07/101 COUNCILLORS PRESENT: Cllr J Machin in the Chair, Cllr A Dames, Cllr J Hedley, Cllr B Hiley, Cllr B Seddon, Cllr K Stokes

07/102 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Cllr J Rackstraw & Cllr J Witcomb


Cllr A Dames personal interest in item 07/109 member of Harby PCC

Cllrs Hedley, Machin, Seddon & Stokes personal interest in item 07/109 members of Village Hall Committees

07/104 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING held on 19th November 2007. The Minutes were proposed Cllr Hiley, seconded Cllr Stokes, approved unanimously and signed by the Chairman.


07/105a Planning Decisions

Permission granted - noted

Mr & Mrs Lumb 07/00978/REM (Holmlea, 62 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

New dwelling

Soar Valley Homes 07/01031/CON (Holmleigh, 31 Bolton Lane, Hose)

Demolition of redundant farm buildings

Mr & Mrs Clarke 07/01048/FUL (The Stables, 6 Back Lane, Long Clawson)
Two storey extension to existing dwelling

Mr J Howden 07/01107/FUL (Village Hall, 6 The Sands, Long Clawson)

Demolish existing village hall for 4 new dwellings

Mr & Mrs R E Skinner 07/01112/REM (Willow Farm, Waltham Lane, Harby)

Replacement dwelling & garage

Permission refused : None

07/105b Appeals lodged / Inspector’s decisions: None

07/105c Planning Applications

Ms R Cullis Dorsett 07/01168/COU (Cafe & Deli, 7A The Sands, Long Clawson)

Regularise parking provision, additional seating & extension of opening hours

There were no objections to this application but the PC wished the following to be noted:

·  There are 2 car parking spaces on The Sands car park;

·  It allows 2 spaces to be used on the street in front of the entrance;

·  The entrance to the car park is not a safe one ie driving over pavement and narrow;

·  It is understood that LCC Highways have no objection;

·  The Parish Council has not seen an increase in the on-going parking problemsHi;

·  The Parish Council supported extending the opening hours for the cafe to 5.30pm and had no objection to occasional private parties being held on the premises

Clawson, Hose & Harby Parish Council 07/01282/OUT (land off Pinfold Lane, Harby)

Erection of 2 x 1bedroom bungalows

Email from HSSP Architects Ltd dtd 14.12.07

Cllr Hedley was dismayed that there were draft notes in the file which she was not aware of and concerned about the lack of consultation between the Parish Council and the villagers of Harby.

The PC asked the clerk to send a letter to MBC via HSSP Architects, confirming that the Parish Council would undertake a unilateral agreement confirming that:

·  It would undertake its responsibilities under Section 8 of the Allotments Act 1925 prior to the removal of the existing allotments;

·  At the point of development, and all reserved matters being approved, an alternative allotment site will be available and made suitable for cultivation.

·  A copy of the signed unilateral agreement would be sent to MBC when it had been drawn up by its solicitors.

G Sheppard 07/01289/FUL (land at No3 Langar Lane, Harby)


There were objections to this application for the following reasons:

·  It did not comply with the outline planning permission which was for a 1½ storey dwelling;

·  In the Appeal Decision dated 27th March 2007 the Inspector stated that ‘a dormer bungalow similar to 3 Langar Lane’ would not be out of keeping with the form and general character of the immediate locality;

·  This application is for a 2 storey dwelling.

Mr M J Turner 07/01291/FUL (78 Church Lane, Long Clawson)

Extension to house including porch and garden machinery store

There were no objections to this application.

Mr J Fountain 07/01309/FUL (Hose Lodge, 53 Harby Lane, Hose)

Two storey extension to provide a dining room and an en-suite bedroom

There were no objections to this application.

Mr Clegg 07/01308/FUL (Stoneleigh, 41 Main Street, Harby)

Bay extension to kitchen/dining room

There were no objections to this application.

J W Adkins & Son 07/01297/FUL (Hollytree Farm, Hickling Lane, LC)

Erection of steel frame building (agricultural)

There were no objections to this application but the PC requested that the roof be green.

07/105d Further Planning Applications - received after circulation of Clerk’s Report.

Mr R Lumb 07/01322/REM (62 Church Lane, Long Clawson)
Repositioning of approved dwelling

There were no objections to this application.

Mr G Abbott 07/01323/FUL (10 Burton Close, Harby)

Erection of double garage & replace garage door with window

There were no objections to this application.

Mr D Albans 07/01331/OUT (Mill Farm, Colston Lane, Harby)

Essential agricultural workers dwelling

It was agreed that, because of the short notice to study this application (received 17.12.07), the Harby Cllrs would study the file and give the clerk their comments for MBC.

