Tack Ching Primary School

2002-03 Second Term English Revision Worksheet (8)

Name: ______( ) Class: P. 6 C / D Date:______Grade: _____

(A)  Read the following passage and circle the best answer for each question.

A Pair of Shoes

One day a foolish man wanted to buy a pair of shoes. He drew a picture of his foot on a piece of paper. Then he decided to go to a shoe shop in town. The town was far away from his home.

When he reached the town, he found that he had forgotten to bring the drawing of his foot. He decided to go home to get the drawing before sunset. “I’d better buy a horse so that I can get home quickly,” he thought. Therefore, he went to the market next to the town.

“I want to buy a horse,” he said to the horse seller. “What about this one?” said the horse seller. “It’s an excellent horse. It can go 50 miles without stopping.” “No, not this one,” said the man. “My house is only 20 miles away from here. Do you think I’m a fool? If I buy this horse, I will have to walk 30 miles back to my house.”

1.  Why did the man go to the town?

A.  He wanted to buy a horse.

B.  He wanted to buy a pair of shoes.

C.  He wanted to buy a picture.

2.  What did he take to the town?

A.  A picture of his foot.

B.  A picture of himself.

C.  Nothing.

3.  How far was his house from the market?

A.  50 miles.

B.  30 miles.

C.  20 miles.

4. What did he buy at the end of the story?

A.  A good horse.

B.  Nothing.

C.  A pair of shoes.

(B) Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

Passage 1

We have a new Maths teacher this year. ______name is Miss Fung. ______also teaches ______General Studies. She likes to call us by ______English names. She usually gives ____ a short quiz once every two weeks. She keeps a dog. ____ is very lovely. ______name is Doggy.

Passage 2

“Have you finished ______homework?” Mrs. Wong asked ______children, Peter and Margaret. “I have finished ______. I think Margaret hasn’t finished ______,” said Peter. “Is it true, Margaret? Have you finished ______?” Mrs. Wong said to Margaret. Margaret replied, “No, I haven't. I am still doing ____ homework.”

(C) Rewrite these sentences into passive voice.

1.  Peter drew that picture last week.


2.  Cats chase mice.


3.  We drink a lot of water every day.


4.  My father grew flowers in the garden in the past.


5.  John broke the window.


6.  Hunters kill tigers for their skins.


7.  Mary bought a birthday cake.


8.  Susan gives a present to John when he does well in tests.
