MODFLOW Interface Program (MIP)
User Manual
Clear Creek Solutions, Inc.
May 2013
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To download the MODFLOW Interface Program
and the electronic version of this document,
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If you have questions about MIP or its use, please contact:
Clear Creek Solutions, Inc.
360-943-0304 (8 AM – 5 PM Pacific time)
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The MODFLOW Interface Program (MIP) is a tool for converting HSPF-generated aquifer recharge time series data from an HSPF WDM format file to Excel comma-delimited format file for input to the Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) MODFLOW groundwater program. This section of the user manual provides background information on the HSPF modeling studies conducted in the nine major river basins providing recharge to the Edwards Aquifer.
Clear Creek Solutions completed HSPF model updates and refinements to seven of the nine basin models used to calculate Edwards Aquifer recharge. The seven basins were: Frio and Dry Frio, Sabinal, Medina, Cibolo and Dry Comal, and Guadalupe basins plus the areas between Sabinal and Medina and between Medina and Cibolo. This work was completed under the Mod 1 work effort on contract W9126G-08-C-0057. The HSPF model updates and refinements to the Nueces and Blanco basins were conducted as part of this contract W9126G-12-C-0029.
Clear Creek Solutions calibrated HSPF models of the Nueces River basins to provide recharge estimates to the Edwards Aquifer. This calibration work is a continuation of the earlier Nueces and Blanco HSPF calibration project completed by Clear Creek Solutions in 2009 and builds on prior HSPF modeling work done by LBG-Guyton and AQUA TERRA Consultants, described in the report titled HSPF Recharge Models for the San Antonio Segment of the Balcones Fault Zone Edwards Aquifer (2005).
Each basin model was calibrated at USGS long-term gaging locations using the entire basin area (Recharge Zone subbasins plus Contributing Zone subbasins). The Nueces Basin HSPF model Edwards Aquifer recharge is divided into two separate components. The model separately computes recharge from the stream reaches and from the land segments in the Recharge Zone. Each recharge time series is stored separately in the basin’s WDM file.
Development of the MODFLOW Interface Program
The concept of using a continuous simulation hydrologic model to compute recharge to an aquifer is relatively new. The Edwards Aquifer Authority (EAA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recognized the benefits of improved recharge data accuracy in the use of HSPF (Hydrological Simulation Program Fortran) recharge values for input to MODFLOW. To facilitate this approach, Clear Creek Solutions (CCS) has created a user-friendly, automated data conversion software tool (MIP) that reads the HSPF Watershed Data Management (WDM) time series file and generates appropriate input time series files for use in MODFLOW based on EAA requirements and specifications.
Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. is currently serving as a member of the Edward’s Aquifer Technical Advisory Group (TAG). The goal of the TAG is to develop and document recharge estimates to the Edwards Aquifer using refined EAA-HSPF models that are technically sound, defensible, accurate, suitable for importing into the USGS MODFLOW and GWSIM4 groundwater models and acceptable to the many stakeholders.
To reach that goal, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is serving as the facilitator of the TAG, which includes representatives from USACE, EAA, USGS, HDR, Inc. under contract to the Government, the Contractor, SAWS, city of Corpus Christi, and others as agreed to by these principal team members.
Task 2 of contract W9126G-12-C-0029 is the creation of an interface for a program that will easily and efficiently convert recharge data generated in the Edwards Aquifer HSPF nine basin models to MODFLOW input data.
One of the major end goals of the TAG in developing and documenting recharge estimates to the Edwards Aquifer using the refined HSPF models is to provide high quality, accurate recharge data that can be imported into the USGS MODFLOW and GWSIM4 groundwater models. Currently the data has to be input by hand. Task 2 work efforts would greatly improve the time and effort it now takes to import the calculated recharge data from the HSPF basin models into MODFLOW by developing an interface program that will allow the different models to “talk” to one another and automate the input data process.
This MIP user manual is part of Task 2 and describes how to use the MODFLOW Interface Program.
The MODFLOW Interface Program was developed by Clear Creek Solutions, Inc., under contract to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District. Ms. Marcia Hackett was the project manager for the USACE. Information about the MODFLOW Interface Program output format was provided by the Edwards Aquifer Authority.
The Edwards Aquifer Technical Advisory Group, chaired by Marcia Hackett and consisting of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Geological Survey, Edwards Aquifer Authority, San Antonio River Authority, and other regional agencies, will be provided a copy of this user manual.
For Clear Creek Solutions, Mr. Douglas Beyerlein, P.E., was the Principal Investigator, responsible for the overall conduct of the project and this user manual. Mr. Joseph Brascher, Project Manager, designed and wrote the MODFLOW Interface Program software code. Mr. Gary Maxfield assisted in the computer programming.
