CL 104.02 Dr. Matthew Gumpert

T 10:00-11:50 JF 333; R 10:00-10:50 TB 415


Syllabus: Spring 2016-2017

Introduction. An introduction to ancient Greek and Roman literature in its cultural and historical context, with an emphasis on major genres (epic, lyric, tragedy, pastoral) and representative works.

Course Materials. The reader for Classical Literature, which includes all required readings for the course, is available at the BU library copy center. Supplementary and/or optional readings may be distributed as handouts during the course of the semester.

Grading. Midterm 30%; Class Performance and Short Papers30%; Final 40%

---Class performance is a large part of your grade, and includes preparation, participation, attendance, and a number of short response papers assigned during the semester. It is your responsibility to have the text we are covering in class with you!

---There is an in-class midterm and final exam for this course. To be admitted to the final, the student must fulfill the attendance requirement. The midterm, class performance, and the final exam together make up the grade for the course.

Reading Schedule

Week 1 (6-10 Feb)

Archaic Greek Epic

Hesiod, Theogony, lines 1-83

Homer, Iliad, book 1

Homer, Odyssey, books 1.1-83

Week 2 (13-17 Feb)

Archaic Greek Epic

Homer, Iliad2-13

Week 3 (20-24 Feb)

Archaic Greek Epic

Homer, Iliad 14-19

Week 4 (27 Feb –3 March)

Archaic Greek Epic

Homer, Iliad20-24, Odyssey4, 8, 11

Classical Greek Lyric

Alcman, “Partheneion”, Steischorus, from Helen, Palinode

Sappho, Fr. 16

Alcaeus, “Helen” (N1), “Helen and Thetis” (B10)

Week 5 (6-10 March)

Classical Greek Lyric

Pindar, Odes:Pythian 6, Olympian 1, Pythian 5, Pythian 4

Week 6 (13-17 March)

Classical Greek Tragedy

Eurpides, Helen, Bacchae

Week 7 (20-24 March)

Classical Greek Tragedy

Euripides, Bacchae

Week 8 (27-31 March)

Hellenistic Pastoral

Theocritus, Idylls: 4 (“The Herdsmen”), 11 ("The Cyclops"), 13 ("Hylas"), 18 ("Helen's Bridal Hymn")

Week 9 (3-7 April)

Hellenistic Epic and Lyric

Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica(trans. Rieu), books 1, 2 (Athene lands on ship), 3

Callimachus, Aetia: 1.1 ("Against the Telchines"), 3.7-14 ("The graces"), 7.19-21 ("The Return of the Argonauts" and "The

Rite at Anaphe")

Week 10 (10-14 April)

Roman Epic

Virgil, Aeneid, books 1,2,

17-21 April: Spring Break

Week 11 (24-28 April)

Roman Epic

Virgil, Aeneid, books4, 6, 12 (lines 920-52)

M 1 May: Tatil

Week 12 (2-5 May)

Roman Epic

Ovid, Metamorphoses, books 1, 3

Week 13 (8-12 May)

Roman Epic

Ovid, Metamorphoses, book 10

Week 14 (15 May)

Roman Lyric

Ovid, Heroides(trans. Isbell) 1 (Penelope to Ulysses), 7 (Dido to Aeneas), 12 (Medea to Jason), 16 (Paris to Helen), 17 (Helen to Paris);Amores1.1-3

15 May: Last Day of Classes