Syllabus addendum

Alan M. Rubin, Professor Emeritus

Classroom Norms and Expectations

Every social group and community establishes "rules" concerning expectations about appropriate behavior. The following are the norms that I would like to see observed in this class:

1.LATE ARRIVALS: Every effort should be made to get to class on time. Students can expect me to be in the classroom, ready to begin class at the start of the period; likewise, I expect students to be in the classroom at the beginning of the period. If you are late, you should make every effort to find a seat quietly, without disturbing the class in progress.

2.EARLY DEPARTURES: Occasionally it is necessary to leave class early. If for some reason you know you will be leaving class before the end of the hour, please notify me at the beginning of class, try to find a seat in the back, and slip out quietly when the time comes. Like late arrivals, early departures are distracting both for me and for other students.

3.PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS: By this point in your educational career you should know that "talking in class" is inappropriate behavior. Yet some students continue to treat class time as an opportunity to catch up on news with friends they have not seen the in the last several hours, days, or weeks. These private conversations are disturbing; they make it difficult for other students to hear what is going on, and they distract me from teaching the class. Students who find it necessary to carry on such private discussions will be asked to leave class.

4.WATCH ALARMS, CELL PHONES, AND BEEPERS: Increasingly, students have watches with alarms that ring on the hour; likewise, students carry cell phones and beepers around with them. If you have any of these items, please turn them off before the beginning of class. If someone is trying to reach you, please inform them of your class schedule and ask them to call you before the class begins or after it ends--not while it is going on. These electronic devices are not only distracting when they go off during class, but also represent a significant disruption.

5.IPODs and other MP3 PLAYERS: Turn them off. If you need to listen to your music, then don’t come to class. It’s your choice.

6.LAPTOP/NOTEBOOK COMPUTERS: You may use laptops for appropriate class activities such as taking notes. They may not be used for surfing the web, reading your email, playing video games, doing your homework for another course or any other inappropriate activity.

7.ATTENDANCE: The classroom is a social group in which both students and professor are expected to participate. You will not learn, and I cannot teach, if you do not attend class regularly.

I hope you understand my concern about creating a classroom atmosphere conducive to learning. If you have additional suggestions for accomplishing that goal, please feel free to offer them to us as a class or see me about it privately. Thank you.