HRM Services
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report
Author: Kathryn Fagan
Approved by Diversity & Equality Committee: 3rd June 2009
April 2009
/ This document is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact Kathryn Fagan on 01244 51 2135 or emailDisability Equality Scheme Annual Report 2009
University of Chester
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2009
University of Chester
Authors: / Darren MooneyDiversity/Student Experience Officer
Student Support & Guidance
University of Chester
01244 511138 / Kathryn Fagan
HR Manager – Diversity, Development & Reward
HRM Services
University of Chester
01244 512135
Publication Date: April 2009
This document is available in alternative formats upon request. Please contact the authors using the details above.
University of Chester
Parkgate Road
Cheshire, UK
Tel: 01244 51 1000
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
Contents Page
Section / Page1. Introduction / 4
2. Monitoring & Data
a. Student data sets / 5
b. Staff data sets / 13
3. Management & Financial Strategy / 16
4. University Environment / 16
5. Monitoring & Feedback / 16
6. Diversity & Inclusion / 17
7. Learning & Teaching / 17
8. Student Experience / 17
9. Students’ Union / 18
10. Diversity & Inclusion / 18
11. Training & Development / 19
12. Annual review / promotions/ re-grading / 19
13. Reward / 20
14. Performance Management / 20
15. Conclusion / 20
Appendix 1 – Student Population Data / 21
Appendix 2 – Estates Department Report on Chester Campus & Satellite (non-residential) Sites and Toilet Provision Audit. / 28
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
1. Introduction
Welcome to the second annual report on the University of Chester’s work in implementing Gender Equality. Within this report you will find details of the progress, as well as challenges in implementing the Gender Equality Scheme (GES) 2007-2010.
The structure of the report is mirrored on the structure of the GES Action Plan, whereby each section corresponds to a section within the action plan document. We advise that when reading this report to use the GES Action Plan as a guide to contextualise the comments. We also suggest reviewing the Annual Report 2008 in order to have up to date knowledge on the progress to date.
The University values and is committed to promoting equality of opportunity for staff, students, stakeholders and the local community.In line with our corporate aims, as set out in the Corporate Plan 2007-2011 the University;
"Aims to create an intellectual community and workplace that respects, welcomes and promotes diversity and equality through learning and teaching; research and scholarship; outreach; and other University activities and practices".
Please be directed to the University website(s) for copies of the equality policies:
Diversity & Equality Policy
Gender Equality Scheme & Action Plan
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
2. Monitoring and Data
One of the specific duties placed upon the University, is the requirement to monitor the number of staff and students within the areas of recruitment, retention and progression. This section of the report will outline some of the data collected by the University of Chester.
a) Student data sets
Student data sets in this section are:
1. Total Number of Students (by Gender)
2. Undergraduate Full Time Student Withdrawal rates
3. Full Time Undergraduate Progression Board Outcomes
4. Module completion / success rates
5. Degree attainment by gender
6. Volunteering
1. Total Number of Students (by Gender)
Charts 1 and 2 below outline the total number of student who enrolled at the University of Chester on all courses and at all levels from the academic years 2004/5 – 2007/8.
Where students are studying a combined honours degree, they have been counted as a 0.5 in each respective Faculty. As a result there is no double counting, but the actual number of student in a department at a single time, may be greater than depicted here.
The data depicts the student numbers as they exist and would have existed in the current faculty and department structures. This is in order to take account of recent department and faculty amalgamations and expansion.
Total Numbers
The charts below depict the absolute number of students in each faculty. Please note students in multiple faculties will be counted as 0.5 of a person.