07/105e Planning Correspondence

i 07/92d MBC letter dtd 23.11.07 re 07/00935/COU (Fields 1762, 3262 & pt 2048, Harby Lane, Plungar) Noted

ii 07/92e vii Email dated 27.11.07 from Head of Legal Services, MBC, re PC representation on the Harby Liaison Group. Cllr Machin agreed to be the PC representative and would report to the PC when meetings were held.


07/106a The following items required no further action and are discharged: Noted

07/31f vii Clearing of Hose overgrown allotments if/when there is a demand

07/88 Cllrs present

07/89 Apologies for absence

07/90 Notification of declaration of interests

07/91 Minutes of the previous meeting

07/92a&b Planning decisions & appeals lodges/inspector’s decisions

07/93a&b Items requiring no further action & necessary actions taken

07/93fi LCC Report

07/93fii Police issues – incidents noted

07/93iii Risk Assessment Working group meeting on 30.10.07

07/93f ix MBC/PC Liaison next meeting 9.4.08

07/95a Correspondence for information noted

07/95b ii-iv Correspondence for discussion noted

07/95c Correspondence received after clerk’s report noted

07/106.97/103a-d Acceptance of Section 3a-d of the Clerk’s Report

97/91a Planning Development – Woolmer (97/82a)

97/92d Damaged Street Lights - Main Street, Harby (97/56k)

97/94b v Gas Governor – Harby Lane, Hose.

97/103g Accounts for payment – street light charges (97/91a).

.97/103a-d Acceptance of Section 3a-d of the Clerk’s Report

97/91a Planning Development – Woolmer (97/82a)

97/92d Damaged Street Lights - Main Street, Harby (97/56k)

97/94b v Gas Governor – Harby Lane, Hose.

97/103g Accounts for payment – street light charges (97/91a).

4b Necessary actions have been taken on the following items Noted

07/92c Planning applications comments sent to MBC

07/92e Planning correspondence noted & responses sent to MBC

07/93d Letter sent to householder re parking on village green triangle of land at entrance to Dovecote Corner, East End, LC

07/93e ii Clerk awarded an increment with effect from 19.6.07

07/93f iv Cemetery & Churchyard Working Group – quote to repair path accepted & LCC asked to undertake a one day tree survey of PC property

07/93f vii Report from clerk – actions taken

07/94 Accounts for payment

07/95b i ABB quote accepted for repair of street lamp 54/56 Church Lane, LC

07/99 Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document questionnaire completed & returned

07/100 PC planning application for Pinfold Lane, Harby resubmitted

07/106c Responses are awaited to actions on the following item/s:

07/15eii Investigation by Enforcement Officer MBC re Development Field S9284, Melton Road, LC continuing (email 25.10.07)

07/31c Email to Dog Warden MBC re placement of new dog fouling notices dated 3.7.07

07/47e Enforcement Officer MBC re Loder Cottage, 19 Main Street, Harby ongoing

07/72b Request to Insurance company for money for replacement bench for Hose Village Hall

07/86iii Waiting for extra copies of Responsible Dog Ownership for distribution to shops

07/93c Replacement gate for Lover’s Walk, Harby. Request for a quote for a wooden gate dated 28.11.07 from LCC

07/93f v Quote awaited for replacement see-saw, The Leys, Harby. It was agreed that other companies should be approached as the manufacturer, Lappsett UK Ltd, was taking so long to reply

07/98 Email to Head of Physical Environment, MBC re highlighting changes/amendments to planning applications

07/106d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged:

Tasks Outstanding – Clerk - Noted

04/80bx Advise St. M Church when decision reached on new location for Harby bench.

04/181 Contact Leicester Records Office re: archive storage and restoration & collect MBC.

Full response to J Howden's letter re:Dovecote Corner residents update Draft Circulated

06/109eii Purchase of litter bin for Coronation Avenue, Long Clawson

07/31fvii Clerk to create map showing all PC land for the use of maintenance contractors

07/50bi Identify pros/cons of business/non/business telephone line in relation to VAT

07/86cii Obtaining more dog waste bins for Harby in positions identified by Cllr Dames.

07/93e iii Letter to be sent to owners of Woodbine Cottage & Brock Cottage, East End, Long Clawson as part of which gardens are village green, reminding them of this

07/93e iv Clerk to write to Chief Executive, MBC re the number of fields being used to dump rubbish. Clerk to enquire progress with Enforcement Officer of field 214 East End, LC.

Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties

07/31fvii Quotes for clearing overgrown allotments – Melton Rd, LC & Hose – when weather improved

07/93f v Cllr Seddon & handyman replacing springers on Pingle Dyke – when weather improved

07/93f vii Requests for ideas for scenes for bus shelters in village magazines

Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks

03/177i Fluoridation - progress publication of new regulations and consultation process.

