DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: - 1) Q.No.1 is compulsory.

2) Answer Any Three questions from Q.NO. 2 to Q.NO. 6

3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

4) Working to be part of answer wherever necessary.

Q.1) Auto Distributors Ltd. sold a Moto Car to Sita Agency on installment System on 1st January (20)

2011. The Cash price of the Motor Car was Rs 2,60,000 and initial payment of Rs 80,000 was

made on the date of delivery . The balance was made in installment of 45,000 every year .

The of interest was 10% p.a. The installments were paid on 31st December every year commencing

from 31st December 2011. The rate of depreciation was provided at 10% on written down value

method. After 4 years SitaTravel Agency sold Motor Car for Rs 2,20,000 after spending Rs. 30,000

on its repairs.

Prepare :-

In the books of Sita Travel Agency :

a) Motor Car A/c

b) Auto Distributors Ltd. A/c

c) Interest Suspense A/c

In the books of Auto distributors Ltd.

a) Sita Travel Agency A/c

b) Interest A/c

Q.2) A) Explain Allotment of Shares. (2)

Q.2) B) RK Steel Ltd. obtained necessary license for manufacture and sale of Television sets. As a (18)

part of financing the project 50,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each were issued at par on the basis

of the following terms.

Value of each share payable as follows:

On application Rs3 , on allotment Rs 4 , on First Call Rs 2 , On Final Call Re.1

Applications were received for 60,000 shares and allotment was made on the following basis:

a) To applicant for 10,000 shares in full.

b) To applicant for 20,000 shares -15,000 shares

c) To applicant for 30,000 shares - 25,000 shares.

All excess amount paid on application to be adjusted against amount due on allotment. The Shares

were fully called up and paid up except amounts on allotment, first and second call not Paid by those

who applied for 1,500 shares out of the group applying for 20,000 shares .

All the Shares on which calls were not made were forfeited . 1,000 forfeited shares were re-issued as fully paid on receipt of Rs 8 per share.

Pass necessary journal entries in the books of RK Steel .


Q.3. A) Write a short note on Recoupment of Short working. (2)

Q3. B) On 1st January 2010 , M/s Aditya Minerals acquired on lease from Manganese Ore Ltd. (18)

Certain fields on the following terms:-

M/s Aditya Minerals should pay Rs 3 for every ton of Management Ore raised. The minimum

rent will be Rs 15,000 for the first with an annual increase of Rs 500 till it reaches to Rs 18,000.

Short workings is to be recoup during the first three years.

Output for the first five years was as follows:

Year Output

2010 4,000

2011 4,500

2012 6,000

2013 5,500 (Strike for 3 months)

2014 8,000

There was a provision for proportionate reduction in minimum rent incase of stoppage of work by

strike , accident etc.

Prepare the following ledger accounts:-

In the books of M/s Aditya Minerals :-

a) Royalty A/c

b) Manganese Ore Ltd. A/c

In the books of Manganese Ore Ltd. A/c

a) M/s Aditya Minerals

b) Shot workings A/c

Q.4) A) Briefly explain the different types of Shares. (2)

Q.4) B) United Marine Ltd. invited applications for 10,000 shares of Rs 100 each at a premium (18)

ofRs 10 per share. The amount is payable as follows:-

On Application Rs 25

On Allotment Rs 35 ( Including premium)

On First Call Rs 25

On Final Call Rs 25

The applications was received on for 9,000 shares and these were accepted in full. All money due

were received except the first and final call money on 200 shares , which were forfeited .

Out of these , 100 shares were subsequently re-issued @ 90 per share.

Pass necessary journal entries in the books of United Marine Ltd.


Q.5) A) Briefly explain Redemption of Preference Shares. (2)

Q.5) B) Following is the summaries Balance sheet of Reliance Ltd. (18)

Liabilities / Rs / Assets / Rs
Paid up Share Capital
50,000 equity shares of Rs10
each fully paid. / 5,00,000 / Bank / 90,000
1,000 ; 10 % Redeemable
Preference Shares for Rs 100 each
fully called up 1,00,000
Less: Call in Arrears 1,000
@ Rs 20 each / 99,000 / Other Assets / 8,10,000
Reserve & Surplus
Share Premium
P/L A/c
General Reserve / 20,000
Current Liabilities
Creditors / 1,51,000
Total / 9,00,000 / Total / 9,00,000

The reliance Preference Shares were redeemed on the following basis:

i) Further 4,500 Equity Shares were issued at a premium of 10% .

ii) Expenses for fresh issue of shares Rs 5,000.

iii) Of the 50 Preference shares , holders of 40 shares paid the call money before the date of

redemption . The balance 10 shares were forfeited for non-payment of calls before redemption .

The forfeited shares were re-issued as fully paid on receipt of Rs 500 before redemption .

iv) Preference shares were redeemed at a premium of 10% and share premium a/c was utilized in

full for this purpose.

