is best for the majority of the members.
17. Families with 3 or more children registered with the Rocky Minor Hockey Association shall
pay registration fees in full on or before the registration date then will be issued a cheque
representing10% of total registration fees on January 11 of the current season.
The children must all be living in the same household. This does not include try out fees.
Those wishing to try out must pay the entire try out fee.
18. If registration fees are not paid in full by the registration deadline, a $100.00 late fee will
be applied the day after the registration deadline.
- The chair person will send letters to community businesses once per year asking for donations
for Rocky Minor Hockey Association.
2. The chair person will distribute information on fund-raising opportunities to team managers as it is received.
3. The chair person will assist and oversee team managers applying for AGLC licenses and sending in reports.
4. The chair person will apply for and organize casinos, or find another person to handle it.
1. A committee of the coach co-coordinator, president, vice president willselect coaches from those who fill out an application form, on the basis of qualifications and pastperformance. All coaches will be subject to an interview as part of the selection process. The committeewill have final approval on coach selections.
2. All persons assuming these positions shall strive to maintain a high standard of sportsmanship as an
example to the players.
3. All RMHA volunteers are required to have a criminal record check every second year.
4. All Articles, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations must be adhered to at all times.
5. RMHA holds an exclusive contract with TBS. All equipment, apparel and clothing must be ordered
through them. Corporate donations cannot be used to purchase team apparel, clothing or equipment. Players purchasing team articles will do so at their own expense or through approved team fundraising events. All orders must be placed through the team to the Apparel Coordinator with payment in full. RMHA will not be held financially responsible for team orders.
6. Coaches, managers and safety persons are subject to replacement should the executive and
directors decide by amajority vote that they arenot acting in the best interests of the players or the
7. Every coach shall choose (or have appointed) a manager, safety person and assistant to help enforce the following rules:
(a) Have a coach, manager or other registered person in the players' box at games.
(b) Keep dressing rooms, (both sides) locked during practices and games.
(c) Make sure all gates are kept closed and latched during practices.
(d) Don't allow players on the ice until the Zamboni is completely off and the doors shut.
(e) Have ADULTS who know how to run the time clock and keep score, in the box during games.
(f) See that all players wear ALL the approved protective equipment AT ALL TIMES.
(g) Don't allow players to have keys to lockers, dressing rooms, or the minor hockey room.
(h) Make sure that equipment is returned to the locker after each practice or game.
(i) Make sure your team has adult supervision on the ice in your absence and in the dressing room.
8. Team Managers shall sign out equipment at the beginning of the season and pay the nonrefundable equipment fee of: $150.00 per team in the Dynamite and Novice divisions, and $200.00 per
team in the Atom, Peewee, Bantam and Midget divisions.
9. Coaches or managers must have a vote in favor by a majority of all parents on their team before
attending out-of-town tournaments.
10. RMHA will hold coach clinics annually. Rocky coaches and managers will be charged fees and will
be reimbursed if they attend clinics. Coaches and managers will not be reimbursed for clinic
fees until proof of attendance is presented.
11. All bench staff must complete Hockey Alberta’s “Coach Respect in Sports” Clinic available on line
by November 15 of the current season.
12. Atom, PeeWee, Bantam and Midget team coaches must attend a H. A. Checking Clinic during
the season. There must be a checking clinic certified person on the bench at all times.
13. All Atom and older teamofficials must have minimum of Coach 2 – Coach Level Certificateand
the Head Coach must have Checking Skills by November 15 of the current season.
14. Novice coach must have minimum Coach 1 – Coach Level Certificate by November 15 of the
current season.
15. Tykes and Dynamites must have a one coach to ten players ratio with the following Certification
by November 15 of the current season: Coach 1 – Intro to Coach and Safety.
16. If Coach Clinics are not offered in Rocky Mountain House, coaches attending out- of-town
clinics will be reimbursed for fees, meals and travel, paid at Hockey Alberta rates.
