Retail & Service Marketing
MARK 4303-001
Summer 2010
Classroom: COBA Room 256 Mon. – Thurs. 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.
Instructor: Linda Wilson Office: COBA 629
Phone: 817-272-2876 (leave message) Email:
Office Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 10:00 A.M. – 10:20 A.M.
Course Description: (3-0) 3 hours credit - The role of retailing and services in our economic system. Retail management functions such as inventory management, pricing, merchandising, advertising and sales promotion. Understanding the unique characteristics of services. Creating service marketing strategies and solving service marketing problems. Prerequisite: MARK 3321.
Course Objectives: Develop an appreciation for the importance of the retailing and service industry. Understand the basics of key decisions in the retail and service industries.
Textbook (Required): Levy and Weitz, Retailing Management, McGraw-Hill Irwin, 7th Edition 2009
Classroom Method: Several teaching methods including, but not limited to, lecture, class discussion, DVDs, case studies, and group activities are combined to achieve the course objective of providing students with a workable understanding of retail and service marketing.
What Students Are Expected To Do: Active participation is critical for an optimum learning experience. Prior to coming to class, students will be expected to know the subject and content of scheduled material in order to participate in class discussions/activities. Preparation for class includes a thorough reading of the scheduled material. I will endeavor to cover the major areas from the assigned readings for class, but ultimately it is your responsibility to read the material. Class lectures will also cover information that is supplemental to that found in the text. Any material covered in assigned readings, lectures, or DVDs shown in class may be included on exams. Please note that DVDs shown in class will not be available for later viewing.
Make sure you bring your textbook to each class since it will be used in class activities.
Student Classroom Behavior: Each class session is a formal meeting. Students are not to engage in any behavior that interferes with the right of other students to learn. Behaviors such as, but not limited to, personal conversations, reading newspapers, and preparing for other courses are not acceptable and shall not be permitted. Students engaging in such behaviors may be asked to leave class and will not be allowed to return until the next class session. No cell phone use, or other personal electronic devices use, will be permitted in ANY manner. This includes talking on the phone and text messaging. Turn off your cell phone, put it away and don’t take it out/look at it during class. Laptop use is permitted for MARK 4303 purposes only.
Attendance: Each student is expected to attend each class session, be punctual, remain for the entire class session, and be prepared to actively participate in class discussion. Class starts at 10:30 A.M. Tardiness is NOT acceptable behavior and if you are tardy (not in your seat when the sign-in sheet is passed around) you will miss out on OPEC points – so be sure you are on time for class. Your attendance is crucial to your getting the most out of this class, including your grade. Your ideas, thoughts and viewpoints will be missed if you are not in class. Students should contact the instructor prior to the class time if they will be absent from class. Class attendance is strongly encouraged, as material covered in class may not necessarily be found in your textbook and some assignments and class exercises will take place during class. Students are responsible for all the material presented during their absence.
EXAMS (300 POINTS – 100 POINTS PER EXAM): There will be three exams during the semester. Exams might be multiple choice, short answer and/or essay question format and may include some case study or DVD scenario questions in addition to any material covered in the chapters and/or class discussions. Students entering an exam period after any student has completed the exam will not be allowed to take the exam. Be sure to turn off your cell phone because if it rings or vibrates your exam will be taken from you and you will NOT be allowed to complete it. All backpacks and book bags must be closed and not opened during the exam.
No makeup exams will be administered without complete documentation of a university approved excuse AND prior permission from instructor. Missing a scheduled exam for an unexcused reason will result in a zero recorded for that exam. No exceptions. If permission is given for a make-up exam it will be administered during the final exam period which is scheduled for Monday, July 12.
ORAL AND WRITTEN PRESENTATION (150 POINTS): Students (4 - 5 to a group) will be assigned a major retailer or service provider for a written and oral presentation. The typed report should be handed in on the due date (July 7th) in a clear folder/binder with a cover page. Do not put each page of the report into a plastic cover. The details of this presentation will be discussed in class (see Retail Project).
