Mrs. Andersen
Room 517
Web Back Pack:
Plan: 1st hour
English 11AP & English 12AP, 2015-2016
Classroom Procedures and Expectations
Student and Teacher Expectations: Students should come to class on time, bring all required materials, and be prepared to discuss controversial themes and issues in a candid, respectful manner. Working on anything other than Eng 11AP/Eng 12APor using technological devices (laptops and cell phones) for non-academic purposes is prohibited, as this detracts from a respectful and communal class experience. I promise in return that I will put 100% effort into challenging you to think critically about texts and issues, providing timely feedback on your work, and preparing you for the AP exam.
Materials: Come prepared each day with all necessary materials. Materials needed for this class include: your CHARGED laptop, a hard-bound composition book or college-ruled spiral notebook for journal entries, college-ruled notebook paper, blue or black pens, a colored pen or marker for self-correcting or editing, pencils, and a multi-colored pack of highlighters (5-6 color choices recommended). Bring textbooks and novels to class when appropriate.
Punctuality: Come to class on time. I will uphold East’s official tardy policy: #1) warning, #2) phone call home, #3) teacher detention, #4) office referral.
Assignment Formatting: Unless otherwise indicated, both daily and long-term assignments should be typed in MLA format. For handwritten assignments and all in-class written work, use blue or black ink. Use loose-leaf, college-ruled notebook paper—no spiral “fuzzies.”
Essays and Projects:
- Essays, projects, and any other long-term assignments should be submitted as directed (to AND in class),whether or not you are in class that day.
- All typed work should adhere to MLA formatting requirements.
- You will not be allowed to print your paper during class.
- Computer problems will not be accepted as a reasonable excuse for late work, so planning and working ahead is strongly recommended.
Late Work: Long-term essays and projects will not be accepted late for credit.You may turn in ONE late daily assignment per semester. For any assigned work, if you believe your circumstances reasonably warrant an extension, contact me in advance to request an extension.
Tests: If you are absent on a test day, come prepared to make up the test on the day you return to class.
Make-up Work: According to school policy, you have two days to make up work for each day missed, up to total of one week. If you are absent for a school-sponsored activity, this does not apply to you—you should receive directions for work missed in advance and submit your work on the due date. It is your responsibility to read the daily report in Google Classroom before you contact me regarding make-up work. Remember that your classmates are also a great resource. To receive missed handouts or receive further clarification, email me and/or check in with me when you return.
Grades are based on a total of points earned. A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), F (below 60).
Academic Honesty: Achieving a desired grade is not worth sacrificing your integrity. Plagiarism (including copying assignments) will result in a complete loss of credit for the assignment, essay, or project.
Questions? Need help? Contact me anytime via e-mail or phone; or come visit during seminar, or before or after school. When possible, arrange a conference with me in advance to ensure that I am available to meet with you.