2011 House of Delegates

Omni Hotel, Atlanta

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Minutes - ASCLS House of Delegates, July 30, 2011


The 79th Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates of the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science convened at the Omni Hotel, Atlanta, GA, on July 30, 2011. The session was called to order by ASCLS President Marcia Armstrong at 8:07 a.m. EDT.


Karen Griffin (OK) was appointed as parliamentarian.

Members serving as chairs of committees or task forces or as representatives of ASCLS, who were not delegates, and members of the ASCLS Executive Office staff were granted the privilege of the floor for the purpose of giving information relative to reports as needed.

President Marcia Armstrong introduced the ASCLS Board of Directors and Executive Office staff.

President Armstrong delivered the President’s message to the House of Delegates.

President Armstrong introduced Scott Aikey (PA) as the Speaker of the 2011 House of Delegates.



Motion #1: Roncancio-Weemer (BOD) moved to adopt the standing rules for the House of Delegates as found in the House agenda packet for this meeting.

Seconded by Hunt (PA). Motion carried.

Speaker Aikey read the standing rules most pertinent to the meeting (3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 18).


The minutes from the 2010 House of Delegates were approved as printed.


Speaker Aikey recognized and thanked all of the members of the House Affairs Committees.


The Acting Chair of the Credentials Committee, Stephanie Mihane (CO), reported that of the 332 possible delegates, 241 were credentialed and 231 were seated on the floor of the House.


Tom Massman (MN), Chair of the Elections Committee, announced the election results.

President-Elect: Linda Smith (TX)

Judicial Committee Debra Shell (ID)

Director, Region II: Barbara Snyderman (PA)

Director, Region IX: Shellie Smith (Alaska)

Director, Region X: Ginger Weeden (CA)

Nominations Committee, 3 year term: Charlie Francen (CO) and

Suzanne Campbell (KS)

Nominations Committee, 2 year term: Donna Reinbold (WA)

Nominations Committee, 1 year term: Frank Scarano (MA) and

Duncan Samo (TX)

Jasmin Davis (TX) was elected Student Forum Chair by the Student Forum. Angela Nolan (CA) was elected Student Forum Vice-Chair and Matthew Kamulski (MI), Secretary.


The Chair of the Minutes Committee was David Falleur (TX).


The Master Sergeant-at-Arms was Catherine Shaffner (OH).


The ASCLS Secretary introduced the following motions to the 2011 House of Delegates for action:

Motion #2: The ASCLS Board of Directors moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates approve the public statement in support of the HHS Partnership for Patients initiative. Motion carried.

Motion #3: The ASCLS Board of Directors moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates adopt the revised ASCLS Beliefs, Values and Mission statements. Motion carried.

Motion #4: Nolan (CA) moved to amend the ASCLS Mission Statement by changing “assure” to “demonstrate”. Seconded by Weeden (CA). Motion defeated.

Motion #5: Nolan (CA) moved to amend the ASCLS Mission Statement by changing “assure” to “demonstrate”. Seconded by Weeden (CA). Motion defeated.

Motion #6: Keeney (MT) moved to amend the ASCLS Mission Statement by inserting a comma after “leadership” and changing “that will assure” to “assuring”. Seconded by Zanto (MT). Motion defeated.

Motion #7: Strnad (WA) moved to amend the ASCLS Mission Statement by changing “make a positive impact on” to “positively impact”. Seconded by Reinbold. Motion defeated.

Motion #8: Okada (WA) moved to amend the ASCLS Belief Statements 1., 2. and 4. by inserting “high” before “quality”. Seconded by St. Hill (FL). Motion defeated.

Motion #9: St. Hill (FL) moved to amend the ASCLS Core Values by adding “7. Providing the voice, value, and vision”. Seconded by Koenig (MO). Motion defeated

Motion #10: The ASCLS Board of Directors moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates adopt the recommendation of the CASA Task Force to approve the concept of a combined ASCLS and CLMA organization and to agree to jointly proceed over the next few months with implementation and transition planning, utilizing due diligence on legal modeling and a financial pro forma. Motion carried.



Elissa Passiment, Executive Vice President, read a congratulatory letter from the office of Senator Dan Inouye, Senator Daniel K. Akaka, and Representative Colleen Hanabusa recognizing President Marcia Armstrong’s contributions on behalf of ASCLS and the profession of clinical laboratory science.

Speaker Scott Aikey thanked the Board of Directors, ASCLS Staff, Credentials and Minutes committees, the Sergeants-at-Arms and the Parliamentarian for their assistance with the House of Delegates meeting as well as President Marcia Armstrong.


