Welcome to Lake Minneola High School! This flyer will provide current and prospective students information regarding course offerings at LMHS. Course offerings are subject to change and are based upon availability and student interest. Every effort is made to meet the requests of each student, but final schedules cannot be guaranteed.
Some courses are specific to a grade level or may require a prerequisite or previous course achievement for participation. Other courses are required for specific students based on previous FSA or End of Course (EOC) exam scores. Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) may have specific course requirements as part of their IEP. All course selections will be reviewed by the grade level guidance counselor to assure that each student registers for an appropriate course of study.
Each school year, students take a variety of both core academic (Math, Science, English and Social Studies) courses as well as electives (fine or performing arts, foreign language, physical education) or Career and Technical Education (CTE) classes. Every effort is made to place students in their chosen courses, but final decisions are frequently made on a space available basis.
Graduation requirements are specific for each cohort group as determined by the year the student entered 9th grade. Students must complete the graduation requirements as determined by the State of Florida. This information is available at
Please feel free to contact the LMHS Guidance Department by phone (352-394-9600) or online through the LMHS website at Graduation requirements are also available through the guidance website.
Thank you and welcome to LMHS, Home of the HAWKS!
Course Selection Notes and Graduation Requirements:
All students must earn at least 4 credits in English, 4 credits in Math, and 3 credits in Science. Specific math and science requirements vary by cohort group.
All students must earn at least 3 credits in social studies including World History (1 credit), US History (1 credit), and US Government and Economics (1/2 credit each).
All students must earn at least 1 credit in Fine, Performing, or Practical Arts.
All students must earn at least 1 credit in HOPE (Health Opportunities through Physical Education)
Students who entered 9th grade in 2011 or later must complete at least one course online.
Pass 10th grade FSA Reading 350 or higher and Pass Algebra 1 FSA 497
Advanced Placement (AP) courses allow students to earn high school credit and become eligible for college credit by passing the College Board exam in May of each year. Honors and AP classes are weighted higher than regular classes and may have a positive impact on the student’s GPA.
Although not required for high school graduation, two (2) courses in a foreign language are frequently required for State Universities.
All prerequisites must be completed in order to progress through a course of study.
All students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 to graduate.
Juniors and Seniors may also dual enroll at Lake Sumter Community College. See Guidance for information.
Students may choose not to have 1st or 7th periodon our campus by taking a course through Lake Virtual School or Florida Virtual School.
LMHS Course Selections (9th Graders Only)