This is a group grade so all students will have a chance, at the end of the summer session, to evaluate the level of participation of all the members in their group. A member who gets a consistently lower score than the other members of the group will be given a 10% reduction in his/her grade for the project. If a member of the group doesn’t contribute as expected, he/she may be granted a divorce by the instructor. If a student is divorced from his/her group then he/she must do the project alone or receive zero points for the project.
ASSIGNMENTS/ACTIVITIES (100 POINTS): There is one written case study (50 points) -- Case Study 35, Starbucks, page 618. The case study must be typed written. Type the question and then type the answer to the question. The case is due July 1 at the beginning of class. You cannot email this assignment. If you know that you be absent on the due date, hand it in prior to the due date. No late case study will be accepted.
The remaining points (50) will be earned in class. Occasional Points Earned in Class (OPEC) are points earned in class at the discretion of the instructor and may include quizzes, class activities, case studies, and/or chapter analysis. You must be on time for class and in class to earn these points. If you are tardy to class but present when OPEC is given, you may take the OPEC but will receive no points.
Retail & Service Marketing
MARK 4303
Summer 2010
Date Discussion Assignment
June 7 Introductions/General Course Outline
Chap. 1 – The World of Retailing
June 8 Chap. 2 – Types of Retailers
June 9 Chap. 3 – Multichannel Retailing…………………. Case Study 5
DVD – Sam Walton Blogs, pg. 580
June 10 Chap. 4 – Consumer Buyer Behavior……………. Case Study 7
Sanchez Family
Pg. 582
June 14 Chap. 5 -- Retail Market Strategy
June 15 Exam #1 – Chapters 1 – 5………………………….Groups/Retailer Assigned for Project
June 16 Chap. 7 – Retail Locations…………………………. Case Study 14
Stephanie’s Boutique, pg. 591
June 17 Chap. 8 Site Selection………………………………. Case Study 15
Hutch, pg. 592
June 21 Chap. 9 Human Resource Management
June 22 Chap. 10 – Information Systems
DVD – JCPenney
June 23 Chap. 11 – Customer Relationship……………….. Case Study 18
Management Nordstrom Revamps, pg. 599
June 24 Exam #2 – Chapters 7 – 11………………………… Group Work
June 28 Chap. 14 – Buying Merchandise………………….. Case Study 22 Chap. 15 – Pricing Selling to Walmart,
pg. 604
June 29 Chap. 16 -- Retail Communication…………………Case Study 24
Promoting A Sale,
pg. 574
Date Discussion Assignment
June 30 Chap. 17 – Managing the Store…………... Case Study 28
Diamond in the Rough,
Pg. 610
July 1 Chap. 18 – Store Layout, Design.…………Case Study 35
and Merchandising Starbucks, Pg. 618
July 5 Chap. 19 – Customer Service DVD – Ray Kroc
July 6 Chap. 19 – Customer Service……………... Case Study 31
Discmart, pg 612 and
Case Study 32
Nordstrom, pg. 613
July 7 Presentations………………………………… Oral & Written Report Due
July 8 Presentations
July 12 Final Exam 10:30 A.M. (Chapters 14 - 19)
The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus. It is each student’s responsibility to be aware of any and all changes that may occur.
Final Grades: Grade information cannot be given via telephone, mail, or email. Final grade information will be provided by the Registrar’s Office. The following grading scale will be utilized for determining each student’s total points earned.
Exam #1……………………….100 Points
Exam #2……………………….100 Points
Exam #3……………………….100 Points
Case Study #35………………..50 Points
OPEC………………………….. 50 Points
Retail Project…………………150 Points
Total Points…………………..550 Points
A = 495 - 550 points (90 – 100%)
B = 440 - 494 points (80 – 89%)
C = 385 – 439 points (70 – 79%)
D = 330 – 384 points (60 – 69%)
F = Below 330 points (0 – 59%)
Retail & Service Marketing
(150 POINTS)
This is a group project. The number of people per group will be determined by the size of the class. You may choose your group or you will be assigned to a group. Each group will be assigned a major retailer or service provider to research in order to give an oral presentation and submit a written report. The oral presentation will last approximately 20 - 25 minutes, depending on the number of presentations. It is to be a PowerPoint presentation that is practiced so it is not read to the class. Note cards (only) are permitted but cannot be read from. Each member must participate in the presentation. The written report will thoroughly and completely cover the following information. The length of the paper is not as important as the content.