President Armstrong presented the ASCLS Board of Directors’ awards to:

Barbara Russell (GA), State Revitalization Task Force

Kathy Hansen (MN), Licensure Opposition Task Force

Susan Beck (NC), Personnel Position Paper

Linda Milson (WI), State Revitalization Task Force

Scott Aikey (PA), Futures Task Force

Vanessa Johnson (LA), 2011 CLEC Chair

Lynda Britton (LA), 2011 AMSC Chair


President Armstrong installed the following newly elected officers:

Nominations Committee, 3 year term: Charlie Francen (CO) and

Suzanne Campbell (KS)

Nominations Committee, 2 year term: Donna Reinbold (WA)

Nominations Committee, 1 year term: Frank Scarano (MA) and

Duncan Samo (TX)

Chair, Student Forum: Jasmin Davis (TX)

Judicial Committee: Debra Shell (ID)

Regional Directors:

Region II: Barbara Snyderman (PA)

Region IX: Shellie Smith (AK)

Region X: Ginger Weeden (CA)

President-Elect: Linda Smith (TX)

President: Catherine Otto (OR)

President Armstrong presented Catherine Otto with the President’s pin and gavel and introduced her to the House of Delegates and gallery, as the 2011-2012 President of ASCLS.

The Delaware delegation escorted outgoing Past President Mary Ann McLane off the platform and welcomed her back to their state delegation.


Carol McCoy, Chair of the ASCLS Education and Research Fund, Inc., presented the Robin H. Mendelson awards to:

Mary Ann McLane, ASCLS Past President

Marcia Armstrong, ASCLS President

Dan Southern, incoming ASCLS Education and Research Fund Chair, presented an award to Carol McCoy, outgoing chair.


President Otto delivered her acceptance speech.


President Otto thanked the Georgia society for their hard work in hosting the 2011 Annual Meeting.

Ginger Weeden, representing the California society, gave a presentation and invited everyone to attend the 2012 Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California.

Renee Setina (PAC) announced that a total of $7,262 was contributed at the 2011 ASCLS Annual Meeting. The regional contest winner was Region IV with $1,220 in donations. She thanked everyone for their support and PAC contributions. Region IV will receive an enhanced breakfast for their caucus meeting at the 2012 Annual Meeting.

Motion #11: Mihane (CO) moved, on behalf of the Colorado society, to thank J.R. Constance for his dedication to Region VIII and his hard work the last year; Barbara Brown for stepping up as their President-Elect this next year as they mentor their new professionals for their leadership roles; Bill Pierce, a member for over 40 years who will finally be on their executive board as Colorado president; Tiffany Kleymann, their 2011-

2012 Leadership Academy participant and Region VIII new professional and PAC chair; April Shields, their student delegate and now their new professional board member; Angie Fisher, the alternate they never thought they’d need to use; and Charlie Francen, for chairing Credentials, her new position on the Nominations Committee and wish her well after her recent segway mishap this meeting. Motion carried.

Motion #12: Pestana (HI) moved to commend Marcia Armstrong for her outstanding leadership of ASCLS. Her legacy will live on in the visionary accomplishments she gave life to during her term. The Hawaii laboratory community thanks her for making them so proud. Motion carried.

Motion #13: Boyer-Anderson (DE) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Mary Ann McLane for her outstanding service to the Society as President-Elect, President, and Past-President, she has fulfilled these roles with energy, generosity, and imagination. They acknowledged the value of her contribution in advancing the profession to the ultimate benefit of the patients we serve by presenting her with an iPad so that she can remain connected, empowered and technologically up to date at all times. Motion carried.

Motion #14: Warning (PPC Chair) moved to commend President Armstrong, the Board of Directors, the ASCLS staff, and all ASCLS constituent society members for the support of ASCLS Provides HOPE. For 2011, a back to school supply drive was hosted with Kids in Need of Atlanta. As a society, we collected $1086.25 and 486 pounds of assorted pens, markers, notebooks etc. Motion carried.

Motion #15: Pierce (CO) moved to commend Stephanie Mihane, a graduate of the 1st Leadership Academy, for her 2 years as Colorado president; Barbara Brown and Charlie Francen for their tireless work and passion on behalf of ASCLS and Cathy McNary for her nomination as Member of the Year and finally Tiffany Kleymann, Angie Fisher, April Shields for their enthusiasm and commitment promoting ASCLS-CO. They are the future of our profession. Thank you to J.R. Constance from Colorado for his continued service as Region VIII Director. Motion carried.

Motion #16: Enerson (MN), due to an omission in the program, moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates recognize JoAnn Nickles as a Member of the Year nominee from ASCLS-MN for her dedication to the profession. Motion carried.

Motion #17: Simonian (UT) moved that whereas Utah has the best snow on earth and whereas Salt Lake City was the site for the Winter Olympics 2002, has the world’s largest genealogy center as home to a Nobel Prize winner in genetics and whereas in 2012 Salt Lake City will be the home of the greatest CLEC where all CLS educators will want to attend CLEC 2012 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Motion carried.