For a complete breakdown of the number of students at the University of Chester by Gender please refer to Appendix 1
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
Total student numbers 2006/7 – 2007/8
2006/7 / 2007/8Faculty / Female / Male / TOTAL / Female / Male / TOTAL
Applied & Health Sciences / 1163.0 / 946.0 / 2109.0 / 1312.5 / 1074.5 / 2387.0
Arts & Media / 832.5 / 561.0 / 1393.5 / 896.0 / 589.5 / 1485.5
Business, Enterprise and Lifelong Learning / 959.5 / 611.0 / 1570.5 / 1144.0 / 780.5 / 1924.5
Education & Children’s Services / 1263.0 / 219.5 / 1482.5 / 1665.5 / 359.5 / 2025.0
Health & Social Care / 3591.0 / 457.0 / 4048.0 / 3357.0 / 438.0 / 3795.0
Humanities / 905.0 / 469.5 / 1374.5 / 881.0 / 478.5 / 1359.5
LTI / 40.0 / 28.0 / 68.0 / 41.0 / 29.0 / 70.0
Not Specified / 170.0 / 43.0 / 213.0 / 139.0 / 64.0 / 203.0
Social Sciences / 1214.0 / 362.0 / 1576.0 / 1369.0 / 445.5 / 1814.5
TOTAL / 10138.0 / 3697.0 / 13835.0 / 10805.0 / 4259.0 / 15064.0
Table 1
Percentage Distributions
Chart 1 show the percentage distribution of male to female students in each faculty
Chart 1
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
Chart 2 shows the total number of male and female students by faculty and year, showing a clear comparison in male and female numbers, but also in the level of growth from 2004 to 2007.
Chart 2
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
2. Undergraduate Full Time Student Withdrawal rates
Chart 3
Chart 3 shows the percentage representation of the total number of full time undergraduate students (including PGCE) who withdrew from the University of Chester between their enrolment date in September and the 1st May of each academic year. The data shows that withdrawal rates have decreased overall from 2004/5 to 2007/8 even though overall student numbers have increased in the same period. A larger proportion of male students withdraw compared to female students. Chart 4 depicts the absolute numbers of student withdrawing by gender.
Chart 4
3. Full Time Undergraduate Progression Board Outcomes
Table 2 shows the percentage of students progressing or successfully completing as a percentage of the total number of students of that gender registered for the year.
There were no male students on Foundation programmes (Level 0).
Full Time Undergraduate Progression Board Outcomes 2006/7Level / Female / Male
0 / 57.1 %
1 / 71.9 % / 64.1 %
2 / 88.0 % / 82.1 %
3 / 85.8 % / 78.8 %
3 yr 4 / 93.8 % / 78.6 %
Total number registered / 4202 / 2135
Table 2
4. Module completion / success rates
2005/6 / 2006/7Level / Female / Male / Female / Male
0 / 59.9 / 56.8 / 55.5 / 56.2
1 / 54.1 / 51.0 / 55.4 / 53.1
2 / 57.1 / 54.2 / 56.9 / 55.0
3 / 57.6 / 55.6 / 59.0 / 56.8
X / 38.0 / 34.1
Number of module entries / 24608 / 11549 / 28133 / 13496
Table 3
Table 3 shows the average module marks achieved over all modules by gender. Females continue to achieve higher average module marks compared to males, especially at levels 1, 2 and 3 (Undergraduate course).
5. Degree attainment by gender
Table 4 shows the total number of graduating students 2003/4-2006/7
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
Degree classification (full and part time) by Gender 2003/4 - 2006/7
Degree Class / F (04) / M (04) / Total (04) / F (05) / M (05) / Total (05) / F (06) / M (06) / Total (06) / F (07) / M (07) / Total (07)1st / 6.4 % / 3.6 % / 5.6 % / 6.5 % / 5.4 % / 6.2 % / 9.3 % / 7.1 % / 8.7 % / 9.1 % / 10.2 % / 9.4 %
2i / 43.8 % / 32.3 % / 40.6 % / 40.8 % / 29.8 % / 37.8 % / 48.7 % / 37.5 % / 45.8 % / 48.1 % / 38.8 % / 45.5 %
2ii / 40.7 % / 49.1 % / 43.1 % / 45.5 % / 47.3 % / 46.0 % / 39.1 % / 48.4 % / 41.6 % / 38.7 % / 43.2 % / 40.0 %
3 / 6.3 % / 9.6 % / 7.2 % / 5.0 % / 8.3 % / 5.9 % / 1.9 % / 3.8 % / 2.4 % / 3.9 % / 7.7 % / 5.0 %
Pass / 2.8 % / 5.1 % / 3.4 % / 1.9 % / 7.4 % / 3.4 % / 1.0 % / 3.0 % / 1.5 % / 0.2 % / 0.1 %
Pass Ordinary / 0.3 % / 0.1 % / 0.2 % / 1.7 % / 0.6 % / 0.3 % / 0.1 %
Total / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 % / 100.0 %
Number / 859 / 334 / 1193 / 901 / 349 / 1250 / 1035 / 368 / 1403 / 1321 / 518 / 1839
Table 4
The number of male students achieving a 1st classification has increased year on year, from 3.6% in 2003/4 to 10.2% in 2006/7. Females consistently achieve a 1st or 2i in a greater proportion to males, with a greater proportion of men achieving s 2ii degree classification
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
Chart 5
In terms of overall numbers, the female to male student population is around 2:1 ratio. In terms of final degree attainment, the number of males gaining a 1st has increased year on year since 2003/4, from 3.6% to 10.2%. In 2006/7, the number of males achieving a 1st was greater than females.
