Consultation In-Person Feedback Collection

Date: February 20, 2014 (evening)

Group: Community in-person session

Location: Fort St. John, BC

Number of Attendees: 18

Note: all the information and feedback gathered at this session will be inputted into the overall collection of data and feedback for consideration of the development of the Disability White Paper.

Feedback: /
·  Steps, top shelf, high clerk – more inclusive office, business
·  More PWD involved in planning
·  PWDs able to do, be a part
·  be recognized in community
·  enrichment centre – ESJACL (sic) – volunteers experience – paid and non-paid
·  get PWD mobile and out – buses now accessible – bus stops fixed up
·  taxi? Not yet – can use for all people not just PWD – subsidize service (ride)
·  need vehicle modifications etc. to be able to work
·  Acceptance – celebrate – employee of the month, etc.
·  Respect – visible show
·  Not closed – but not go looking to hire PWD
·  Accommodations – need to be successful – have what needed but can’t show at first – social, interview, etc.
·  Even people without disabilities have lack of skills
·  Not trained/schooled enough when young – headcount in school
·  What can do, not what can’t
·  Not force on (sic)
·  Educate employer etc. to reduce barrier of employment of person
·  Where do we rate?
·  If all had: would be most progressive (sic)
·  Wide smooth sidewalks
·  Wide door
·  Not surprised to see PWD
·  Has changed but still has step to go
·  Look at strengths, not pigeonhole
·  City etc. take the lead – welcome, ableism, attitude (sic)
·  Mental health field – need more
·  Stigma w/contract, think PWD not have income
·  We don’t know future –will we be in a w/chair – one minute to change your life
·  Political will/desire
·  Other comm. have – some whole cities
·  Model house – PG built one, college built one
·  Need to contacted right (sic) – away when get in community
·  Contact info
·  Library – training program
·  Computer access
·  Huge waitlist for services
·  Community events
·  Disjointed resources – what’s available?
·  Resources finite
·  Pressure
·  Demand higher than resources
·  $ might be there but resources (people to do) not
·  Difficult to get going when it first came out
·  Does it affect funding? Will they see it as an asset – penalized for saving
·  Majority of funding/these types of programs based on household income not personal barrier for people who live with someone who works full time
·  Period of time where you can’t touch it
·  Not a lot of awareness about the RDSP – more education needed
·  National – we need something local (provincial)
·  Community needs to be very clear about the definition of disability
·  Vital for people w/mental disabilities for aging parents to provide for
·  Stipulations – 49 years of age – bond and grant stipulations – limit amount $ contributions
·  Who eligible? Can they hold a job
·  Have one for education not just retirement
·  Min. level to be raised – no tax/penalty, now $500 upped to $800
·  Need more education regarding RDSP – outer community needs more info.
·  Affordable housing is lacking!
·  Needs to be more accessible housing
·  Shelter costs not adequate
·  BC Housing wait list is 2 years
·  Incentives for people to rent to low income person
·  Once it’s accessible is it affordable?
·  BC Housing need to be more involved here – not city’s responsibility
Ø  Costs you more to rent than to own
Ø  City is running out of land
Ø  Making it more expensive
Ø  If you don’t own land, you’re screwed – people who need accessible housing in a minority
Ø  Takes away power when you can’t decide where you live
Ø  People assume PWDs will move away from the north – shouldn’t be that way
·  Housing – bylaws in place – can’t get into houses – need houses (accessible) built for same price
·  Visitable housing – door wide but also room inside – doesn’t take a lot (say’s costs too much but actually about $1500 more)
·  Built right from beginning
·  Aging in place
·  Older houses not accessible – gov’t sup. To make more accessible
·  Affordable besides accessible
·  Communities need to investigate how to get builders to build accessible housing – tax incentives, etc.
·  Inclusion – gives PWD quality of life
·  None of us know what tomorrow holds – things can change
·  Sense of purpose
·  Reducing barriers gives people choice
·  Transportation is a HUGE barrier
Ø  At nighttime (no HandiDART)
Ø  Taxis at the airport (visitors)
Ø  Puts embarrassment on city
·  PWDs have a lot to offer – we are missing out and so are they
·  Money – needs to be in the hands of those who know what it’s like
·  Comes down to money
·  Not all PWD poor – could shop if could get into town and stores – more acc. Business – look at ways to make com. Be more inclusive
·  Not all PWDs appear to have disabilities
·  Trouble finding someone to prescribe assistive devices
·  Living in the north – difficult to have someone to come to us
·  Ministry needs to advertise (promote) what is available (WorkBC) – province wide campaign
·  Doesn’t matter how you get there, important to share info on resources, supports, devices
·  Barrier – if everybody knows about the resources will be a huge demand might cause delays
·  TETRA (creates devices to help employ PWDs) – how many people know that?
·  Need more awareness about what disability advisory committee doe sin our community
·  Disability resources centre
Ø  Road map of what’s’ available right now
Ø  Connect all the expertise and resources
Ø  Combines government (policies, bylaws) and community (network, continuum of care)
Ø  Meeting everyone where they are on their journey
·  to live in community
·  not have full access to community
·  can’t take part
·  to be valued (something like racism)
·  interaction and connection
·  bathroom accessible but are they?
·  Get PWD involved - before design and building
·  Shower down hall
·  Devices? On bathrooms, bars, door locks
·  Fire alarm? Emergency (fire) – elevator? How do get down so only get room on ground floor – carried
·  Safe areas – go to in case of emergency
·  Is info shared before?
·  All would like this info
·  Need more info
·  Evacuation plans – for all places – understandable plans and rules
·  Bring together as many of the non-profits as possible
·  Somebody who’s not working might have a harder time making a social network
·  Transportation barrier to building networks
·  Network is only as good as you make it
·  Events have to be during the day (transportation) but then what about the people who work during the day
·  Technology great for building network, but physical interaction very important
·  Funding the HandiDART late some nights/week
·  Local taxi make (sic) an accessible van – aware of need?
·  Evenings – time where a lot of people are vulnerable – crucial they have access to a social network
·  Poverty – free pool passes, free gym passes, free access to computers – for Facebook, Twitter, etc.
·  But someone has to pay? One cent tax? Pay in other ways – healthcare etc., so preventative
·  Subsidize
·  Sponsorship – show the value – generous businesses here
·  What can businesses do? - value
·  Too many buildings that are not accessible
·  Gov’t give business 10 years (?) to make their business accessible – upgrade
·  Problem – too costly – some grants through Service Canada to make renos if company employs PWD
·  Need more – and needs to be easier
·  Educate employers what is available to them
·  Build culture that encourages company policies that promote accessibility
·  Need to acknowledge and educate employers about what disabilities might be facing their employee (mental health)
·  Use companies that are supportive and forward thinking as examples – adapt them to smaller companies
·  Have companies promote support for employees w/substance issues, mental health we make it better for one group (type of disability) we make it better for all (sliding doors – seniors, moms w/strollers)
·  Employer has to create comfortable space for employees to share needs
·  Stigmas
Ø  Lots of work (if know someone)
Ø  Encourage employer
Ø  Accommodations to put into place
Ø  Is person qualified, even if needs accom. – not just who you know
·  Employer maybe not looking in right places
·  Not want to even look at options
Ø  Competitive
Ø  Not want slow (sic)
Ø  Visibility of disability - not want
·  Need – educate – what PWD can offer

