Status Assessment of Drinking Water Quality in State and District Hospitals of Tripura

1.0 Introduction :

Water is one of the most important constituents of life support system. It is an essential ingredient of animal and plant life. It is indeed a wonderful chemical medium which has unique properties of dissolving and carrying in suspension a huge varieties of chemicals. Hence it can get contaminated easily. Natural surface water bodies often have impurities from various sources. The impurities may be suspended particles, colloidal materials and may also be dissolved cationic and anionic substances. Various natural and human activities, like industrial, domestic, agricultural activities and others are creating water pollution particularly in surface and ground water system.

The quality of water is of vital concern for mankind since it is directly linked with human welfare. It is a matter of history that faecal pollution of drinking water caused water-borne diseases which wiped out entire population of cities. At present, the menace of water-borne diseases and epidemics still looms large on the horizons of developing countries. Polluted water is the culprit in all such cases. The major sources of water pollution are domestic waste from urban and rural areas, and industrial wastes which are discharged into natural water bodies.

2.0 State Profile :

Tripura is one of the smallest states of North East India. The State of Tripura is situated in the eastern part of India and surrounded by Bangladesh on the West, South and North. Its Northeastern and Eastern boundary is demarcated by Assam and Mizoram respectively. The state lies between 22056’ to 24032’ North latitudes and 91009’ to 92020’ East longitudes with an aerial extent 10,491.69 sq. km.The population of the state as per the 2001 census is about 31,91,168.

The state has four administrative districts namely West Triprua, South Tripura, North Tripura & Dhalai, 15 Sub-Divisions, 40 Blocks and 14 Towns including Nagar Panchayats. Agartala is the state Capital and Udaipur, Kailashahar and Ambassa are the District headquarters.

3.0 Objective :

Impurities in potable water causes health disorders. In the hospitals of Tripura patients generally take the drinking water directly from supplies provided by the Public Health Engineering. If this drinking water becomes contaminated, the patients may suffer from some water born diseases.

The main objective of the present study was to assess the Drinking Water quality of some of the Hospitals of Tripura.

4.0 Methodology :

In order to assess the drinking water quality of different Government Hospitals of the state, a scientific team of Tripura State Pollution Control Board collected the drinking water samples from seven Government Hospitals and analysed different parameters of these in the Laboratory of Tripura State Pollution Control Board.

The Physico-Chemical quality of drinking water was analysed using the standard methods given in APHA (American Public Health Association).

5.0 Study Areas :

For the purpose of drinking water quality monitoring of Hospitals, four State Hospitals and three District Hospitals were selected.

State Hospitals:

i)G. B Pant. Hospital, Agartala.

ii)I.G. M. Hospital, Agartala.

iii)B. R. Ambedkar Hospital, Agartala.

iv)Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Agartala.

District Hospitals :

v)Kulai District Hospital, Ambassa, Dhalai (Proposed).

vi)Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital, Kailasahar, North Tripura.

vii)Tripurasundari District Hospital, Udaipur, South Tripura.

The general description of these Hospitals are given below .

  • G. B. Pant Hospital , Agartala :

This Hospital has Medical Ward (Male & Female), Surgical Ward (Male & Female), Orthopedic wards (Male & Female), Operation Theatre (OT), OT wards (Pre & post operation) etc. Total number of wards and total bed capacity are 18 and 620 respectively.

  • I.G. M. Hospital, Agartala :

This is a specialty hospital dealing with pediatrics and gynecology. It has following departments with respective bed capacities shown against each.

Maternity Block 1:32 beds

Maternity Block 2:22 beds

Maternity Block 3:13 beds

Pediatrics:130 beds

Gynecology:43 beds

Induction Room:16 to 20 deliveries per day

The total bed capacity is 270.

  • Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital, Agartala :

This hospital has three blocks :

CDC (treating patients having dyptheria, gastro-enteritis, small pox, chicken pox, measles, titanus, rabies, etc).

Eye block.

Dental block.

The total bed capacity is 75 beds.

  • Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Agartala :

This is a speciality hospital for treatment of cancer patients. The total bed capacity is 50. There is no Surgical Department. Only Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy are given to the patients.

  • Kulai District Hospital, Ambassa :

This Hospital has General Ward (Mail & Female) and minor Operation theater. The total no. of wards is 2. The bed capacity of this hospital is 16.

  • Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital, Kailasahar:

This Hospital has Medical Ward (Mail & Female), Surgical ( Mail & Female), Maternity Ward, Pediatrics Ward, Eye Ward, Isolation Ward, Operation theater etc. The total no of ward and total no. of bed are 8 and 125 respectively.

  • Tripurasundari District Hospital, Udaipur :

This Hospital has Medical Ward (Mail & Female), Surgical and Orthopedic Ward

( Mail & Female), Children ward, Maternity Ward, Eye Ward, Operation theater etc. The total no. of ward is 7. The total bed capacity is 150.

Table : 1

Sl. No / Name of the Hospital / Total bed capacity / Source of Drinking Water / Storage of Drinking Water
01. / Gobinda Ballav Pant Hospital, Agartala / 620 / Public Health Engineering
Supply / Overhead Tank
02. / I.G.M. Hospital, Agartala / 270 / Public Health Engineering
Supply / Overhead Tank
03. / Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital, Agartala / 75 / Public Health Engineering
(Deep Tube well) / Overhead Tank
04. / Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Agartala / 50 / Public Health Engineering
Supply / Overhead Tank
05. / Kulai District Hospital, Ambassa / 16 / Public Health Engineering
(Deep Tube well) / Overhead Tank
06. / Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital, kailasahar / 125 / Public Health Engineering
Supply / Overhead Tank
07. / Tripurasundari District Hospital, Udaipur / 150 / Public Health Engineering
Supply / Overhead Tank

6.0 Observation :

The observation of the physico-chemical characteristics of drinking water samples collected from the different Government Hospitals namely G.B. Hospital (Agartala), Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (Agartala), Rajib Gandhi cancer Hospital (Agartala), Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital(Agartala), Tripura Sundari District Hospital (Udaipur), Kulai District Hospital (Ambassa) and Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital (Kailashar), are given in Tables 2 & 3 at pages 8 and 9 ( Figure- 1A to 11 at pages 10 to 16)

6.1G. B. Pant Hospital, Agartala :

From the table-2 it is observed that the turbidity (43 NTU) and Colour (9.5 1/m) of water samples collected from the G. B. Hospital, exceed the standard limit. The standard limit of turbidity and Colour are 5 NTU and 5 1/m respectively.

The standard limit of iron prescribed by WHO and ISI are 1.0 mg/l and 0.3 mg/l respectively. It is found from the Table-2 that the iron contents of the water samples(1.3 mg/l ) are beyond the standard limit.

It is also found that Arsenic is absent in the water samples of G. B. Pant Hospital.

It is also remarkable that the Total Suspended Solid of the water samples is extremely high.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limit.

6.2I.G.M. Hospital, Agartala :

From the table-2 it is observed that the turbidity (31 NTU) and Colour (6.0 1/m) of water samples of the I.G.M Hospital exceed the standard limits. The standard limits of turbidity and Colour are 5 NTU and 5 1/m respectively.

The standard limit of iron prescribed by WHO and ISI are 1.0 mg/l and 0.3 mg/l respectively. It is found from the Table-2 that the iron contents of the water samples of I. G. M. Hospital (2.6 mg/l ) is beyond the standard limit.

From the table it is also found that Arsenic is absent in the water samples of I.G.M. Hospital.

It is observed that the Total Suspended Solid in the water samples is extremely high.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limit.

6.3Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital,Agartala :

From the table-2 it is observed that the turbidity (52 NTU) and Colour (8.4 1/m) of water samples collected from the Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital exceed the standard limits. The standard limits of turbidity and Colour are 5 NTU and 5 1/m respectively.

The observed average pH value of the water samples of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital is 6.3 which is slightly lower than the prescribed standard limit 6.5-9.2.

The iron contents of the water samples of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital (3.4 mg/l) is very high with respect to standard limit. The standard value of iron prescribed by WHO & ISI are 1.0 mg/l & 0.3 mg/l respectively.

Arsenic is absent in the water samples of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital .

The measured COD value of the water samples of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital is 19 mg/l whereas the prescribed standard limit is 10 mg/l. The observed value is very high from the standard limit.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limit.

6.4Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Agartala :

From the table-2 it is observed that the value of turbidity (49 NTU) and Colour (9.2 1/m) of water samples of the Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital exceed the standard limits. The standard limits of turbidity and Colour are 5 NTU and 5 1/m respectively.

