7th Grade

Mr. Mullen


Did you ever hear the Disney song “It’s a small world after all”? Well, it is…and getting smaller. Social media allows people from different countries and different cultures to interact, and events half-way around the world affects life here in the United States.

Social studies helps us understand the world we live in: how it got to be this way, the beliefs and customs of different people, where they live and what it’s like there, etc.


Tests: 50%

Quizzes: 20% (lowest quiz grade dropped)

Homework: 10%

Daily Grade: 10% (includes attendance, being on time and prepared for class, etc.)

Notebook: 10%


1. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

a. Respect other students and staff.

b. Respect the property of others.

2. Come to class on time and prepared. This includes a notebook, pencil, or pen. Blue or Black ink ONLY! NO markers, highlighters, colored pencils, or crayons. Points will be deducted from tests, quizzes, and homework assignments completed with any writing utensil other than pencil or pen.

3. NO GUM! If I can SEE you chewing gum, you will be asked to spit it out. Repeated offenses will result in discipline referral.

4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on to ask or answer questions, leave the room, etc.

5. If you miss a day, you are responsible for making up any missed notes.