Budget and Planning Committee
Thursday, February 9, 2017
10:00 –11:30 AM
Health Care Conference Room (HCCR)
1. Call to order at 10:05AM
Attending: Aaron Hegde (chair), Provost Zorn (ex-officio), Linda Lara, Deborah Boschini (ex-officio), Jim Drnek, Annie Huynh, Yeunjoo Lee, Alex Dominguez
Guests: Marty Williams and Pat Jacobs
II. Approval of Minutes
1. Nov 17, 2016 (previously tabled)
a. Dr. Drnek motioned, Dr. Huynh provided a second, motion carried and approved by consensus.
2. Jan 26, 2017
a. Ms. Lara motioned, Dr. Huynh provided a second, motion carried and approved by consensus.
III. Announcements and Updates
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Old Business
1. 2016-17 Referral #15: Parking Options – Pat Jacobs visiting
a. Handicapped Parking Spots
i. Mr. Jacobs shared that every parking lot is mandated by law (prescriptive rule in the California Building Code) to have a minimum number of handicap spaces with specific dimensions. It would become quite costly to move the spots on an annual basis.
ii. Mr. Jacobs shared that the new lot will have 200 spaces, with handicap and clean air vehicle spaces (on the north east end of campus) as well as the new lot near the Arts and Humanities building (on the north west side of campus).
iii. Chief Williams requested that if the concern is that we need to address having convenient parking for those in need (faculty with multiple books/supplies/papers), then we need to move away from using the phrasing “not enough parking”.
iv. Chief Williams shared that research has been completed on a trolley system for the lots. This is a continuing project.
1. Dr. Hegde will invite Claudia Catota and Janice Clausen to the next regularly scheduled meeting to discuss this plan.
b. (1) Parking Spaces for faculty/staff in lots C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, and M, and (2) Parking Lots D, F, G, and M strictly for faculty/staff
i. Chief Williams shared that the 2015-16 academic year was the most intensive year when multiple committees discussed and reviewed this topic, including Cabinet, BPC, Senate, CFO Advisory Committee, and ASI. It was concluded that the northern end of campus was lacking in parking lots, therefore two new lots (K3 and an extension of A) were decided to be built and the trolley/shuttle system was suggested.
ii. Chief Williams and Mr. Jacobs shared that this concern has already been addressed in this committee in previous years. The reason for having a standstill with this concern is due to the number and types of changes to our current parking lots/systems in the near future. It was previously said that we, as a campus, would address the true concerns once all new lots had been built and the trolley/shuttle system implemented.
iii. The committee recommends that Dr. Hegde, Chair, attend Senate to share this information.
VI. New Business
1. 2016-17 Referral #161712: Academic Master Plan
a. The committee discussed the programs listed on the Academic Master plan and reviewed the dates. No major concerns were mentioned.
b. Dr. Drnek motioned to approve, Mr. Dominguez provided a second, motion carried and approved by consensus.
2. 2016-17 Referral #161717: Lactation Policy
a. The committee recommends that this referral be reviewed at the same time as the Faculty Affirms and Academic Support and Services.
VII. Adjourn at 11:28am