Town of Clayton
Monthly Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2014
Chairman Arling “Ole” Olson called the posted meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Also present were Supervisor Odell Olson, Supervisor Bill Vanda, Supervisor Grant Pickard, Supervisor Roger Olson, Treasurer Jane Leschisin, Clerk Tracy LaBlanc and Maintenance Man Kevin Marlett. Also Present was Andy Pichelman & Melissa from the CCHA Club.
The Clerk presented a signed affidavit as to where and when the meeting was posted.
Minutes – Odell moved, with a second by Bill to accept the March 13, 2014, regular meeting minutes. Motion was approved by a voice vote.
Treasurer’s report- shows a balance of $5,136.08 in the checking and $264,324.76 in the Money Market account for a total of $269,460.84.
Bill Payment – Grant moved, with a second by Ole, to approve payment of voucher #11642 to #11677 and pay State & Federal withholdings and WRS payment for a total of $14,204.84. The motion was approved by a voice Vote.
Public Comment –Andy Pichelman explained a little bit about their Clubs plans, last year they were able to give 1 larger scholarship away and this year they are planning to give away a total of 4 scholarships (2-Clayton Students & 2- Clear Lake Students) and CCHA looks forward to increasing their contributions towards more scholarships in the future.
*PICNIC LICENSE FOR CCHA/ANDY PICHELMAN- Bill moved, with a second by Grant to approve the picnic license for CCHA Club. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
*OLD BUSINESS- Ole wanted to follow up on some old business from prior meetings, so he asked about Kevin’s direct deposit, which is waiting on the boards decision to give a pay increase or not, then Tracy will proceed with the direct deposit once that is determined. Ole was going to advertise for school kids, to do some possible summer work, he did talk to Mr. Langham and he thought it was a good idea, so Ole will work on getting this put together. Ole also tried to get some possible contracts for some services, and the responses are not very promising, not much interest out there. Roger addressed the new door lock, it is best to have a combination code VS a key entry for hall renters, so we will be issuing a code for renters going forward. Tracy brought up that last year someone was supposed to be trained for the BOR and again there is a training coming up the end of the month for that, it was decided that Ole & Tracy will be attending. Ole congratulated our 2 “re-elected” Supervisors Odell & Roger on their new 2 yr. term.
*CLERK NOTARY- Tracy just wanted to inform the board she has received all her Notary Certificates, Notary stamp, license & bonds she needs to be a Notary Public in the State of Wisconsin, so if anyone needs a Notary for anything stop by the Town hall.
*APPROVE WTA DUES – Ole moved, with a second by Odell to approve payment of the WTA (Wisconsin Towns Association) dues. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
*APPOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS – Ole moved, with a second by Roger to appoint the same people as is for the next term. Due to the lack of meetings the planning commission has had in the past, Ole will be talking to them about what he would like to see them involved in going forward. The motion was approved by a voice vote.
Kevin’s Report- Kevin reported that Greg’s Excavating came in and pushed back snow on a few roads that we weren’t able to get pushed back far enough with our equipment, and now Kevin has been thawing/cleaning out culverts for the water to run freely. Weight limit signs are up. Kevin mentioned he had to schedule a later clean-up day this year due to Waterman’s busy schedule and we have the hall being rented on other available dates they had open. Kevin also gave the board a copy of his recommended road work plans for the next 2-3 yrs. Kevin attended a road meeting in Spooner that Monarch Paving put on.
*REVIEW ROADS FOR SUMMER ROAD WORK PLANS – The board with take their road tour and check out the roads in need of work. The road tour is scheduled for a few weeks down the road, they will get together and set a date/time.
*GRADER/EQUIPMENT PURCHASE POLICY – Discussion was had on a grader Odell came across, it was also discussed that we need to have a purchase policy in place to do so going forward. We will get bids for this type of purchase, but with the short notice Bill suggested that we bring this decision before the electors at the Annual Meeting and get their input/approval on the possible purchase of this grader.
*CLEAN UP DAY PLANS – Kevin set the clean-up day for June 7th 2014 from 7am –Noon.
*EMPLOYEE POLICIES - Ole gave copies to all board members to review and it has been tabled till next meeting.
*Closed Session per Wis. Statute 19.85(1)(c) personnel issues- Bill moved, with a second by Roger to go into closed session per Wis. Statute 19.85 (1)(c) personnel issues. The roll call was Ole-yes, Odell-yes, Bill-yes, Grant- yes, Roger-yes.
Next regular meeting – The next regular meeting will be Thursday, May 8th, 2014 at 7:00 pm, with voucher reviews at 6:45pm.
Tracy LaBlanc, Clerk