DCIS Senior Presentation Rubric – ISSN Global Leadership STUDENT______REVIEWER______
Scoring Dimension / Emerging (1) / Developing (2) / Proficient (3) / Advanced (4)INVESTIGATE THE WORLD
Students investigate the world by asking questions, analyzing and synthesizing evidence, and drawing well-founded conclusions.
Evidence to Consider:
- DCIS courses & college courses
- Notable academic artifacts (i.e. Passages)
- Local/regional, national or global issues
- Travel
- Internships/jobs
- Sports and/or clubs
Demonstrates FEW (0 – 1) of the following and:
- Poses specific researchable questions on a local, regional and/or global issue.
- Selects and analyzes a variety of international and domestic sources to identify evidence that addresses a global question
- Develops a clear, evidence-based position in response to a global question and can offer defensible conclusions.
Demonstrates MOST (2) of the following and:
- Poses specific researchable questions on a local, regional and/or global issue.
- Selects and analyzes a variety of international and domestic sources to identify evidence that addresses a global question
- Develops a clear, evidence-based position in response to a global question and can offer defensible conclusions.
Demonstrates ALL (3) of the following and:
- Poses specific researchable questions on a local, regional and/or global issue.
- Selects and analyzes a variety of international and domestic sources to identify evidence that addresses a global question
- Develops a clear, evidence-based position in response to a global question and can offer defensible conclusions.
Demonstrates ALL (3) of the following and:
- Poses specific researchable questions on a local, regional and/or global issue.
- Selects and analyzes a variety of international and domestic sources to identify evidence that addresses a global question
- Develops a clear, evidence-based position in response to a global question and can offer defensible conclusions.
Students recognize, articulate, and apply an understanding of different perspectives, including their own.
Evidence to Consider:
- DCIS courses & college courses
- Notable academic artifacts (i.e. Passages)
- World language
- Local/regional, national or global issues
- Travel
- Internships/jobs
- Sports and/or clubs
Demonstrates FEW (0 – 1) of the following and:
- Expresses a clear and specific personal perspective on a topic or idea and supports it with evidence and details.
- Explains the perspective of others and distinguish another’s perspective from my own.
- Explains how access to knowledge, technology and resources influence perspectives.
Demonstrates MOST (2) of the following and:
- Expresses a clear and specific personal perspective on a topic or idea and support sit with evidence and details.
- Explains the perspective of others and distinguish another’s perspective from my own.
- Explains how access to knowledge, technology and resources influence perspectives.
Demonstrates ALL (3) of the following and:
- Expresses a clear and specific personal perspective on a topic or idea and support sit with evidence and details.
- Explains the perspective of others and distinguish another’s perspective from my own.
- Explains how access to knowledge, technology and resources influence perspectives.
Demonstrates ALL (3) of the following and:
- Expresses a clear and specific personal perspective on a topic or idea and supports it with evidence and details.
- Explains the perspective of others and distinguish another’s perspective from my own.
- Explains how access to knowledge, technology and resources influence perspectives.
Students select and apply appropriate tools/strategies to communicate and collaborate effectively, meeting the needs and expectations of diverse individuals and groups.
Evidence to Consider:
- Involvement & engagement of the audience
- Voice projection
- Length 20 – 30 minutes
- DCIS courses college courses
- World language featured
- Notable academic artifacts (i.e. Passages)
- Reflections
Demonstrates FEW (0-3) of the following and:
- Anticipates how diverse audiences will interpret communication and applies this understanding to meeting an audience’s needs.
- Uses behavior, language and strategies to communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences.
- Selects and uses resources to communicate and collaborate effectively.
- Presents for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
- Theme is appropriate and has a strong connection to presenter.
- World language – Student can present on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Demonstrates MOST (4-5) of the following and:
- Anticipates how diverse audiences will interpret communication and applies this understanding to meeting an audience’s needs.
- Uses behavior, language and strategies to communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences.
- Selects and uses resources to communicate and collaborate effectively.
