Term 2 2016
Notes for Bumblebee Parents
We are really pleased with how well all the reception children have settled in during their first term and are now ready for the next steps.
Communication, Language and Literacy
Throughout this term we will continue to develop children’s phonic knowledge and ability to form letters correctly. We will give priority on forming the letters that make up their name. Once they have mastered these they will build on the other letters. We would like to remind you that we do a selection of other handwriting activities in school on a regular basis but this is not always recordable in a book.These activities may include writing letters in the sand, using buckets and paintbrushes outside, whiteboards and pens and paint markers. The activities will be related to each child’s individual needs.
Whenever children write their name we will encourage correct formation and would appreciate it if you would do the same at home. Some children will be encouraged to use a pencil grip to support their fine motor skills.
We will continue to develop basic skills in reading and writing, and, of course, drama will feature strongly as we move towards Christmas.
We are really pleased with the progress children have been making with their reading. Please could you help your child to read or practise their word tub or book as often as possible at home, and make a comment in their reading diary even if it is just to tell us that they were too tired to have a go. We cannot emphasis enough the positive impact reading at home will have on your child’s progress.
Our Literacy theme for this term is “Once Upon a time” We will be sharing some traditional stories and tales with the children and using these to engage the children in mark making/writing activities.
We will also continue to encourage children to take part in activities that develop their speaking and listening skills. Many children are now able to speak to an audience with increasing confidence.
Show and Tell for this term will be:
November 7th – A favourite traditional story
November 21st – Something related to a traditional story – something made or drawn at home.
December 5th – Something related to Christmas
December 19th – Free choice
Once you have decided what your child will be bringing in, you could perhaps discuss with your child the information that they will share with the group (you could write us some “prompts” if this will help). Children are always very keen on this event and even the most nervous of children can usually cope with showing an occasional item.
We will begin the term by looking at 2D and 3D shapes. We will also be completing some work on positional language and patterns. We will be continuing to develop number skills, including work on number recognition,counting and ordering. We will compare numbers using the language of more and less. The children will also have an introduction to addition.
Understanding the World
Changes in the environment as Autumn turns to Winter will be observed this term.We will be celebrating firework night and Diwali.
We will continue to look at the various technology available to us. Ipads and computers are often used for independent exploration and sometimes for directed tasks.
Alongside our Christmas Play, we will be exploring the traditional meaning of Christmas through the Christmas Story.
Expressive Arts and Design
The children will be encouraged to explore a range of materials and media, following their own interests but also participating in activities to focus their attention and learning towards different styles and techniques such as colour mixing, joining materials and collage.
We hope to introduce the children to our new “Role play room” where they can develop their imagination, collaborative play skills and speaking and listening.
Physical Development
Initially we will develop children’s confidence and control on the apparatus in the main hall. Alongside this we shall be developing creative dance as part of our Christmas Play preparations. Outside play continues throughout the colder weather, so you might like to consider appropriate and named outdoor clothing (coats, scarves, gloves, hats) that your child can manage largely by themselves.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Our Christmas activities all give children opportunities to work as a team for the first time, and to share a range of experiences with their friends. Our main emphasis for this term is therefore Working and Playing Together.
Our Christmas Play will, in itself, provide many learning experiences for the children, as well as, we hope, providing you with an opportunity for pride and enjoyment. There will be further details on this nearer the time.
Keeping in touch.
We hope that you will continue to feel able to approach us on any areas of concern, and thank you for your continued support.
Don’t forget to look at our blogs on our website and your own child’s interactive learning diary. Please let us know if you are having any problems logging into either of these.
The Bumblebee class team