Mr. Carollo

US History I


Class Overview:

Over the next school year, we will study American History spanning the era of Exploration until the Post Civil War-Industrial Revolution Era. Over that time we will examine such significant achievements such as the development of industry as well the advancement of technology within the colonial age. More importantly, we will examine the governmental and societal challenges associated with the construction of the United States. We will closely study the key issues posed to our forefathers and analyze their decisions. Furthermore, we will examine how the actions of our forefathers led to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars as well as the impact that these events had on the development of the United States.

Grading Policy:

As a teacher, it is vital that the students know the class expectations in order to achieve success within the classroom. All grades will be calculated based on a TOTAL POINTS paradigm.

  1. Tests / Major Assignments: There will be a minimum of 2 tests / Major assignments each marking period. These assessments will count a minimum of 75 pts. & a maximum of 200 pts. towards the marking period grade. These tests can include a combination of multiple choice, matching and/or expository essay questions.
  1. Quiz: There will be a minimum of 3 Quizzes/ minor assignments each marking period. Each quiz will count a minimum of 30 points and a maximum of 70 points toward the marking period grade. These quizzes can include but are not limited to weekly review quizzes, timed writing assignments, small research assignments, etc.
  1. Homework: An undetermined amount of homework will be given throughout the marking period. Homework will often require a student to reflect on an essential question and its relationship to the day’s lesson via guided reading questions or a writing assignment. The homework will be worth 5 points per assignment. The total points earned will count towards the marking period average
  1. Notebook: Keeping an organized and concise notebook is vital towards overall success in this class. Notebooks will be collected at the end of each marking period via Notability and grade for a total of 50 points. Additionally, unannounced notebook quizzes can be used as a means of determining the quality of your note taking
  1. Projects / Research Paper: There will be a minimum of one major alternative assessment each marking period. These assessments may be or an individual or group nature. The value will be based on the difficulty of the task

*** The final marking period average will be the number of points earned divided by the total number of possible points

Class Rules:

  1. Tardiness is not acceptable. BE ON TIME TO CLASS
  1. Recreational Cell Phone use is PROHIBITED during the class period,

3. In accordance with school policy, there is no food or drink (except water) allowed within the classroom.

  1. You are only allowed to go to the bathroom once a week during my class period. In addition only one student will be allowed to go at a time.
  1. You must bring a pen, your notebook and textbook to class everyday.
  1. Respect is essential in a classroom. In order to have an enjoyable class, it is imperative that you show respect to both the teacher and you fellow students. It is also expected that the teacher will show respect to the students as well.
  1. Any paper received late will be given a corresponding score deduction.

1 day = 5 points

2 days = 15 points

3 days = 25 points