- Presents for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
- Theme is appropriate and has a strong connection to presenter.
- World language – Student can present on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Demonstrates ALL (6) of the following and:
- Anticipates how diverse audiences will interpret communication and applies this understanding to meeting an audience’s needs.
- Uses behavior, language and strategies to communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences.
- Selects and uses resources to communicate and collaborate effectively.
- Presents for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
- Theme is appropriate and has a strong connection to presenter.
- World language – Student can present on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Demonstrates ALL (6) of the following and:
- Anticipates how diverse audiences will interpret communication and applies this understanding to meeting an audience’s needs.
- Uses behavior, language and strategies to communicate and collaborate with diverse audiences.
- Selects and uses resources to communicate and collaborate effectively.
- Present for a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of 30 minutes.
- Theme is appropriate and has a strong connection to presenter.
- World language – Student can present on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences.
Students translate their ideas, concerns, and findings into appropriate and responsible individual or collaborative actions to improve conditions.
Evidence to Consider:
- DCIS courses & college courses
- Notable academic artifacts (i.e. Passages)
- World language
- Local/regional, national or global issues
- Travel
- Internships/jobs
- Sports and/or clubs
- School & community service
- Extracurricular activities
- Authentic applications of learning
- Reflection(s) on ability to promote and/or influence change
Demonstrates FEW(0 – 1) of the following and:
- Identifies and creates opportunities to take action to improve conditions based on evidence.
- Thinks about previous approaches, different perspectives, and evaluates the consequences of possible actions.
- Thinks about whether their actions can lead to future action and advocacy.
Demonstrates MOST(2) of the following and:
- Identifies and creates opportunities to take action to improve conditions based on evidence.
- Thinks about previous approaches, different perspectives, and evaluates the consequences of possible actions.
- Thinks about whether their actions can lead to future action and advocacy.
Demonstrates ALL (3) of the following and:
- Identifies and creates opportunities to take action to improve conditions based on evidence.
- Thinks about previous approaches, different perspectives, and evaluates the consequences of possible actions.
- Thinks about whether their actions can lead to future action and advocacy.
Demonstrates ALL (3) of the following and:
- Identifies and creates opportunities to take action to improve conditions based on evidence.
- Thinks about previous approaches, different perspectives, and evaluates the consequences of possible actions.
- Thinks about whether their actions can lead to future action and advocacy.
Students reflect on and evaluate personal and academic growth, providing clear evidence/examples and identifying major influences.
Evidence to consider:
- Explanation of personal and academic growth
- Understanding of influences on growth and sources of motivation
- Appropriate professional demeanor in presentation itself (respect for the occasion, high expectations for themselves and others, focus on demonstrating proficiency)
Student demonstrates FEW(0 – 2) of the following and:
- Explains personal strengths and weaknesses supported by evidence.
- Focuses on several key academic experiences and their impact.
- Identifies key areas of personal growth, linking them to events and experiences
- Maintains a professional demeanor.
Student demonstrates MOST (3) of the following and:
- Explains personal strengths and weaknesses supported by evidence.
- Focuses on several key academic experiences and their impact.
- Identifies key areas of personal growth, linking them to events and experiences
- Maintains a professional demeanor.
Student demonstrates ALL (4) of the following and:
- Explains personal strengths and weaknesses supported by evidence.
- Focuses on several key academic experiences and their impact.
- Identifies key areas of personal growth, linking them to events and experiences
- Maintains a professional demeanor.
Student demonstrates ALL(4) of the following and:
- Explains personal strengths and weaknesses supported by evidence.
- Focuses on several key academic experiences and their impact.
- Identifies key areas of personal growth, linking them to events and experiences
- Maintains a professional demeanor.
Scoring:Please keep in mind that the goal is for students to be proficient, not necessarily advanced.
*Students are required to receive a minimum of 13 points in order to pass.
*Students are required to be proficient (or advanced) in a minimum of three categories to pass.
Total Score: ____/ 15___