Pass necessary journal entries in the books of Reliance Ltd/.


Q.6A) Write a short note on Repossession in Hire Purchase Agreement. (2)

Q.6 B) Panjim Taxi Services Ltd. purchased a Taxi on 1st January 2012 from Auto Service Ponda (18)

on Hire purchased System . It was agreed upon to make the payment as under.

1) On 1st January 2012, on signing the agreement amount paid was Rs 10,350.

2) On 31st December 2012 , at the end of the first year amount of instalment was Rs 19,965

3) On 31st December 2013 , at the end of the second year amount of installment was Rs 19,965

4) On 31st December 2014 , at the end of the third year amount of installment was Rs. 19,965

5) Nothing more was payable after the third year.

6) All installments were duly paid by Panjim Taxi Services Ltd.

7) Interest was calculated at 10% p.a.

8) Depreciation was charged at the rate of 20% p.a. on diminishing balance method.

Calculate the Cash Price of Taxi.

Panjim Taxi Services Ltd. closes its books on 31st December every year.


a) Taxi A/c

b) Auto Service Ponda A/c

c) Interest A/c




DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: -1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.

2)Answer Q.I & Q.II in around 100 words each.

3)Answer Q.III , Q.IV,Q.V & Q.VI in around 400 words each.

2) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks.

Q.I) Answer the following (Any Four ) : - (4X4 = 16)

i)Any Four limitations of advertising.

ii) Any Four advantages of advertising to the producers.

iii) Difference between advertising and publicity.

iv) Is advertising wasteful ? – Justify.

v) Advertising and stereotypes.

vi) Role of ASCI .

Q.II) Answer the following ( Any Four ) : - (4X4 = 16)

i) Types of ads based on audience .

ii) Truth in advertising.

iii) Industrial product advertising v/s institutional advertising.

iv) Four buying motives.

v) Four external factors affecting psychology.

vi) Comparative advertising.

Q.III) A) Explain giving examples , how advertisements benefit consumers. (12)


B) Define advertising and explain its various features in brief. (12)

Q.IV) A) Explain any twelve types of ads on the basis of its functions. (12)


B) With the help of examples explain the difference in public relations advertising, (12)

public service advertising and institutional advertising.

Q.V) A) Explain the various forms of unethical advertisements with examples . (12)


B) Explain using real examples how advertisements promote and influence theindian (12)

Culture. (Four examples each)

Q.VI) A) Explain the various types of advertising appeals. (12)


B) Explain the role of advertising in the AIDA process. (12)





DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: -i) Q.NO. 1 is compulsory.

ii) Answer any Three questions from Q.NO.2 to Q.NO. 6

ii) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks.

Q.1) The following is an extract of the records of receipts and issues of a material in a factory (20)

for the month of September 2015. Prepare a stores ledger account under Simple average

method and Last In First Out method .

September 1 Balance in hand 500 units @ Rs 40 per unit.

September 2 Purchases 100 units @ Rs 44 per unit.

September 4 Issues 150 units.

September 6 Purchases 100 units @ Rs 46 per unit.

September 11 Issues 250 units

September 19 Issues 100 units

September 22 Purchases 100 units @ Rs 48 per unit.

September 25 Purchases 50 units @ Rs 50 per unit.

September 27 Issues 75 units

What is closing stock as on 30thSept. 2015?

Q.2) a) What are the advantages of Cost Accounting system? (4)

b) Two materials were purchased about which the following details are available. (16)

Material P - 7,000 Kgs@ Rs 10 per kg.

Material Q -8,000 Kgs@ Rs 5 per kg.

Freight Rs 3000

Sales tax 5%

Container charges Rs 2,100

A shortage of 800 kgs of Material P and 500 kgs of material Q were noticed . The factory

makes further provision of 10% for normal loss. Calculate the purchase price per kg.


Q.3) a) Explain the procedure of making a purchase . (4)

Q.3) b) In manufacturing its products, Cipla Company uses three raw materials X,Y,Z in respect (16)

of which the following information is available.

Normal Usage - 5,000 units

Minimum Usage - 4,000 units

Maximum usage - 6,000 units

Reordering quantity X- 16,000 units

Y- 23,000 units

Z – 10,000 units.

Re - order period X - 4 - 6 Weeks

Y - 3- 5 Weeks

Z- 2 - 4 Weeks

What would you expect the quantity of the following to be?

a) Maximum stock of each material

b) Minimum stock of each material

c) Re-order level

d) Average stock level

Q.4) a) Explain the different types of purchases. (4)

Q.4) b) Navneet ltd. has received an offer of quantity discount on its order of material as follows:-(16)

Price per kg kgs

2,000 less than 50

1,800 50-less than 100

1,600 100-less than 200

1,400 200-less than 250

1,200 250 – above 250

The annual requirements – 1,000 kgs

The ordering cost per order—Rs 600 stock holding cost is estimated at 10% of material cost per annum. You are required to compute the most economical purchase level and find out the economic order quantity .