Motion #18: Hinz (MN) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend ASCLS-MN Leadership Academy graduates Jessica Peters and Charlotte Romain. ASCLS-MN looks forward to their service in their society for years to come. Motion carried.

Motion #19: Weeden (CA) moved, on behalf of ASCLS-CA, to commend Ms. Marcia Armstrong on her successful year as ASCLS President. The society flourished under her leadership. They are so very proud of her. Motion carried.

Motion #20: Davis (TN and Past President) moved to commend ASCLS Past President Jim Holley who died last week. Today we celebrate Jim’s many contributions to ASMT/ASCLS, from attending 53 consecutive Annual Meetings, serving as RD at two separate times and as ASMT President, to always volunteering to do whatever was needed. We also celebrate Jim as a mentor who brought the history of ASMT/ASCLS to life for so many of us as a true friend who greatly valued his many friends and loved sharing laughter with them. Jim, your many ASCLS friends thank you for touching our lives. We love you and will miss you. Motion carried.

Motion #21: Wessler (OH, Silent Auction Chair) moved that the 2011 ASCLS House of Delegates commend all donors, bidders and especially the buyers at the E & R Fund Silent Auction. Over $5,600 was raised. Special thanks to Becky Perdue, Dan Southern, Cindy Koffman, Joyce Miller, Bunny Rodak and the main man, Joe Passiment. Motion carried.

Motion #22: Leclair (BOD/Consumer Information Team) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Pam Kieffer for her mentoring of the new members of the team, all of whom are MD and PhD and all of whom were impressed by her knowledge skills. Motion carried.

Motion #23: Yee (HI) moved, on behalf of ASCLS-Hawaii, to commend Marcia Armstrong for her superb leadership and dedicated service to the American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, culminating, to date, as President. It is an exciting future that we all look forward to, thanks, in large part, to her hard work and leadership. ASCLS-Hawaii salutes her with its warmest thanks. Aloha. Motion carried.

Motion #24: Massman (Elections Committee) moved that, whereas the Elections Committee exists for a very short period of time, the ASCLS House of Delegates commend the members of the 2011 Elections Committee: Robert Jenson (SD), Jessica Peters (MN), John Strous (WI), Kristi Enerson (MN), Deb Pravacek (SD), Vickie Larson (MN), Dawn Michelson (ND), JoAnn Nickels (MN), Karen Renaud (MN), Dan Olson (MN), Jean Bauer (MN), Charlotte Romain (MN). Motion carried.

Motion #25: Garrott (IL) moved, on behalf of ASCLS-IL, to commend Anh Strow for her leadership, dedication, and inspiration as President of ASCLS-IL. Motion carried.

Motion #26: Hopper (TN) moved to commend Rebecca Rogers for her service as national chair of the Social Networking Task Force, Lynn Ingram for her service as the Director of the Leadership Academy, Krystal Triplett for graduating from the Leadership Academy 2011, and Angela Phillips, for her service as Region III’s GAC chair and for her volunteering to serve an extra year as State President (2008-2010). Motion carried.

Motion #27: Constance (BOD) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend the members of the ASCLS Promotion of the Profession Committee who have worked diligently this year under the leadership of committee chair Beth Warning to promote the profession of clinical laboratory science including the successful Back to School drive. Motion carried.

Motion #28: Pravecek (SD) moved, on behalf of ASCLS-SD, moved to commend Katie Pieschke on her service to ASCLS as the 2010-2011 Student Forum Chair. Motion carried.

Motion #29: Strow (IL) moved to congratulate Toula Castillo on graduating from the Leadership Academy and entering the role of President of ASCLS-IL, and to express her appreciation to all Illinois delegates for their assistance during her successful year as ASCLS-IL president. Motion carried.

Motion #30: Weeden (CA) moved, on behalf of ASCLS-CA, to commend Ms. Sheri Gon on her successful 6 years as Region X Director. Thank you for serving the society with distinction. Motion carried.

Motion #31: Davenport-Landry (IA) moved that the ASCLS House of Delegates commend Jan Frerichs on all of her hard work this last year on membership and wish her well with the new Membership Committee tasks; and commend Keri Erickson on her presidency for ASCLS-IA. Motion carried.

Motion #32: Randolph (BOD), as a medical laboratory professional, moved to commend Missouri Licensure Chair, Renee Setina, and all licensure chairs in all states who share the vision of elevating the standards of the practice of medical laboratory science. Motion carried.

Motion #33: Smith (OR) moved, on behalf of Region IX, to commend and thank Mary Lashinski for the last 3 years as Regional Director and leadership on the ASCLS Board of Directors. They appreciate the time and dedication she has put forth on their behalf. They welcome her back to their Region. Motion carried.