Class Outline
Class Title: Chair Massage
Courses and Hours: Swedish 3.5
Discussion Guidelines
Discuss what chair massage is and how it can enhance ones practice through “Hands on marketing” as well as how it plays out in an event scenario. Discuss client Contraindications, Proper dress, Supplies, tools (Types of chairs), Body mechanics, sanitation and therapist self care.
Discussion of Business opportunities in relation to Chair Massage
Discuss briefly the types of events that can one can participate to build their business or suggest to an employer to enhance visibility of a business.
Demo and Discussion of Chair types and adjustments
Discuss styles, prices, brand options and specific and features to three different chair models displayed for students. (Stronglite Ergo-Pro $350, Custom Craft works $206, Oak Works Portal Pro $450)
Demo adjustments on each chair and “side kick” Discuss and Demo all of the features and adjustments
Discussion of Protocol
Explanation of protocol and specific strokes used. Emphasize and demonstrate examples of proper body mechanics and hand positions used as well as alternate “Hand Saving” strokes.
Gliding Effleurage
Petrisage (Kneading)
Palmer Friction
Ulnar Friction
ROM (Range of Motion)
Compression (Using hand, forearm and elbow)
Discussion of Therapist preparation
Briefly reiterate and discuss the basic elements of Biomechanics class to emphasize the importance of proper preparation (Stretching) posture, hand position and execution of strokes
Discuss reasons for therapists to focus on biomechanics:
*health and comfort: biomechanics increase effectiveness and reduces strain on the body while working, helps avoid overuse and injury, allows gravity to support the working body, and becomes a tool in itself.
- balanced body position increases the awareness of the energetic connection, and allows for increased quality of touch.
Demo of Stances at chair:
Horse Stance (Tucking Pelvis)
Upper Lunge (Weight Transfer)
Lower Lunge ( “ “)
Demo of Protocol
With assistant/student reading from protocol instructor will demo each step of chair massage routine employing proper body mechanics and stopping after each section description to ensure everyone is following the protocol and answer any questions along the way. Goal is to ensure student work with out injuring themselves.
Student Trades
Students will perform and practice the specific strokes culminating in the 8 min. protocol under instructor supervision and trade
Post-Post Event- (Therapist Care)
Discuss therapist care of hydration, stretching pre and post performance of chair massage as well as post massage ice therapy.
Q & A
Answer student questions and concerns.
10 minutes Intro of topic and Q&A
15 minutes Discussion and Demo of Chair Types
30 minutes Discussion & Demo of Chair Massage, Hand position and body mechanics
15 minute Break
10 minutes Chair and sidekick set up
45 minutes Trade One & feedback
15 minute Break
45 minutes Trade Two & feedback
10 minutes take down Chairs and sidekicks
15 minutes Discussion
3 Massage chairs and a sufficient number of “Sidekicks” for class, lecture chairs, white board
Source Material
Chair massage Hand out