Ms. Weber
English 8
Room 105
HOMEWORK ======10 %
Participation includes prompt attendance, preparation for class, and attention to activities. Five points will be awarded daily according to students’ diligence at the beginning of class and throughout its activities. A student can lose points by not being in class to participate in daily activities, by being tardy and thereby interrupting activities, by disrupting the class or by not doing the activity requested, as these interfere with the learning process.
Homework, tests, and quizzes will be assigned different point values according to their difficulty, frequency, and length. Usually, homework be awarded ten points daily if completed fully. Generally, quizzes are given more frequently than tests, but not as often as quizzes—such as vocabulary quizzes, which tend to occur every week. However, students may be given short, five-point pop quizzes upon entering the room to check for understanding. Tests generally assess a student’s understanding of an entire unit or book, and may last most or all of a period.
Eighth graders will be completing no fewer than five writing projects and two presentations, including at least one research paper and one multimedia presentation. Grades assigned to essays and presentations will be based upon a rubric system that averages the sum of separate evaluations. For example, a persuasive essay will be graded upon its persuasiveness, its use of studied persuasive elements, its organization and focus, and its use of conventions. A persuasive speech, on the other hand, will be graded upon its delivery, organization, content, focus, and impact. Each assessment will count towards the entire grade.
Assignments (including homework and classwork) will be graded on a +, , and - system:
+ = 100% completed. The assignment was completely done; any questions were answered thoroughly.
= 85%. Most of the assignment was completed well, but not all.
- = 70%. At least half of the assignment was completed reasonably well.
YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO CARRY A JOURNAL TO CLASS EVERY DAY unless informed otherwise. You will be given a journal topic frequently; expect it when you walk into class.
Please respect the opinions, culture, and property of others as well as yourself in this class. We will be discussing differences in ethnicities and experiences, then reflecting upon and using these discussions in our writing and presenting. To benefit from the thoughts and experiences of others in the class, please be respectful. You are also encouraged to contribute; however, no one will contribute if his or her ideas are laughed at or dismissed. Please treat others’ ideas as you would like your own to be treated!
The early bird gets the worm . . . and the others are left to fend for themselves. In the “real world,” you are judged by the quality of work you produce and the manner in which you present it. I will judge your work similarly. Be on time with your work and your presence in class. Classtime is meant to help you gather your thoughts, information, and skills; therefore, students who are more than 30 minutes late for class without a legitimate excuse will be considered absent. Absent students who do not complete the work they missed within a reasonable time will receive a reduced grade.
Slow but steady wins the race . . . Daily participation makes an impact on your grade. If you are not present, you will not earn the points. Exceptions to this are excused absences, as defined in the Ivy Academia Shared Support Agreement. Absent students will receive a grace period in which to make up work. The grace period will be as long as your absence period (up to 5 days). Keep in mind that make-up work will count as missing until you verify or excuse your absence. Assignments for the week are posted in the classroom and online at
At Ivy Academia, we believe that every student can learn and every teacher has the right to provide that learning. To facilitate this learning environment, certain expectations will be required of every student.
Therefore, for the purpose of my own education, I agree to follow the policies outlined in the Ivy Academia 2015-2016 Shared Support Agreement (including dressing properly and keeping mobile devices out of sight) and:
- Respect people and their belongings.
- Be in my seat with all materials needed for class when the second bell rings.
- Stay in my seat until otherwise directed.
- Do my work.
- Turn in assignments on time, in the correct place, and with the proper format.
- Leave food, gum, and liquids (except water) in a trashcan outside the classroom.
- Groom, organize, and gossip elsewhere.
- Accept responsibility for my behavior.
I understand that my efforts to maintain these rules will be rewarded; likewise, violations of these expectations will meet with consequences. These may include:
- Reduction of participation grade.
- Loss of classroom privileges such as ‘free-time’, monitoring, or teacher-aide role.
- Communication with parent or guardian and possible home/school contract.
- Extra homework or in-class assignments (for violation of rules 4 and 5 above).
- Detention or referral to office.
I understand that severe or consistent violations will result in implementation of the Ivy Academia discipline consequences, including potential suspension or expulsion, as outlined in the Shared Support Agreement. I agree to do what is expected of me.
Student’s Signature Student’s PRINTED name Student’s email
I, ______, the legal parent / guardian of this student, also agree to these expectations. Furthermore, I promise to promote these guidelines to the best of my ability.
Signature of Parent/Guardian(s) Parent/Guardian PRINTED name(s)
Work TelephoneHome Telephone Parent e-mail address
Comments Are Welcome!