The observed average pH value of the water samples of Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital is 6.38` which is slightly lower than the prescribed standard limit 6.5-9.2.

The iron contents of the water samples of Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital (1.1 mg/l) is slightly higher than the standard limits prescribed by WHO. The standard value of iron prescribed by WHO & ISI are 1.0 mg/l & 0.3 mg/l respectively.

It is also found that Arsenic is absent in the water samples of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Hospital.

The measured COD value of the water samples of Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital is 13 mg/l whereas the prescribed standard limit is 10 mg/l.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limits.

6.5 Kulai District Hospital, Ambassa :

From the table-3 it is observed that the turbidity (57 NTU) and Colour (9.8 1/m) of water samples of the Kulai District Hospital exceed the standard limits. The standard limits of turbidity and Colour are 5 NTU and 5 1/m respectively.

The iron contents of the water samples of Kulai District Hospital (2.8 mg/l) is beyond the standard limit. The standard value of iron prescribed by WHO & ISI are 1.0 mg/l & 0.3 mg/l respectively.

From the table it is also seen that Arsenic is absent in the drinking water samples of Kulai District Hospital.

The Total Suspended Solid of the water samples is extremely high.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limit.

6.6 Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital, Kailasahar :

From the table-3 it is observed that the turbidity (7 NTU) of water samples of the Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital exceeds the standard limit. The standard limit of turbidity is 5 NTU

The iron contents of the water samples of Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital (3.3 mg/l) is more than the standard limit. The standard value of iron prescribed by WHO & ISI are 1.0 mg/l & 0.3 mg/l respectively.

Arsenic is absent in the water samples of Rajib Gandhi Memorial Hospital.

It is also observed that the Total Suspended Solid of the water samples is extremely high.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limit.

6.7 Tripura Sundari District Hospital, Udaipur :

The iron contents of the water samples of Tripura Sundari District Hospital (2.4 mg/l) is beyond the standard limit. The standard value of iron prescribed by WHO & ISI are 1.0 mg/l & 0.3 mg/l respectively.

Arsenic is absent in the water samples of Tripura Sundari District Hospital

The measured COD value of the water samples of Tripura Sundari District Hospital is 35 mg/l whereas the prescribed standard limit is 10 mg/l. Observed COD value is very high from the standard.

Rest of the parameters like conductivity, alkalinity, BOD, sulphate, Hardness, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and chloride etc. are within the permissible limit.

Physico-Chemical Analysis Of Drinking Water samples Of four State Hospitals

Table : 2

Sl No / Parameters / DWG / DWI / DWB / DWC / Standard
( India)
(DW) / Standard
1 / Date of Collection / 22.01.03 / 22.01.03 / 21.01.03 / 22.01.03
2 / Temperatures (0C) / 23 / 23 / 22.5 / 23 / - / -
3 / Total Suspended Solid(mg/l) / 14 / 9 / 22 / 5 / - / -
4 / Total Dissolved Solid (mg/l) / 259 / 218 / 196 / 232 / 500 / 500
5 / Volatile Solid(mg/l) / 163 / 170 / 25 / 111 / - / -
6 / Fixed Dissolved Solid (mg/l) / 96 / 48 / 171 / 121 / - / -
7 / pH / 6.17 / 6.79 / 6.30 / 6.38 / 6.5—8.5 / 6.5—9.2
8 / Colour(1/m) / 9.5 / 6.0 / 8.4 / 9.2 / 5.0 / -
9 / Turbidity (NTU) / 43 / 31 / 52 / 49 / 5.0 / -
10 / Conductivity
( mho/cm) / 81 / 114 / 89 / 83 / 700 / -
11 / Alkalinity (mg/l) / 55.86 / 83.22 / 52.44 / 58.14 / 200 / -
12 / DO (mg/l) / 4.27 / 6.09 / 2.82 / 6.33 / - / -
13 / BOD (mg/l) / 0.39 / 0.29 / 0.36 / 0.28 / - / 6.0
14 / COD (mg/l) / 3 / 7 / 19 / 13 / - / 10.0
15 / Sulphate (mg/l) / 7.5 / 7.7 / 8.8 / 7.1 / 200 / -
16 / Hardness (mg/l) / 40.1 / 50.13 / 30.08 / 40.1 / 300 / 500
17 / Calcium (mg/l) / 8.04 / 11.05 / 6.03 / 6.99 / 75 / 100
18 / Magnesium (mg/l) / 4.87 / 5.48 / 3.65 / 5.51 / 30 / 150
19 / Sodium (mg/l) / 16.45 / 19.09 / 15.87 / 16.45 / - / -
20 / Iron (mg/l) / 1.3 / 2.6 / 3.4 / 1.1 / 0.3 / 1.0
21 / Oil & Grease (mg/l) / Nil / Nil / Nil / Nil / - / -
22 / Phosphate (mg/l) / Nil / Nil / Nil / .03 / - / -
23 / Arsenic (mg/l) / Nil / Nil / Nil / Nil / 0.05 / 0.05
24 / Chloride(mg/l) / 2.45 / 2.45 / 7.3 / 2.45 / 250 / 500