Solution Wall Posts:

Build a disability resource centre
Evacuation planning for buildings and organizations
When a person with a psychiatric disability cannot maintain a consistent rental situation they have a live in substandard situations – they need a dependable rental situation that is safe, no matter, if in hospital or not – increase funding to provide more options
Research $ targeted to innovation/accessibility in Northern BC
Build a model accessible house
Business analytical tool for disability access
Build the culture within: BC Chamber (sic)
Increase tax credit (SRED) for innovations in this field
Sponsor for social supports enhance healthy living – free computer access – free pool passes or gym passes
Change TOR for MDAC Fort St. John
Define what is a PWD eg, is addictions and mental health a disability
BC’s 100 Best Companies – “what have you shared with a supplier/customer?”
Include people with mental disabilities not only physical disabilities
Lack of accessible transportation in Northern BC – accessible taxi in FSJ
Educate employers to ensure they know about programs and services to hire PWDs
Increase HandiDART hours
Ministry needs to promote and market WorkBC services and programs across BC
Have a road map of services and programs that are already available
Increase accessible transportation options
Require accessible features in new development
Changing societies mindset to be more inclusive
Build a network for PWD in FSJ
Widen doorways - repair sidewalks
More advocacy and networking between business, consumers, families
PWDs be involved in planning

Cutting Red Tape:

Passenger transportation safety board
Province informing RDSP taxation laws – to increase support for people
Make it easier for people to apply and qualify for PWD
Instead of telling people what they want ask them what they want
Timely assistance in applying for benefits instead of creating funding gaps for individuals