(please refer to explanatory notes)
Name of bank / :Address / :
Postcode/City / :
Name of client Separate form for each legal entity 1) / :
Address / :
Postcode/City / :
Main account number / :
Signature 2) / :
Name of audit firm 3) / :
Attn / :
Address / :
Postcode/City / :
1) See explanatory notes to standard bank confirmation.
2) The standard bank confirmation should be signed by a company officer who is an authorised signatory for banking matters.
3) The bank should return the standard bank confirmation directly to the audit firm, with a copy to the client.
Standard bank confirmation of the position as at: / - / - / (day/month/year).Questions 1 to 3 (general questions to be answered in all cases)
1. Facilities
Credit facilities, collateral provided, as well as positive and negative confirmations, issued by you for our benefit or that of our group. Please also state the collateral provided for other legal entities forming part of our group.
(Please see attached copy of the credit agreement)
2. Accounts
All accounts in our name held in your books, stating account name and number.
(Please see attached details)
3. Authorised persons
Those persons who, in accordance with information we supplied to you, are authorised to enter into an agreement with you or grant you a discharge on our behalf, stating the nature and extent of their authority in this respect, including authority and specific agreements with respect to electronic and other funds transfers.
(Please see attached details)
Questions 4 to 8 (only ticked questions to be answered)
4. / Letters of creditThe amount represented by letters of credit/documentary credits you have issued in favour of third parties upon our instructions.
5. / GuaranteesThe guarantees you have issued for our account and risk in favour of third parties, detailing any claims submitted in this context.
6. / Assets and securities depositedAssets and securities deposited with you or appointed third parties in our name, stating any restrictions that may apply with respect to the availability of these deposits.
No depositsDeposit statement sent directly to client
Deposit statement enclosed
7. / Forward contracts and other derivatives
Details of forward contracts we concluded with you and of other derivatives concluded with you, such as SWAPS, foreign exchange and interest-rate options, future rate agreements, which have not been settled by the date stated above.
No contractsDetails sent directly to client
Details enclosed
8. / Other information
Any additional comments relevant to this confirmation request.
Please find enclosed the requested information. While we took the greatest possible care in completing this form, we accept no liability for the consequences of any inaccuracies or omissions. Any discrepancies with your own records should be reported to us as soon as possible. The information supplied only concerns the accounts held at the ...... branch in ......
Place/date Name / signature Bank
Explanatory notes to the new standard bank confirmation
The standard bank confirmation should be requested for each client (legal entity). This means that separate confirmations should be requested for the parent company and for any subsidiaries. The answers provided will relate to all bank accounts of the legal entity (company) concerned.
Instructions for the client (legal entity):
The client should complete the heading of the form in full, i.e.:
· the name and address of the bank, the client (legal entity) and the auditor;
· the main account number of the client (legal entity);
· signature (the confirmation should be signed by a company officer who is an authorised signatory for banking matters);
· the reference date to be used for the requested information.
The standard bank confirmation form now consists of two parts. The first general (compulsory) part contains three questions that must be answered by the bank in all cases. This is followed by the second part containing five specific questions, which the bank should only answer at the explicit request of the client. Question 8 gives the bank the opportunity to comment on any issues not covered by the preceding questions.
The client should instruct the bank in writing.
The heading of the standard bank confirmation form should be completed in full and signed by the client.
Instructions for the bank:
In order to minimise additional work for the bank, the questions may be answered by attaching the relevant documentation. This can take the form of a copy of or information from a computer file. Therefore, an extract from the bank’s records, returned as an attachment to the confirmation form, is normally sufficient for answering the questions.
The form already describes documentation that can be attached for the purpose of answering the questions.
For the facilities (question 1), a copy of the most recent signed letter of proposal detailing the credit conditions and guarantees will suffice.
For question 2, a breakdown should be attached showing the numbers of the bank accounts held by the client (it is no longer required to state the balances, as these are usually already known via other information sources).
For question 3, a copy of the system signature card (stating in particular the name of the officer and his/her authority and/or restrictions) may be attached.
Optional questions 4 to 8: only the ticked questions should be answered.
The standard bank confirmation form contains a number of optional questions. When ticking the questions to be answered, please be selective, taking account of the situation at the legal entity concerned. For example, if it is policy within the group that certain bank transactions, such as entering into derivative contracts, are only carried out by the parent company, it will not be necessary to select these questions on the forms for the subsidiaries.
New statements do not need to be produced for questions 6 and 7. An update to the statements already provided on a regular basis will suffice.
The confirmation form should be returned directly to the relevant audit firm, with a copy to the client.
Model 2003/ Kon. Nivra - NOvAA