Locations :

DWG : G.B. Pant Hospital, Agartala, West Tripura DWI : I.G.M. Hospital, Agartala, West Tripura

DWC : Rajib Gandhi Cancer Hospital, Agartala, West Tripura

DWB : Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Hospital, Agartala, West Tripura

Physico-Chemical Analysis Of Drinking Water samples Of three District Hospitals

Table : 3

Sl No / Parameters / DWA / DWK / DWU / Standard
( India)
(DW) / Standard (WHO)
1 / Date of Collection / 21.01.03 / 21.01.03 / 07.01.03
2 / Temperatures (0C) / 22 / 22.5 / 23 / - / -
3 / Total Suspended Solid (mg/l) / 24 / 18 / 4 / - / -
4 / Total Dissolved Solid (mg/l) / 232 / 320 / 355 / 500 / 500
5 / Volatile Solid(mg/l) / 180 / 210 / 250 / - / -
6 / Fixed Dissolved Solid (mg/l) / 52 / 110 / 105 / - / -
7 / pH / 6.79 / 8.14 / 7.90 / 6.5—8.5 / 6.5—9.2
8 / Colour (1/m) / 9.8 / 1.7 / 0.6 / 5.0 / -
9 / Turbidity (NTU) / 57 / 7 / 3 / 5.0 / -
10 / Conductivity
( mho/cm) / 91 / 220 / 270 / 700 / -
11 / Alkalinity (mg/l) / 17.1 / 171 / 191.5 / 200 / -
12 / DO (mg/l) / 8.05 / 7.56 / 6.11 / - / -
13 / BOD (mg/l) / 0.18 / 0.24 / 0.65 / - / 6.0
14 / COD (mg/l) / 2 / 3 / 35 / - / 10.0
15 / Sulphate (mg/l) / 8.2 / 7.8 / 9.2 / 200 / -
16 / Hardness (mg/l) / 20.05 / 70.18 / 80.2 / 300 / 500
17 / Calcium (mg/l) / 6.03 / 16.07 / 24.11 / 75 / 100
18 / Magnesium (mg/l) / 1.22 / 7.31 / 4.87 / 30 / 150
19 / Sodium (mg/l) / 17.02 / 39.45 / 43.59 / - / -
20 / Iron (mg/l) / 2.8 / 3.3 / 2.4 / 0.3 / 1.0
21 / Oil & Grease (mg/l) / Nil / Nil / Nil / - / -
22 / Phosphate (mg/l) / Nil / Nil / Nil / - / -
23 / Arsenic (mg/l) / Nil / Nil / Nil / 0.05 / 0.05
24 / Chloride(mg/l) / 14.7 / 2.45 / 7.3 / 250 / 500

Locations :

DWA : Kulai District Hospital, Ambassa, Dhalai Tripura

DWK : Rajib Gandhi Memorial District Hospital, Kailasahar, North Tripura

DWU : Tripura Sundari District Hospital, Udaipur, South Tripura

7.0 Conclusion :

In general it was found that the water quality of seven Govt. Hospitals are not suitable for drinking purposes due to high Turbidity, Colour, Iron, Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Total Suspended Solid.


  1. Between the PHE supply sources and the overhead tanks of the concerned Hospitals arrangements should be made to keep Turbidity, Colour, Iron, COD and Total Suspended Solid within prescribed limits.
  1. Cleaning of the overhead tanks should be done on a regular routine basis.


Tripura State Pollution Control Board