Q.5) Prepare a cost sheet of A ltd. for the period ending on 31st March 2015. (20)

Particulars Rs

Raw materials as on 01/04/2014 10,000

Work in progress as on 01/04 /2014 3,000

Finished goods as on 01/04/2014 4,000

Raw materials as on 31//03/2015 25,000

Work in progress as on 31/03 /2015 5,000

Finished goods as on 31/03/2015 2,000

Purchased raw material 75,000

Direct wages 60,000

Indirect wages 15,000

Direct expenses 12,000

Factory lighting 2,000

Factory supervision 8,000

Depreciation on machinery 10,000

Depreciation on furniture 8,000

Carriage inward 3,000

Carriage outward 1,500

Office lighting 2,500

Printing and stationery 1,000

Telephone charges 800

General expenses 1,200

Advertisement 2,500

Salesman commission 5,500

Packing expenses 3,500

Warehouse expenses 1,500

Sales 4,00,000

Q.NO.6)Write short note on any four of the following. (4X5=20)

a. First – in first out method

b. Classification and codification

c. ABC analysis

d. Treatment of scrap

e. Importance of cost accounting.





DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: - 1) All questions are compulsory, however internal choice is available.

2) Figures to the right indicate maximum marks.

Q.I ) Write short notes on the following: - (4X5 = 20)

1) The Indented form of Layout.

2) Draft a classified advertisement to sell a 2 BHK Flat in Donapaula.

3) Full Block form of Layout.

4) Draft a classified advertisement of a Plot for Sale at Bicholim.

Q. II A) Change the voice of the following sentences. (4)

1 ) The doctor treats the patients.

2) He writes poems.

3 He sang a song.

4)The boy is flying a Kite.

B) Give Synonym to the following words. (2)

1) Behaviour 2) Unique

C) Give Antonym of the following words. (2)

1) Ruthless 2) Optimist

D) Insert appropriate Prepositions in the given sentences. (3)

1)I will stand ------for my rights.

2) He sat ------me.

3) She fell ------the bed.

E) Use appropriate Articles for the following sentences. (3)

1. He is ------M.P.

2. I have purchased ------dozen eggs.

3. ------cat loves comfort.

F) Rewritethe sentencesby following the instructions given in the brackets. (3 )

1) We ruined ------.( Reflexive Pronoun)

2) They stood against ------.(Reciprocal Pronoun)

3) ------one of you must sing.(Distributive Pronoun )

1 Contd.

G) Punctuate the following:- (3)

a man who suffers from short sightedness sees only the immediate gain with clarity

but loses something better and greater in the future

Q.III) Answer the following :- (3X5=15)

1. Draft a Letter of Congratulation to a Senior Officer of your Company who has been

promoted to the rank of Secretary.

2. You have just read in the Newspaper about the death of the wife of a retired employee

of your Company. Draft a Letter of Condolence.

3. Look at the following table and write a paragraph by interpreting the data.

Table showing Payment Modes of Insurance Policies.

Policies / Payment Modes
Child Career Plan / Yearly ,Half-Yearly & Quarterly
Child Future Plan / Yearly ,Half-Yearly & Quarterly
JeevanAnkur / Single, Half-Yearly & Quarterly
Jeevan Kishore / Yearly ,Half-Yearly & Quarterly
JeevanTarang / Single, Half-Yearly & Quarterly
KomalJeevan / Single, Half-Yearly & Quarterly
HDFC Life Youngstar Super Premium / Only Yearly
HDFC Life Youngstar Super Premium II / Only Yearly
HDFC Life Children Plan / Yearly ,Half-Yearly or Quarterly

Q.IV)A) Write an essay on ‘Child Labour ‘ in about 500 words. (10)


B) Write a biography of a personality of your choice in about 500 words. (10)

Q.V).A)Write a Short –Story or a Poem of your choice in about 300 words. (5)


Q.VI). Read the Passage carefully and answer the questions given below.

It was a large lovely garden , with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful

flowers like stars and there were twelve peach trees that in the spring time broke out in to

delicate blossoms of pink and pearl and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the tree

and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. How

happy we are here they cried to each other.

One day the Giant came back .He had been to visit his friend and had stayed with him for

seven years .After seven years ,he determined to return to his own castle . When he arrived , he saw

the children playing in the garden. What are you doing? He cried in a very gruff voice and the children

ran away.

‘ My own garden is my own garden ‘ said the Giant and I will allow nobody to play in it but

myself. So he built a high wall all round it. And put a notice board.


