Ms. J. Kazmi

Class Guidelines and Expectations

Mathematics – Geometry

(516) 434-6147/6149

Office Hours for Extra Help

Pd. (Mon. & Thurs.) – Math Office

2:45 – 3:15 P.M.(Tues.)- Rm.425 & 7:05 – 7:35 A.M.(Wed.) – Rm.424

I. Required Daily:

Homework/pens and or pencils/ graphing calculator/ 3-ring red binder with dividers for sections for notes, homeworks, constructions and tests/ and compass.

II.Supplies Needed:

Red 3-ring hard binder with dividers and loose-leaf paper, pens, pencils, graph paper, protractor, compass, colored pens, pencils or markers, highlighter, straightedge,scissor, folder, index cards and a graphing calculator (TI-83,84,or plus), which you can opt to have your own or borrow one from the school.

III.Homework (15% of grade) : (Rubric Provided)

Homework will be given every day and it will be checked daily or collected. Each H.W. assignment must be numbered and completed on time in a neat and legible manner. Each H.W. is worth 5 points toward a H.W. grade (refer to HW rubric). Assignments are posted daily on Edmodo. There will be HW assignments on DeltaMath and /or IXL.

IV.Warm – Up or ‘Try Now’ Activity:

Begin immediately upon entering class.

V.Class Participation:(Rubric Provided)

Your class participation grade is 10% of your marking period grade. This grade includes promptness, contribution to class activities, board work, preparedness, focus and readiness to work as soon as the bell rings. You must be in class daily. Quality attendance is essential for academic success. Be involved as an active participant in every class! All work should be neat and completed with your best effort.

VI.Other rules that will affect your successful completion of this course:

  1. Gum, food, candy, and drinks are not permitted in class.
  2. Hats, bandanas, do rags and other head coverings, sunglasses, walkmen, beepers, cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted in class.
  3. Books should not be placed on windowsills; keep bookbags out of aisles (place under desks)
  4. All individuals as well as surroundings and the materials distributed to the students are to be treated with respect.
  5. If absent it is your responsibility to see your teacher and refer to Edmodo to complete all work and tests missed. Make sure make-ups are done immediately!
  6. Listen to comments, answers, and questions that classmates offer.
  7. Cooperation with teachers and peers is necessary for the class to run smoothly.

Ms. J. Kazmi

Classroom Guidelines and Expectations

Mathematics – Geometry

(516) 434-6147/6149

  1. Working together as a team will be very important for achieving our goals and objectives in class.
  2. Students are not permitted in the halls without a pass. Don’t abuse the privilege to the pass. No passes will be issued during the first and the last 5 minutes of a period.
  3. Students should carry their I.D.s and schedules at all times.
  4. Writing on desks for any reason is not acceptable.
  5. Refrain from disturbing others in class.
  6. Follow the 3 R’s of classroom behavior… Respect… Responsible…


  1. The bell is my signal – not yours – wait to be dismissed! Never line up at the door!
  2. Raise your hand! Everybody deserves an opportunity at success!

Quality comes from commitment, planning and execution. You make all the difference!

“Great works are performed, not by luck, but by perseverance.”


Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):

Please review the course guidelines, sign and have your child return itto me. This counts as a homework grade.

This will be kept in your child’s binder so that you may refer to it during the course of the year. Feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to a successful and fulfilling school year!

Ms. Kazmi

I have read and I understand the course requirements listed above.

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s Phone # (Home): ______

(Work): ______

e-mail: ______

Date: ______

Ms. J. Kazmi

Class Guidelines and Expectations

Mathematics – Geometry

(516) 434-6147/6149

Office Hours for Extra Help

Pd. (Mon. & Thurs.) – Math Office

2:45 – 3:15 P.M (Tues)- Rm. 425 7:05– 7: 35 A.M. (Wed.) – Rm. 424

Course Content

Geometry is a course that will culminate in the Geometry CC Regents examination in June. The mathematical concepts that students will need to master for the Geometry exam include geometric structure, reasoning, relationships in triangles, congruent triangles, quadrilaterals, proportions and similarity, transformations (rigid motions) and symmetry, constructions, proofs (formal and coordinate), circles, areas of polygons and circles, extending surface area and volume and more. Extensive use of the graphing calculator will be incorporated into instruction along with problem solving and analysis with an emphasis on written and verbal communication of the thought process involved in solving problems. A program known as Geometer’s Sketchpad/ Geogebra will also be widely utilized for demonstrations and discovery of relationships.

Work Required Of Each Student

A)Notebook – A well organized and structured 3 –hole binder with carefully taken notes and hand-outs

B)Assignments – Daily homework, occasional projects/investigations and group activities

C)Testing (75% of grade) – tests, quizzes, projects, quarterlies, Midterm Exam, Final Exam and/or Regents Exam, Castle Learning Assignments

Evaluation Criteria

Exams, quizzes, homeworks (15%), projects, notebook, group activities,foldable, class participation grade (10%), and online assignments.

Students are expected to complete their tasks in class, to become actively

involved in the learning process, and to put forth their best efforts in their own

educational progress.

Additional Remarks

  • Make-up work due to legal absences must be made up immediately (students need to make arrangements with the teacher)
  • Extra help is available on the above mentioned days and times and all students who are experiencing difficulty with any of the material presented in class are encouraged to take advantage of this service.
  • The 3 P’s of success will be Preparedness, Punctuality and Presence!!

“Great works are performed, not by luck, but by perseverance.”

Welcome !!

In order to check your youngster’s progress on a regular

basis, you may wish to review the following with him/her:

1)Ask to see his/her RED binder for math. It should be neatly maintained, containing class work, homework, tests and dittos.

2)Check to see if your child is doing homework daily.

Homework is assigned both weekdays and weekends and

posted on Edmodo. A homework grade is given each

marking period. Refer to the homework rubric.

3)Discuss class participation with your child. Students learn

better when they participate on a daily basis. To this end,

a class participation grade will be given each marking

period.Refer to the participation rubric.

4)Ask to see your child’s test section in the binder. It will

keep you up to date with his/her progress.

5)Discuss comments on progress reports and report cards. Dates are published on district calendars. Monitor performance on the parent portal regularly!!!

6)Independent preparation, practice and study will be

essential to reach mastery in any extensive and

challenging course. Please encourage your child to

attend extra help sessions when needed.

7)There are supplemental resources that are available to

Assist and guide your child through the course.

If you care to discuss your youngster’s progress at any time, please feel free to contact me at the phone number listed on the reverse side or via e-mail.