Clatskanie Middle High Drama Handbook

Drama is a performance-based class. There will be an extensive emphasis on improvisation, reading and writing performance manuscripts, character development, and performance techniques. In the HS Drama class, there will also be options for set construction, costuming, makeup, lighting, and general backstage duties. Students are expected to perform at all scheduled dress rehearsals and performances as well as participate in the daily class activities. All Middle School and High School Students MUST register with Family ID at:

How to Contact the Drama Director


Office Phone: (503) 728-2146 ext. 2234

Cell Phone: (760) 258-6869 (text or call)

Home Phone: (503) 728-5049

Updates and Resources

Check out my teacher webpage at

Go to the “staff” section and click on my name, Jaime Erwin

Like our Facebook page: Clatskanie Music/Drama

Materials Needed

3 ringed binder THAT WILL STAY IN CLASS

Lined paper



**** not having these items in class will result in an “unprepared” for the day.

Grading Criteria

The grade will be determined by the following below. At the end of each grading period, the points accumulated will be divided by the total points possible in each category. A percentage from each of the two categories will give the appropriate grade.

I. Class Participation 60%

Students will receive 10 points daily. If the student is prepared for class everyday, they can expect to receive full credit in this category. Points will be deducted if the following occur:

-10 Forgetting materials (script, project, etc.)

-10 Non-participation for the day (not taking notes, not setting equipment up, etc.)

-10 Disciplinary trip to the office

-5 Second behavior warning of the day

II. Performances and Afterschool Rehearsals 40%

This is a performance-based class and the student will be graded on showing up to performances and to rehearsals. It is my responsibility to inform every one of his or her schedules and performances, it is their responsibility to be there. This means: taking the night off from work, informing your parents, arranging rides, etc. You will be excused only on an emergency basis (things that are out of your control i.e. sickness, death in family, accidents… see below) ONLY IF YOU COMMUNICATE WITH ME.

Grading Policy

A 93% & above A - 90%

B + 87% B 83%

B - 80% C + 77%

C 73% C - 70%

D + 67% D 63%

D - 60% F 59%

General Rules


2.  No cell phones.

3.  Be in class and on time everyday. Be in the door BEFORE the bell rings. Be in your seat with your binder when class starts.

4. Be appropriate!

5. Do not talk without permission from the director.

6. You are to have all materials with you for all rehearsals. This includes your binder, script, and PENCIL

7. You must participate in class activities. Try and do 100% all day, every day!! If you are ill, speak to me before class starts. If you seem to be “sick” often, we will need to talk to your parents/guardian.

8. Stay in your seat and use your materials only.

9. Be polite and considerate to others.

10. There will be no chewing gum, and no food or drink (water bottles ok)

Discipline Policy

When the rules are not followed, the student will be held accountable.

In same class setting:

1. Verbal warning

2. Points will be deducted from participation points (see

“Grading Criteria”). Disrespectful actions by the student will

not be tolerated.

3. Participation will result in a zero for the day and

parent/guardian will be called and you will be written up

according to CMHS’ discipline policy.

CMHS Discipline Policy (short version):

1.  Conference with student – teacher documents actions

2.  Conference with student and lunch detention – teacher documents actions

3.  Student is referred to Dean of Students, lunch or after school detention – teacher documents actions.

4.  Office referral

** Language Policy: you will receive an automatic lunch detention for ANY inappropriate language (i.e. cursing, racial slurs, sexual remarks, etc.

Excused Absences Relating to Performances

As a member of a performing organization your participation is vital and required. Every person is needed to have a successful group. Attendance at all dress rehearsals and performances is required by all members unless stated otherwise by the Drama Director – including backstage, understudies, and double casts. Every effort will be made to notify students about performances well in advance (in fact, you already have the dates of the major productions). If other fun performance ideas come up, in most cases you will have at least 3 weeks notice and that should be enough time to clear those days needed. An absence from a performance will be considered excused only if all the following criteria are met:

1.  The absence is due to illness, death in the family, or religious holiday. I must talk to a parent/guardian in order for the student to be excused.

2.  The Drama Director is notified PRIOR to the performance that the student will be absent. Every student has my personal cell phone number – I expect a phone call or text!!

Unexcused Absence Relating to Performance

Any absence by a student for reasons other than those listed previously under “Excused Absences Relating to Performance” shall be considered unexcused absences, including work/job conflicts, transportation issues, and sports (non-school related).

Costumes and Make-up

If you can buy/already have/can provide your own costumes, great!! If not, we have a limited budget. Anything bought buy the drama class, stays with the drama class (i.e. it’s not yours to keep). We generally try to borrow items too.

The drama department provides minimal make-up (eye liner, concealer, mascara, blush, etc…) and is shared with the class. EVERYONE wears makeup on stage for performances (no, not backstage. You are BACK stage). You are welcome to bring your own, however the drama department is not responsible for lost items.

Performances and Dress Rehearsals Dates

MIDDLE SCHOOL fall production

·  Middle School: Dress rehearsals MS Drama Oct. 24th – Nov. 3rd 6:00pm auditorium (specific details at later date)

·  Middle School Production for CES Nov. 3rd 12:50pm (IN SCHOOL PERFORMANCE)

·  Middle School Production – Friday Nov. 4th and Sat. Nov. 5th 7:00pm auditorium

HGH SCHOOL winter production

·  High School: Dress Rehearsals – month of January 6:00pm location TBA (specific details at later date)

·  High School Drama Production - Jan 27th, 28th, Feb 3rd, and Feb 4th 7:00pm location TBA


·  Dress Rehearsals Month of MAY 6:00pm (specific details at later date)

·  Production in school performance for CES May 30th 9:00am

·  Production in school performance for CMHS June 1st 11:55am

·  Production May 26th, May 27th, June 2nd, and June 3rd 7:00pm auditorium

You can also check the website, school calendar, and Facebook page.

My parents/guardians and myself have read and understand the information in this packet. We fully understand that this class is very different! And we also fully understand that all afterschool rehearsals and performances are mandatory!




Student signature


Parent signature

Please sign and return JUST THIS PAGE to Mrs. Erwin no later than Friday, September 16th.