Writing Style Sheet

All writing assignments must follow these guidelines:

1.  Allwritingassignments must be word-processed.

2.  All assignments must be submitted on 8 1/2 by 11-inch white paper.

3.  Assignments must have 1” margins all around

4.  Assignments should be double-spaced.

5.  Font may not be larger than 12 point.

6.  A traditional font must be used. (e.g., Times,Garamond; NOT Comic Sans)

7.  To indicate paragraphs, indent first line of the paragraph about 1/2inch. Do not skip a line between paragraphs.

8.  On papers that are more than one page, click on the “Header” in your word-processing document to include the page number header in the top right hand corner of every page except the first, by writing your last name, followed by the page numbers (e.g. “Yourlastname 2”).

9.  See the Sample MLA formatted document (in the “class documents” folder on the class website) for longer papers that include Works Cited lists.

10.  Spelling is important. Consult the dictionary or run your spell checker. Be sure to check for homophone spelling, (e.g., their/there, here/hear, to/too/two).

11.  All assignments must have the following heading in theupper left-handcorner:





12.  All assignments must have an original title, centered, not underlined, with all words capitalized except the "little" words.

If you’re unsure as to what your paper should look like, go to the class website and under “class documents” you will find a sample MLA-formatted document so you can see what proper formatting should look like.

Writing Style Sheet

All writing assignments must follow these guidelines:

1.  Allwritingassignments must be word-processed.

2.  All assignments must be submitted on 8 1/2 by 11-inch white paper.

3.  Assignments must have 1” margins all around

4.  Assignments should be double-spaced.

5.  Font may not be larger than 12 point.

6.  A traditional font must be used. (e.g., Times,Garamond; NOT Comic Sans)

7.  To indicate paragraphs, indent first line of the paragraph about 1/2inch. Do not skip a line between paragraphs.

8.  On papers that are more than one page, click on the “Header” in your word-processing document to include the page number header in the top right hand corner of every page except the first, by writing your last name, followed by the page numbers (e.g. “Yourlastname 2”).

9.  See the Sample MLA formatted document (in the “class documents” folder on the class website) for longer papers that include Works Cited lists.

10.  Spelling is important. Consult the dictionary or run your spell checker. Be sure to check for homophone spelling, (e.g., their/there, here/hear, to/too/two).

11.  All assignments must have the following heading in theupper left-handcorner:





12.  All assignments must have an original title, centered, not underlined, with all words capitalized except the "little" words.

If you’re unsure as to what your paper should look like, go to the class website and under “class documents” you will find a sample MLA-formatted document so you can see what proper formatting should look like.