17. All payments for Clinics held by the Rocky Minor Hockey Association will be taken online and paid
directly to Hockey Alberta.
18. Junior Coaches must submit an application to the Coach Coordinator prior to skating with any
team. Team placement will be determined by the Coach Coordinator from teams
requesting additional support.
19. Junior Coaches must be Midget age players, and must take the Hockey Alberta Respect in
Sport clinic online by November 15.
20. Safety persons MUST complete theHockey Canada Safety Program clinic every three years.
This clinic is available online through the Hockey Alberta’s website. Coaches and managers are
also encouraged to complete the online course.
21. Spouses shall not manage and/or coach for the same team.
22. Managers are responsible for and shall take accurate attendance and submit monthly reports, to Division director, and office manager as per RMHA attendance policy.
23. Managers must attend a RMHA Manager's Clinic during the season.
24. Managers must inform the Office Managerof any out of town game changes prior to the game
being played.
25. Managers must notify the Office Managerimmediately of cancelled games or practicesor
the team will be charged $250.Teams wishing to attend tournaments must notify the Office
Manager in writing 30 days prior to the tournament date.
26. Any team wishing to obtain extra ice for practice or exhibition games will assume all costs
associated with this expense
27. No tobacco products, drugs or alcohol is allowed in any Arena Facility by players, parents or
coaches during minor hockey games or practices.
28. Each team manager or a team representative is required to submit a budget for their team
reflecting the expected revenue and expenses for the current season to the Fundraising Chairperson, Treasurer, and Office Manager prior to November 1 of the current season.
29. Any use of electronic devices including social media is strictly prohibited and is permitted ONLY under coaches discretion. Any use of these items will require disciplinary actions decided upon by the executive board and may also be turned over to local authorities when necessary.
30. All volunteer positions within the Rocky Minor Hockey Association are unpaid. This includes Executive, Directors, Coaches, Managers, Safety Persons, Etc. The only paid position
in RMHA is the Office Manager.
31. In all divisions, any player who acquires four absences &/or late arrival for games or practices, is subject to disciplinary action. After six absences from games or practices the coach, manager, league director, and a member of the executive must meet with the family to assess the situation and determine whether disciplinary action is necessary.
1. The Association shall operate under the rules of the CAHL league, as well as Hockey Alberta, WCMHA and RMHFA. Any reference made to NCMHL will now be considered CAHL, and as such will follow all of the CAHL Rules and Regulations in accordance with their requirements.
(a) All teams must register at least 10 players prior to their first league game. ONLY THOSE
PLAYERSWHO ARE REGISTERED are allowed toplay in scheduled league games.
(b)Liability insurance is MANDATORY for all Hockey Alberta players, coaches, managers,referees,
Minorofficials and administrators. Participants are insured when fees and names are received in
the Hockey Alberta office.
(c)Players wishing to try out in another association must have a Hockey Alberta “Player Movement” form signed by the RMHA president for EACH team for which they try out.
(d) No player shall be permitted on the ice unless he/she is wearing the ALL of the approved protective equipment AT ALL TIMES, including throat protector and ear protectors.
(e) Players must play only on the team for which they are registered or affiliated. No coach may use a player from another team in the Association unless the teams are affiliated according to H.A. rules, AND unless he/she has the approval of that player's coach EACH TIME the player is used.
The player or the parents MUST NOT be approached until the approval from his/her coach is obtained. Players who have been pulled up to their affiliated team (using the proper procedure), shall be allowed one practice with that team before they actually play in a game with them. This will be permissible only if the director, both coaches, and coach co-coordinator are all in agreement.
(f) No intentional body contact is allowed in Pee Wee and younger divisions (minor penalty).
(g) Travel permits are required for ALL exhibition and tournament games OUTSIDE of Zone 4.
Telephone the RMHA office manager2 weeks in advance to obtain a permit number.