TermInfo Conference Call Minutes
Wednesday, August 26, 2015- Time: 9:00 AM EasternTime (1300 UTC)
Chair: Rob Hausam, Scribe: Riki Merrick
Attendees: Rob Hausam, Daniel Karlsson, Jos, Baptist, Yongsheng Gao, Carmela Couderc, Riki Merrick
· Announcements
o FHIR TerminologyConnectathonSkype chat is now available (re-started) - contact Rob if you would like to be added to the chat
§ Preparing for the Atlanta Connectathon Terminology Services track
· Review and approve minutes fromAugust 19(distributed 8/19) – Motion to approve as distributed, Riki Merrick, Carmela, Couderc, no further discussion, against: 0, abstain: 1, in favor: 3
· Action items review and update(if possible, please send your updates in advance)
o Need to review and update theTermInfoPSS (still pending)
o Negation (seeagenda/minutes from 8/5 or earlier for further detail)
§ Negation track at upcoming Clinicians on FHIR Connectathon in Atlanta
o UpdateTermInfoWiki and HL7TermInfoproject site information(Jos)
§ Add "TermInfoin FHIR" page (Rob)
o "Assertion pattern" in CDA and FHIR
§ Recommend to not support in FHIR?
o Create an executive summary /marketing document
§ State stakeholder value
o Create 1-2 page summary document for using SCT in CDA R2
o Complete the remaining DSTU updates(Rob and others)
§ Add decisions for representing SNOMED CT compositional grammar examples (standalone and in-line) to the DSTU Documentation Conventions section (1.7) (Rob)
§ Add decision for representing hyperlinks to the DSTU Documentation conventions section (1.7) (Rob)
o Find out from FHIR Management Board what to recommend to IHTSDO to use for a value set URL document reference (Rob)- Grahame will pass along the correct URLs for the FHIR value sets to IHTSDO once DSTU 2 is published
o Pass "combined hierarchy semantics" (e.g., allergens value set including "substances" and "situation" [e.g., "no known"]) on to Rob McClure’s project group working on value set QA to review for semantic consistency (??)
o Qualifier values (seeagenda/minutes from 8/5 or earlier for further detail)
· DSTU document updates
o Review status of our DSTU QA review tasks and work on remaining updates
o Rob went through the glossary – removed entries fixed capitalizations
o Required - is the only place that using the term blank – blank is not the right term – null value is really what we mean – we are not using this in the HL7 conformance sense – we are using required in our overlap table – so remove entries for blank and required glossary entry
o Not permitted – this is for v3 messaging – remove
o Null – leave in
o There seem to be lot of glossary entries that are is explaining a lot of general HL7 items – do we need all this in the glossary?
o Choice – is lower case in v3 – update the document – does TermInfo need to define all the terms even if only mentioned once in the document? Delete entry about the choice due to specialization, as that is only used in the glossary entry of choice
o Coding and terminologies – is only in one place as header – we do have definitions for both elsewhere – remove
o Concept – use the HL7 definition from Core Principles
o Terminology – need to do more research on – the current definition here is not quite right – Daniel found the ISO definition, though it is not very extensive
o Terminology Server – server actually provides the vocabulary following the rules of the underlying terminology
Riki drops off the call at 10 AM EDT.
o We finished discussing the glossary entries for "terminology" and "terminology server". We now have the ISO 1087 definition for "terminology", plus the additional TermInfo note. Jos is going to write a further explanation of "terminology" vs. "vocabulary" and we'll look at that next week and see which definition we prefer to use.
o Rob will see if he is able to find (without spending too much time) a reasonable definition for "terminology server" and we can look at it next week - if not, we'll drop that entry.
o We discussed whether to reinstate the entry for "Version 3 Guide" as it's referenced 8 times elsewhere in the glossary, but decided to leave it out.
o Rob will check about removing the comments for ballot item #198 for the "vocabulary binding" entry (we should be OK to do that). There is also link to Core Principles in the 2014 ballot, and we should update that.
o We looked at and discussed the CDA R2 example that Rob added as Example 6 in We decided to include only one example in this section (removed "mammography requested"). The numbering for the subsequent examples needs to be adjusted. We will keep the color coding from XML Spy in the example, as it helps with readability.
The call was adjourned at 10:30 AM EDT.
· Further discussion on various items(as needed and time permits)
o FHIR negation strategy (in addition to above)
§ Negation of FHIR observation value and action "not done"
o TermInfoon FHIR
o Use of SNOMED CT qualifier values
Futureagendaitems - pending
· Update onTermInfowebinar and tutorial
o TermInfotutorial and Webinar need coordination with the newImplementation of Terminologytutorial
o Consider when theTermInfotutorial will be presented again at WGM (September 2015?)
o Need to consider plans for webinar
"Parked" action items - pending
· From May 2014 (Phoenix)WGMTermInfoand Vocab quarters
o Check with MnM if they want to Co-sponsor (Rob) -will hold pendingTermInfoplanning
· Finalize updates toTermInfoPSS (Rob)-will hold pendingTermInfoplanning
· Consider introductory presentation onTermInfoand FHIR - tutorial, webinar? (Rob)
o Ideas include:
§ example exercises
§ use of post-coordinated expressions
§ ASSERTION pattern issues
§ including query responses in FHIR
§ Observables discussion in IHTSDO
§ PRID property in LOINC
· Periodically review/coordinate withKirstine Rosenbeck Gøeg(from Denmark) on her IHTSDO SNOMED CT Implementation Advisor program work item that overlaps withTermInfo– use of SNOMED CT with various information models (including HL7) (Rob)
o Began discussion at the IHTSDO meeting (October 2014)