Meeting Minutes of the Richmond City Council
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
City Council Meeting
Item #1: Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Mike Mathiasen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. at Richmond City Hall.
Council Members noted as being present: Pat Evens, Jeff Mackedanz, Jim Hemmesch, Mike Mathiasen
Council Members noted as being absent: Tim Paczkowski
Also present were: Martin Bode, City Administrator; Kevin Mooney, Parks Director; Gordon Dingmann, Public Works Director; Chris Boucher, Cold Spring, Richmond Police Department; Chuck Merten, Fire Chief; Josh Worm; Tammy Paczkowski,
Item #2: Approval of Agenda
Mayor Mathiasen asked if there were any additions or changes to the Agenda.
Add to Item #5 updated donation resolution
Add to Item # 8c Resolution 178-14 approval of 2014-2015 crack sealing quote
Add to Item # 8f Resolution 179-14 approval of the 5 year Stearns County assessor agreement
Add to 11 acknowledgement and consensus for Richmond block party
Mayor Mathiasen asked for the Approval of the Agenda, with additions.
Motion made by Councilor Hemmesch to Approve Agenda, with additions, seconded by Councilor Evens. Motion passed unanimously.
Item #3: Approval of the Meeting Minutes of August 6 and 21, 2014
Mayor Mathiasen asked for any corrections or additions to the August 6 and 21, 2014, hearing none, Mayor Mathiasen asked for a motion of approval.
Motion made by Councilor Evens to Approve the Meeting Minutes of August 6 and 21, 2014, seconded by Councilor Mackedanz. Motion passed unanimously
Item #4: Approval Bills Paid
Mayor Mathiasen asked for a motion of approval of Bills Paid
Motion made by Councilor Evens to Approve the Bills, seconded by Councilor Mackedanz. Motion passed unanimously.
Item #5: Consent Agenda
A. Resolution 173-14 Approval of August 2014 Journal Entries
B. Resolution 174-14 Approval of August Donations
Council asked for a total of contributions to Oktoberfest and Music in the park. The totals will be brought to a future meeting.
Motion made by Councilor Evens to approve Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilor Hemmesch. Motion carried.
Item #7: 2015 Tax Levy Consideration of Resolution 176-14 Adoption of Preliminary 2015 Tax Levy
Resolution 176-14 Adoption of Preliminary 2015 Tax Levy
Administrator Bode explained that adoption of this resolution would set the levy amount and that the council would not be able to raise the levy. They can keep it the same or lower it, but not raise it.
Motion made by Councilor Evens to approve Resolution 176-14 Approval of Resolution 176-14 Adoption of Preliminary 2015 Tax Levy, seconded by Councilor Mackedanz. Motion carried
Item #6: TIF 1-4 Public Hearing) Tracy Ryan, TIF Consultant, David Drown & Associates
A. Open Public Hearing 6:42 Mayor Mathiasen opened the public hearing
Tracy Ryan explained the reason for the public hearing is to modify the TIF district 1-4. Council discussed the parcels that would be removed from the TIF District.
Mayor asked for any public comment (3 times). Council reminded residents that property taxes would not go up because of this modification.
Motion made to Close Public Hearing 6:55 pm by Councilor Evens, Seconded by Councilor Mackedanz
Consideration of Resolution 175-14 TIF 1-4 Modification to Remove Parcels
Motion made by Councilor Mackedanz to approve Resolution 175-14 TIF 1-4 Modification to Remove Parcels
seconded by Councilor Evens. Motion carried
Item #8: Department Reports
a. Police Department- Chris Boucher
Boucher reviewed the June Police Department report. He stated that the bike rodeo had @25 kids come. The police will probably hold it during the school year next year.
Boucher asked about the pop machine at Royals Park. He stated that he had learned that the machine is not being used so it should be sent back.
b. Parks and Arena Department – Kevin Mooney; Director Mooney stated that he has been looking at replacing the lawn mower. Mooney went over the 2 options of leasing or purchasing diesel or gas. He stated that the diesel machine is much nicer, sturdier, stronger, etc., and he recommended purchasing because leasing is more expensive.
Council discussed the options that were presented.
