7th Grade Science Class Syllabus


1.  Be in your seat when the bell rings. Be ready to work!

2.  Follow directions the first time given.

3.  Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

4.  Stay in your seat and keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

5.  Respect yourself and others. When others are speaking, you are listening.

6.  Follow all rules and guidelines in the LPISD student code of conduct.


Disregard for safety rules during science labs will result in removal and/or restrictions during lab activities and an alternative assignment on subsequent labs depending on the severity of the safety violation.


The following is a list of the topics that will be covered in 7th grade Science this year. These topics are prepared with the TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) in mind. The topics below may not necessarily be covered in the order in which they are listed.

Science Safety Force and Motion

Homeostasis Genetic Adaptations

Structure and Function of Cells Physical and Chemical Changes

Structure and Function of Living Systems Human Body Systems

Organisms and the Environment Factors Impacting Earth’s Systems

Solar System Flow of Energy



Students and parents are encouraged to access my webpage on the LPISD.org website under the La Porte Junior High tab. There is information listed about how to sign up for REMIND to get updates sent directly via email or text, our assignments, and educational websites that I encourage the students to access in school or at home.


1.  Students will receive a rubric (a list of expectations) in order to utilize all areas where points will be given on specific assignments. The rubric shows the total points for each project assigned and expectations to earn those points.

2.  The rubric will show the criteria required and number of possible points.

3.  Each rubric will be specific to the assignment. Students should self-score their rubric before turning in an assignment to assure all aspects are complete.


Progress reports will be sent home after the first 3 weeks of each six week grading period. Report cards will be sent home every six weeks.

50% Daily (classroom participation, lab performance, quiz grades, homework)

40% Major (projects, research, tests)

10% Writing (Science journal, notes, daily writing assignments, lab write-ups)


The table below shows the percent of the earned grade that a student will be awarded for late work:

Days Late / Percent of Grade Received by Student / Example(s)
1st Day / 80% / 100 records as 80 (100x0.20 = 20 points off)
80 records as 64 (80x0.20 = 16 points off)
60 records as 48 (60x0.20 = 12 points off)
2nd Day / 60% / 100 records as 60 (100x0.40 = 40 points off)
80 records as 48 (80x0.40 = 32 points off)
60 records as 36 (60x0.40 = 24 points off)
3rd Day or after / 0% / No credit given- grade of zero (0)


Below is a list of supplies that your student will need for Science class. If these items have already been purchased, they do not need to be purchased again.

Composition notebook



*Roll of paper towels

*Box of Kleenex

*Bottle of Clorox/Lysol wipes

The last four items are also optional and would be greatly appreciated.

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7th Grade Science


I have read and understand the rules and procedures listed in this syllabus. I understand that I/my student will be expected to adhere to these rules and procedures at all times. Please detach this sheet and return with your student.

Parent’s Name Printed ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______

Date ______

Student’s Signature ______Class period ______

Date ______