The proportion of females achieving a 2i is markedly greater than males, with a similar reversal in the number of males to females achieving a 2ii and 3rd.
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
6. Volunteering
The University of Chester offers a comprehensive volunteering programme for students and members of staff. Student can register with Student Development and have their voluntary work recognised on an annual basis. Over the time period in question, three volunteer schemes have been in operation, Millennium Volunteers, V Volunteers (which has replaced MV from April 2008) and University of Chester Volunteers.
Chart 8 shows the total number of volunteers by gender from 2004 to 2009. It is clear that the majority of volunteers are female. The drop in 2006/7 can be attributed to staff shortages within the Student Development department, which are clearly demonstrated from the increase in volunteer numbers from April 2008 onwards. The new V Volunteer programme started in April 2008, as a result the volunteer numbers for 2008-2009 are augmented with the numbers back dated to the start of the scheme. This may explain the large increase in numbers of volunteers.
Chart 9 above shows the distribution of male to female volunteers according to volunteer scheme type. This chart shows that female volunteers remain the majority over the past 5 years. The number of male volunteers has consistently remained below the proportional level of the total male population, currently standing at 28% Male : 72% female.
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
b) Staff Data Sets
Full and Part Time staff by gender 1/1/09
Full time / Full time % / Part time / Part time % / TotalsTotal - University of Chester / Female / 492 / 58 / 352 / 42 / 844
Male / 422 / 88 / 57 / 12 / 479
Total / 914 / 409 / 1323
Applied & Health Sciences / Female / 39 / 62 / 24 / 38 / 63
Male / 47 / 90 / 5 / 10 / 52
Total / 86 / 29 / 115
Arts & Media / Female / 24 / 73 / 9 / 27 / 33
Male / 46 / 92 / 4 / 8 / 50
Total / 70 / 13 / 83
Faculty of Business, Enterprise
& Lifelong Learning / Female / 39 / 75 / 13 / 25 / 52
Male / 31 / 94 / 2 / 6 / 33
Total / 70 / 15 / 85
Education & Children's Services / Female / 27 / 61 / 17 / 39 / 44
Male / 15 / 88 / 2 / 12 / 17
Total / 42 / 19 / 61
Health & Social Care / Female / 87 / 76 / 27 / 24 / 114
Male / 28 / 93 / 2 / 7 / 30
Total / 115 / 29 / 144
Humanities / Female / 21 / 72 / 8 / 28 / 29
Male / 24 / 96 / 1 / 4 / 25
Total / 45 / 9 / 54
Social Sciences / Female / 32 / 60 / 21 / 40 / 53
Male / 28 / 80 / 7 / 20 / 35
Total / 60 / 28 / 88
Academic Schools (total) / Female / 269 / 69 / 119 / 31 / 388
Male / 219 / 90 / 23 / 10 / 242
Academic Schools (total) / 488 / 142 / 630
Support Departments / Female / 224 / 49 / 233 / 51 / 457
Male / 202 / 86 / 34 / 14 / 236
Support Departments Total / 426 / 267 / 693
University Total / 914 / 409 / 1323
Table 5
Gender Equality Scheme Annual Report 2008
University of Chester
Age profile by gender 1/1/09
Age Profile- JAN 2009 / UNDER 20 / 20-29 / 30-39 / 40-49 / 50-59 / OVER 60 / TOTAL
no. / % / no. / % / no. / % / no. / % / no. / % / no. / % / no. / %
Total / Female / 2 / 100 / 123 / 65 / 157 / 59 / 247 / 67 / 250 / 65 / 65 / 59 / 844 / 64
Male / 0 / 0 / 65 / 35 / 111 / 41 / 123 / 33 / 135 / 35 / 45 / 41 / 479 / 36
2 / 188 / 268 / 370 / 385 / 110 / 1323
Table 6