Consideration of Resolution 177-14 Replacement of John Deere Lawn Mower.
Approval of Resolution 177-14 Replacement of John Deere Lawn Mower.
Motion made by Councilor Evens to approve Resolution 177-14 Replacement of John Deere Lawn Mower, seconded by Mackedanz. Motion carried.
Mooney went over the upcoming events to be held at the arena. Oktoberfest –September 13 German Dinner 3-8 pm at Sts Peter and Paul, Concert at Arena. Mooney stated he is obtaining quotes for ceiling maintenance. Mooney stated he will have more quotes at the next meeting and would like to see the work completed before the ice is in.
c. Street Department- Gordon Dingmann
Dingmann stated that he is looking at doing crack sealing and would like to have Council consider Glieden Enterprises to do the job.
Approval of Resolution 178-14 Glieden enterprises, LLC Quote for 2014 Street Crack Sealing.
Motion made by Councilor Mackedanz to approve Resolution 178-14 Glieden enterprises, LLC Quote for 2014 Street Crack Sealing, seconded by Councilor Evens. Motion carried.
d. Water/Waste Water – written report
Mandatory hook up – per city code 24-49 – City of Richmond Ordinance states that if you are within 300 feet you must be hooked to City services. Bode asked for the Councils approval to send the letter to the home owners who are not hooked up to sewer. The Council requested that Bode hold off from sending out the letters until a date for a meeting is set,
Private Wells- Bode stated that the Attorney is ready to draft the ordinance regulating private wells.
e. Fire Department – written report; Chuck Merten, Fire Chief
Merten reviewed the August fire report
- Resolution 179-14 Approval of 5 year Stearns County Assessor Agreement
Bode reviewed the Contract.
Motion made by Councilor Evens to approve Resolution 179-14 Approval of 5 year Stearns County Assessor Agreement, seconded by Councilor Mackedanz. Motion carried.
Item #9: Council Reports
a. EDA – Next Meeting September 30, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Public Works Building.
b. Planning Commission – No meeting held.
Next meeting is September 25, 2014, 6:00 pm at City Hall.
c. Tri-City Cable – Jeff Mackedanz reported at their August meeting they approved the purchase of the new equipment. The Bids are going out. Council asked are they getting new microphones. Mackedanz stated that it will be the Broadcasting equipment only.
d. Rocori Trail Community Board – Bode and Hemmesch reported that there is an issue with a portion of phase 1 of the trail, there is a crack approximately 1,000 feet long. The crack has been repaired and will continue to be monitored for continued issues. The RTCB Board had requested a sole boring report and they will be reviewing the report at the next meeting. Next meeting on September 4th, 9:00 a.m. at Rockville City Hall.
Item #10: Request for Council Action - none
Item #11: Other Matters of Concern and Related Matters
a. September Workshop 9.17.14- 6:15 pm – Council will be going to Inspect City Streets. They will be using golf carts.
b. September Workshop 9.18.14 – 6:15 pm – Inspect City Buildings and Equipment. They will be using the City’s Suburban and a staff vehicle.
c. Election Canvas vs Regular Council Meeting of November 2014. The Council decided to leave the regular meeting for November 5th and have a canvassing meeting on November 12th.
d. 2nd Annual Winter Block Party – the Council discussed the 2014 on which is tentatively set for Thursday, December 4th and 5pm – 8pm. Council will grill hotdogs that night. Council also suggested that the name by a Holiday lighting party, something without “Block” in the name.
e. River Lakes Days – Mayor read a thank you note from the committee.
f. Mayor reminded people to be careful, school is back in session. Be careful when driving.
g. Mayor congratulated the Royals Baseball team for making the state tournament.
h. Flags – apparently a couple members of the community had complained that the flags had not been put out for labor days. Staff told Council that a list of days that flags should be displayed is being drawn up.
i. Oktoberfest – the German dinner is September 13th 3pm – 8pm at Sts Peter and Paul.
Item #12: Adjournment
Mayor Mathiasen asked for a motion to adjourn.
Councilor Paczkowski made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Evens. Motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Mathiasen declared the meeting adjourned at 8:11 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Martin M. Bode