Africa – Vocabulary List
These are the majority of the words that we’ll be talking about or using over the course of the next few weeks. All of the following words can be found in your Geography textbook’s glossary and the pages they reference there. If the glossary’s definition doesn’t make sense, check the page the word can be found on (in parentheses next to the definition)! Work on defining a few per night until the due date: Wednesday, January 14th, 2015
¨ Animist
¨ Apartheid
¨ Aquifers
¨ Blood Diamonds
¨ Caliph
¨ Cassava
¨ Civil disobedience
¨ Clan
¨ Colonialism
¨ Constitution
¨ Convert
¨ Coup
¨ Creole
¨ Desertification
¨ Diversified
¨ Embargo
¨ Ergs
¨ Extended Family
¨ Fellaheen
¨ Fundamentalist
¨ Genocide
¨ Geothermal Energy
¨ Harmattan
¨ Imperialism
¨ Infrastructure
¨ Millet
¨ Missionary
¨ Nomads
¨ Nuclear Family
¨ Palm Oil
¨ Pidgin
¨ Poaching
¨ Regime
¨ Secede
¨ Silt
¨ Souk
¨ Subsistence Agriculture
¨ Thatch
¨ Trade Languages
¨ Tribute
¨ Wadi
Once you’ve defined all of these new words, write 5 sentences each utilizing at least 2 of the words above in each. You can only use each word once!