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MIP is the MODFLOW Interface Program. MIP is based on the HSPF WDM file tools package included in the WWHM (Western Washington Hydrology Model) modeling platform. WWHM was originally developed for the Washington State Department of Ecology. More information about WWHM can be found at Note that the MIP user does not need WWHM to use MIP. MIP is a stand-alone program.
Clear Creek Solutions, Inc. is solely responsible for MIP and the MIP user manual.
This user manual is organized so as to provide the user an example of automatically loading the HSPF-generated recharge files into a set of files formatted for input to MODFLOW and an example of manually loading the HSPF-generated recharge files.
Steps 1 through 6 demonstrate how the automatically loading of the HSPF-generated recharge files into a set of files formatted for input to MODFLOW works.
Steps 7 through 13 show how the user can manually create the MODFLOW input files one entry at a time.
MIP Automated Process:
The MIP automated process loads existing HSPF project WDM files and creates the Excel comma-delimited (.csv) format files used as input to EAA’s MODLFLOW program. The automated process can load as many WDM files as desired.
Step 1:Load recharge files from project.
MIP Column descriptions:
Watershed: Project basin name.
WDM File: Name of the WDM file that contains the recharge time series data.
DSN: WDM dataset number for the time series file in the WDM that contains the recharge data for a specific reach or land use basin.
Name: Of the reach or land use basin or copy basin that contains the recharge time series data.
Type: Type of recharge time series data.There are two types: RCHRES (recharge from a stream reach) and PERLND (recharge from a land use basin).
Filename: Name of the Excel comma-delimited (CSV) file in which the recharge time series data will be stored.
When the user clicks on the “Load from Project” button MIP lists all of the HSPF projects in the WWHM software platform. The user selects the project (basin) of interest and clicks the Open button.
When the project is loaded MIP reads through the project’s WDM file, finds all of the recharge time series, and lists them in the MIP window along with their attributes.
Step 2: Save project.
Click on the “Save to File” button to save the list of the recharge time series files to be generated. This saves the user from having to load the original HSPF project file in WWHM format (Step 1) once this file is created. This short-cut is handy when multiple project files are used for input into the MODFLOW model.
Step 3: Name file to be saved.
The file name should have a CSV extension.
Step 4:Add more projects, if needed.
The user canadd more recharge time series to the MIP input from a new projectby repeating the load project process (Step 1). This gives the user the option of appending a new project to the existing one.
The user is then asked if the new project recharge time series data are to be appended to the existing data. Usually the answer is “Yes”.
The additional set of recharge time series from the second WDM file are listed after the first set. This can be done for all 12 WDM files. When finished the user is ready to execute the program to create the CSV-format files that will be read by MODFLOW.
Step 5: Execute program.
Click on the Execute button to create all of the recharge CSV-format files that will be read by EAA’s MODFLOW program.
Step 6:Review output file.
The Excel spreadsheet comma-delimited format (CSV) file created by MIP lists the daily recharge values in units of acre-feet for each recharge time series.
This recharge file is now ready to be read by EAA’s MODFLOW program.
MIP Manual Process:
The second option is to manually create the MODFLOW input files one entry at a time. This requires the user to manually create the file one entry at a time. See steps 7 through 13 below.
Step 7: Select river basin.
There are nine HSPF river basin models. Three of the basin models each have two WDM files. Therefore, there are a total of 12 WDM files that contain recharge time series data. In alphabetical order these 12 files are: Blanco, Cibolo, Frio, Guadalupe, Helotes, Hondo, Medina, Nueces, Sabinal, Salado, Seco, and Verde.
Click on the empty cell in the upper left corner of the MIP grid to see a list of all of the 12 basin WDM files.
Select the basin of interest.
Step 8: Select WDM file.
Click on a cell in the WDM File column to browse and select the WDM file associated with the basin selected.
The selected WDM file is listed.
Step 9: Enter the recharge DSN number for this land use basin or reach.
The user must know the WDM recharge data set number (DSN) input value for the land use basin (PERLND) or stream reach (RCHRES) to be added.
Step 10: Enter name of reach or basin.
The user can enter the appropriate name of the land use basin (PERLND) or stream reach (RCHRES) associated with the DSN.
Step 11:Enter type of source of the recharge.
The two types of sources for the recharge to the Edwards Aquifer are the Basin (land use basin or HSPF PERLND) and Reach (stream reach or RCHRES). Select the appropriate one associated with the DSN.
Step 12: Select the filename for the CSV file that will contain the recharge output.
Type in the name of the CSV file to which the recharge daily values will be written.
Step 13: Execute program.
Click on the Execute button to create all of the recharge CSV-format files that will be read by EAA’s MODFLOW program.
Note: The “Pre” and “Mit” settings should not be changed by the user without prior consultation with Clear Creek Solutions, Inc.