Nottingham East Midland Airport Exhibition Dates –Cllr Rhodes to keep updated.

06/55d Silting up of The Sands, LC culvert.

Harby Nature Reserve

07/17cii Mr H Wippich, LC and the Rural, Economic & Environmental Affairs Committee. It was noted with sadness that Mrs J Wippich had recently died

07/33biv Bequest from the late Mrs P D Shipman of £509.04 – suggestion re Lovers Walk Gate

07/35 Regular informal meetings with local electors on Jan 08 Agenda

07/50biii Alternative street light maintenance company for comparison with ABB Feb 2008

07/93e Meeting between PC & Harby & LC CC groups when both Parish Plans published – discussed under item 07/108b iii

07/99 Meeting between PC & Rural Housing Enabler & Housing Policy Officer MBC to be arranged early in 2008 – it was agreed to invite them to the meeting on 21st January 2008.

07/106e The following matters were noted: -

i MBC 19.11.08 Head of Legal Services – Information on Code of Conduct (distributed with Agenda). Noted that an A3 flowchart ‘Declaring Interests – Questions to Ask Yourself’ would be distributed when sent from MBC

ii 07/93d Rubbish Collection Event – meeting with co-ordinators & PC chairman & clerk on Thursday 3.1.08 7.30pm 11 Harby Lane, Hose

iii Email from Mr M Sheldrake 14.12.07 re Green Lane, Harby noted

iv Copy Email dtd 14.12.07 to British Waterways re Bridge 44 Grantham Canal, Harby noted

v 07/96 Removal/pruning of trees on car park at The Leys, Harby by Mr K Wadkin noted

07/106f Reports from Councillors/Clerk : -

i. LCC Report CC Byron Rhodes was thanked for his report on the following:

·  Gate for Lover’s Walk, Harby – he would follow this up when PC agreed what type of gate was required;

·  The Bridge over the Canal on Langar Lane needed repairing and the road would have to be closed at some point;

·  LCC had a 5.3% increase in grant 08/09 from central government;

·  The Borough Council would have financial difficulties next year. The following were noted:

- The leisure pool at Waterfield Baths would remain open;

- PC should be getting a copy of the MLDF Core Policy;

- the Police settlement was too low to maintain current service.

ii. Police Issues

iii. Risk Assessment Working Group

iv. Cemetery and Churchyard Working Group

v. Playground Safety Working Group – MBC grant needed to be claimed before end of March 08

vi. Finance Working Group

vii. Report from Clerk:

·  It was noted that Mr B Mills performance as handyman was highly satisfactory and it was agreed that the mileage expenses be increased to £12 per week (average mileage of 30 x 40p per mile) with effect from 17.12.07, due to the increase in car running costs

·  Allotments & summer keep:

- Letter dated 4.12.07 from Mr T Maxfield (emailed to LC Cllrs 6.12.07). It was agreed that Cllr Machin would investigate the problem of overgrown allotments highlighted. Noted that the Long Clawson Village Hall committee might be able to use some of the surplus saplings growing on allotments

- Agreed that a larger than normal shed be permitted on allotment 12 Broughton Lane, LC as it would be replacing 3 others of a much larger total size.

·  Tenders for Hose paddock – tender from Mrs J Spence of £160 accepted

·  It was agreed that the clerk could purchase a replacement printer as it kept failing

viii. Report from Transport Representative noted:

·  Community Speed Watch for Harby - training of 10 volunteers starting 4th Feb 08 – should start on 11th February

·  Contact with Highways and the bus companies about the buses running 15 minutes late. Only solution is a restricted service. Work should be finished before Christmas

ix The LC Cllrs had met Mr M Sheldrake, LCC Highways, on 3.12.07 at the junction of Hickling/Broughton Lanes/LC. The following were discussed:

·  Highways concerns over the Dairy plans;

·  the amount of heavy goods traffic from Brinvale Farm;

·  congestion caused by it being used as a school bus stop;

·  flooding on Melton Road and possibility of a concrete grip being installed


i Mr Brian Mills (693) £238.18 Handyman salary & expenses

ii Mrs E Crowther (694) £754.16 Clerk salary & expenses

iii Post Office Ltd (tax/NI) (695) £178.44 Clerk & Handyman Tax & NI

iv White Lodge Groundcare (696) £607.51 Grounds maintenance

v ABB Ltd (697) £622.87 Street light maintenance

vi Alan Woodhouse (698) £50.00 Identity badges

vii LRALC (699) £25.00 Parish Clerk Workshop

viii Harby Village Hall (700) £22.00 Village meeting 11.12.07