CLASS Professional Development 2012

Annual Conference

Friday October 26, 2012


Gina Barreca is most recently the editor of Make Mine A Double: Why Women Like Us Like To Drink (or Not) published by the University Press of New England in 2011 and author ofIt's Not That I'm Bitter: How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Visible Panty Lines and Conquered the World(St. Martin’s, 2009). She has appeared on 20/20, The Today Show, CNN, the BBC, NPR, Oprah, and Dr. Phil, to discuss gender, power, politics, and humor. Her earlier books include the bestsellingThey Used to Call Me Snow White But I Drifted: Women's Strategic Use of Humor(which is being reissued in a “classic” edition by UPNE in 2013) andBabes in Boyland: A Personal History of Coeducation in the Ivy League; her books have been translated into several languages, including Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, and German. Gina, whose columns from the Hartford Courant are distributed worldwide by the McClatchy-Tribune Syndicate, is Professor of English and Feminist Theory at the University of Connecticut.Her B.A. is from Dartmouth College, where she was one of the first classes of women, her M.A. is from an all-women’s college at Cambridge University, and her Ph.D. is from the City University of New York. Gina blogs regularly for Psychology Today, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and The Huffington Post; she has also written for The New York Times, The Independent (of London), Cosmopolitan, The Harvard Business Review, and other newspapers and magazines worldwide. She grew up in Brooklyn, lives with her husband in Connecticut, and has friends all over the place.(

Gina Barreca

Marie Ann Carpinteri is the first Connecticut graduate of the national ALA Library Support Staff Certification Program. She is a School Media Technology Assistant for the Greenwich Public Schools, and lives in Riverside CT.

Jane F. Cullinanehas been involved in preservation activities at the Connecticut State Library since joining the Newspaper Project in 1991. She became Preservation Librarian in 1999 and oversees binding, newspaper microfilming and simple book repair, and coordinates the agency disaster plan. Her office is increasingly involved in digital projects with some volumes going out for scanning and others being scanned in-house. Ms. Cullinane holds a BA from the University of Massachusetts, Boston and a Master of Science in Library Science from Simmons College.

Brandie Doyleis the Business & Career Resources Librarian at Russell Library in Middletown, CT. Prior to earning her MLIS from Simmons College in 2011, Brandie spent seven years on the front lines in both academic and public libraries.

Kim Farrington has been working in resource sharing since 1987.In 1991 she was hired as the Interlibrary Services Librarian at University of Hartford’s Mortensen Library, where she stayed until January 2001 when she became the Interlibrary Loan Librarian and Assistant Head of Access of Services at Central CT State University’s Burritt Library.She became the Head of Access Services at Burritt Library in July 2009 and is currently the founder and co-chair of the CT Library Consortium’s ILL East Roundtable.

Judy Haggarty is a Library Assistant at Guilford Free Library. Guilford is a shoreline town of around 22,000 and the library is part of the LION consortium. Judy has been working at Guilford for nearly 13 years and been in charge of ILL for about 6 years.

Barbara Hall is a Library Technical Assistant at the Booth & Dimock Memorial Library in Coventry, CT. Booth & Dimock has a stand-alone circulation system developed by Auto-Graphics.Coventryis a town of about 12,500 residents in the Northeast corner of the state. Barbara has been in charge of ILL for 12 years.

Lynn MacDonald is a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance and is an ACE CertifiedPersonal Trainer. She has a strong passion for health, fitness and wellness and share her passion with many of her classes.In addition to Yoga, Lynn teaches several other fitness classes and promotes wellness and preventive maintenance to help ease the symptoms of aging! Lynn owns and operates Rocky Hill Yoga & More, LLC.

Dr. Marie C. Shaw has her doctorate from the University of Connecticut in Educational Leadership and Adult Learning. She is the Program Coordinator of the nationally accredited Library Technology certificate program at Three Rivers Community College where she teaches the courses Digital Resources, Library Management, and Introduction to Reference Services. In addition to her work at Three Rivers in Norwich, she is a full time library media specialist and Curriculum Instructional Leader in Technology at East Lyme High School in East Lyme, CT. In East Lyme she serves on many school and district committees in the areas of new teacher certification, curriculum development, global education, and technology.Marie also serves as the chairperson of the Groton Public Library. Outside interests include golf, sailing, kayaking, biking, and running.

Cindy Wall has been Head of Children’s Services at the Southington Library andMuseum for 9 years. She reviews books and apps for School Library Journal and hasappeared as a guest blogger on School Library Journal’s“Touch and Go” blog andLibrary Journal’s“The Digital Shift” blog to talk about her eTots iPad program for 2- and 3-year-olds. This fall, Mrs. Wall and her colleague will expand the library’siPad offerings to include children from the ages of 2-12. Mrs. Wall has previously wonthe CLA Publicity Award for one of the first 1000 Books Before Kindergartenprogramsin Connecticut and recently won an LSTA grant to expand her iPad programming with alocal Early Education Cooperative.

Terry Waltersis at the forefront of the clean eating lifestyle movement. She is the author of two highly acclaimed cookbooks – the bestselling, Clean Food, and Clean Start, a James BeardFoundation Award finalist and recipient of the Nautilus Gold Book Award. Terry is dedicated tomaking sustainable good health both easy and delicious. Without preaching or judgment, she sharesher passion and shows us how simple it is to get on the path to eating clean and enjoying good health, for yourself, for your family and for the environment. Terry has traveled all over North America, speaking about Clean Food. She has been featured on television, radio, print and Internet media and is the author of the popular blog “Eat Clean Live Well”. Terry serves on the Board of Directors for Urban Oaks Organic Farm, one of the largest urban organic farms in the country, and trained at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition. She resides in Connecticut with her husband and two children, who know the joys of eating clean.For more information, visit CLEAN FOOD on Facebook, @TerryWalters on Twitter.

Terry Walters