Clearfield County Association of Township Officials

May 2nd, 2017


Spring Convention

Brady Township Community Center, Luthersburg, Pa.

President William Lawhead called the meeting to order at 9:30 A.M. followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Invocation was given by Andy Rebar, Decatur Township after a moment of silence in remembrance of Jeff Baney-Boggs Township who lost his life in an automobile accident Joseph Benner a Roadcrew employee of Hemlock Township, Columbia County killed in a work related accident.

President Lawhead welcomed all that were attending, recognized guest and thanked Cleveland Brothers for the coffee & Donuts.

Roll call of Officers showed William Lawhead- President, Tom Longe-1st Vice President, Jeanne B. Hayes-Assistant Secretary, Pam Peters-Treasurer, Andy Rebar-Member, Donald Sheeder-Member, Joyce Undercofler-Member and Barbara Shaffner-Secretary all present with Steve Condo-2nd Vice President absent.

Copies of the minutes of the September 30th, 2016 Fall Convention were distributed for review. Mike Polachek-Morris Township motion to approve minutes as written, Andy Rebar-Decatur Township second. Motion carried with none opposed.

Copies of the Treasurer’s Report were distributed for review. Andy Rebar-Decatur Township motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report as submitted, Barbara Kauffman-Bell Township second. Motion carried with none opposed.

Old Business: There was a Resolution that was approved at the Fall Convention to submit to PSATS pertaining to Auditor’s compensation. We received a letter back from PSATS that explained they did not take any action on the Resolution because it duplicated a previous Resolution adopted last year, which asked that the rate be increased to 13.00 hr with an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index.

New Business:

The date for the Fall Convention is tentatively set for October 6th, 2017

Copies of the report for the Delegate to PSATS State Conference were distributed for review. Copy attached with minutes.

Resolution #2017-01 was submitted for approval to destroy old records for the Treasurer. Donald Sheeder-Ferguson Township motion to approve, Andy Rebar-Decatur Township second. Motion carried with none opposed.

Mike Polachek-Morris Township motion to have the By-Laws Committee review the Association By-Laws to include an Immediate Past President, Nellie Bundy-Huston Township second. Motion carried with none opposed.

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May 5th, 2017

Speakers for the morning session were:

Matt Gabler State Rep 75th District

Tommy Sankey State Rep 74th District

Rick Vilello Governor’s Center for Local Government-

Deputy Secretary of Community Affairs

Josiah Jones Director-Clearfield Co Recreation & Tourism

Tom Krononwetter Governor’s Center

Del Spafford ESGR

Jodi Brennan Clearfield County Solid Waste

Glenn Thompson Congressman

With no other business to come before the Association the morning session was adjourned after Andy Rebar-Decatur Township offered the Blessing.

The afternoon session was reconvened at 1:00 P.M.


Supervisors and Secretaries Shawn Agosti

Auditors Linda Bliley

Tax Collectors Diane Mactavish & Melissa Fahr

Drawings & Door prizes were distributed to those present.

President Lawhead called for an adjournment.

Donald Sheeder motion to adjourn, Andy Rebar Second.

Meeting adjourned.

In attendance:

Supervisors 30

Secretary/Treasurer’s 11

Auditors 29

Tax Collectors 10

Vendors 35

Road Workers 2


Guests 3


Total 121

Respectfully Submitted,


Barbara S. Shaffner, Secretary