Part I – Preliminary Preparation
A. Each group of students will be assigned a retailer or service provider.
B. Start the process of obtaining the most recent annual report (if available). The library or Internet may have a copy or you may have to contact the retail store and have them send you one.
C. Contact a person of authority at the store and arrange for an informational interview. The store manager is preferred but sometimes these people are too busy so an assistant manager or department manager can suffice. Try for the upper most management person who is willing to help you out. The interview can be in person or on the telephone.
D. The purpose of the interview is for you to get first hand information from the manager, which will help you with your report. Using the following outline as your guide, write out several questions that you will ask the store manager.
E. Visit the store to take a good look around at the layout of the store, the ambience of the store (displays, colors, and sounds), price points, store security, and type/lines of merchandise sold.
F. Search the Internet or library for articles and trade associations that provide information on industry trends, customer research studies, etc. relating to your retail business.
Part II – The Write Up
I. History of the Retail Store – highlight the main events
II. Situation Analysis (be thorough)
A. Industry Analysis (supply side)
B. Market Analysis (demand side)
C. Competitor analysis – be specific (visit the competition)
D. SWOT analysis – identify major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
III. Retail Strategy
A. Description of the target market (demographic and psychographic)
B. Retail Format (in detail)
1. Location(s)
2. Merchandise variety (breadth) and assortment (depth)
a. Where does the merchandise come from?
b. How is the merchandise delivered?
3. Communication Mix
a. Advertising, sales promotions, public
relations, and personal selling
b. Special events
4. Pricing policies and price adjustments
5. Customer service
a. How are employees hired/trained?
b. What CRM programs are utilized?
6. Store size, design, displays, atmospherics, and
security measures
C. Sustainable Competitive Advantages
IV. Future Plans (information from your research and your interview)
V. Major problems facing the retailer/service provider
VI. Recommendations
A. What recommendation(s) would you propose to
help this retailer/service better serve its target market?
B. What should this retailer/service do to be more
successful in these difficult economic/financial times?
C. Be specific about your recommendation(s). You must have at least three distinct recommendations.
VII. Sources – include in this section how each student contributed to the project, i.e. what section of the report were they responsible for.
Showtime: Each group’s written report plus printed handout (6 slides to a page) of the PowerPoint presentation is due July 7th. Group presentations will be July 7th and July 8th. The specific date when you will give your presentation will be determined in class. All members of the group must participate in the oral presentation. Each member MUST be dressed “business casual” or 5 points will be taken off the presentation grade. Business casual does not include jeans of any color.
Retail Project Grade Sheet Name______
Oral Presentation:
Knew Material – prepared, did not read, eye contact,
Within time limit, only used note cards _____/35
Professional visuals throughout _____/10
All members dressed professionally _____/ 5
Oral Presentation Total _____/50
Written Report
History of the Retail Store _____ / 5
Situation Analysis
Industry Analysis
Market Analysis
Competitor analysis
SWOT analysis ______/20
Retail Strategy
-Description of the target market _____/ 5
-Retail Format
Merchandise Mix/Service Mix
Communication Mix
Price points and price adjustments
Customer service
Store size, design, displays, and atmospherics _____/30
-Sustainable Competitive Advantages _____/10
Future Plans _____/ 5
Major problems _____/ 5
Recommendations (3) _____/10
Sources – include student contributions _____/ 5
Professional Appearance (in binder, cover page,
correct spelling and grammar) _____/ 5
Total Points _____/150