Answer the following:-

1. How long was the Giant absent from his castle? (1)

2. Which words of the Giant bring out his selfishness? (2)

3. What did the Giant see on his return ? (1)

4. Give synonym to the word delicate. (1)

5. Suggest a suitable title for the passage . (1)

6. Give antonym to the word friend. (1)

7. Describe the garden in brief. (3)






TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.


INSTRUCTIONS: - 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

3) Draw diagrams / sketches wherever necessary.

Q.1) Write a short note on Any Two of the following. (8)

i) Population growth and Food supply.

ii) Desertification.

iii) Impact of big Dams.

Q.2) Answer Any Two of the following. (8)

i) Briefly describe the importance of environmental studies.

ii) Explain different types of biodiversity.

iii) Give an account of energy flow in an ecosystem.

Q.3) Answer any one of the following. (6)

i) Discuss the impact of Deforestation.

ii) Explain the methods for the Conservation of Soil resources.

Q.4) Answer any one of the following. (6)

i) Describe the various impact of mining on the environment of Goa.

ii) Explain the factors responsible for the rising demand for energy.

Q.5) Answer any one of the following. (6)

i) Give an account of Aquatic Ecosystem.

ii) Give an account of Cropland Ecosystem.

Q.6) Answer any one of the following. (6)

i) Describe the benefits of Biological Diversity.

ii) What are various strategies of Ex – Situ conservation of Biodiversity?





DURATION: 2 HOURS TIMING: 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon MAX.MARKS: 80


INSTRUCTIONS: -1) Q.No.1 is compulsory.

2) Answer Any Three questions from Q.NO. 2 to Q.NO. 6.

3) Working notes are the part of answer.

Q.No.1) Jay and Viru were in partnership sharing profit and losses equally. They decided to (20)
sell their business to Thakur ltd.on 31st March 2015. When their position was as follows:-

Balance sheet as on 31.03.2105

Liabilities / Rs / Assets / Rs
Capital :-
Jay 60,000
Viru 40,000 / 1,00,000 / Land and Building / 50,000
Sundry Creditors / 20,000 / Plant and Machinery / 40,000
Bills Payable / 8,000 / Stock / 15,000
Loan / 5,000 / Investments / 12,000
Debtors / 10,000
Cash at Bank / 6,000
Total / 1,33,000 / Total / 1,33,000

The Company took over assets at book values except land and building and stock which

were taken over for Rs 60,000/- and Rs 10,000 respectively. The investments were sold by the

partners for Rs 15,000/- The Company took over all liabilities except loan. The purchase price

was paid in cash Rs 12,000/- and balance in equity shares of Rs 100 each.

Prepare necessary ledger accounts to close the books of the firm:-

a) Realisation A/c b) Thakur Ltd. c) Partners Capital A/c d) Bank A/c

Q.No.2) Mr. Indian keeps his books on Single Entry basis. The following is the analysis of his (20)

cash book for the year ended 31st Dec 2014.

Receipts and Payments A/c as on 31st Dec 2014

Receipts / Rs / Payments / Rs
Bank Balance as on 01.01.14 / 2,800 / Paid to creditors / 3,500
Received from debtors / 48,000 / Salaries / 6,500
Cash sale / 11,000 / General expenses / 2,500
Capital brought during the year / 600 / Rent rates / 1,500
Interest on investments / 200 / Drawings / 3,600
Cash purchases / 12,000
Bank balance / 6,900
Total / 68,000 / Total / 68,000


Particulars of other assets and liabilities are as follows:-

01/01/2014 31/12/2014

Sundry debtors 14,500 17,600

Machinery 7,500 7,500

Sundry creditors 5,800 7,900

Furniture 1,200 1,200

Investments 5,000 5,000

Stock 3,900 5,700

Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss A/c for the year ended 31.12.2014 and a Balance sheet

as on that date after providing the further adjustments.

a) Provide depreciation @ 10% on Machinery and Furniture.

b) Provide Rs 800 against Doubtful debts.

c) Mr. Indian took goods worth Rs 500 for household purpose.

Q.No.3) On 1st January 2011 a company purchased a machinery at a cost of Rs 1,00,000. (20)

The machinery is expected to run for 5 years at the end of which the estimated scrap value

is Rs 20,000. In order to provide sufficient fund for the replacement of the machinery at the

end of its life. It is decided to create a sinking fund and to invest the amount in Govt.

Securities yielding 4% interest . on 31. Dec. 2015, the machinery sold off as a scrap for Rs

15,000. on the same date the investments are sold at Rs 65,000.

(Rs. 0.1846 at 4% will yield Rs 1 in 5 years)

Show the a) Sinking Fund Account.

b) Sinking Fund Investment Account.

c) Machinery Account.


Q.No.4) M/s Amonkar Agencies Ltd. Marcel maintained in Analytical Petty Cash Book which (20)

is closed daily . Their petty cash transactions for the month of August 2015.