Becket Learner Stages
Year 8German
UNIT 4Freizeit – Schuleistklasse! (LENT TERM)
Unit 4 – Learner Descriptors in Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing and Grammar / Self Review / Teacher ReviewExceptional (E8) / L:Demonstrate understanding of main points which include reference to the present tense and conditional style sentences. Be able to transcribe short sentences from memory.
S:Be able to take part in a detailed conversation about subjects and school. Ask and respond to a variety of questions. Speak using the present tense and include conditional style sentences with dream school.
R:Respond to a variety of short texts which include modal verbs + detailed opinion sentences.
Be able to translate longer sentences into English.
W:Write about your school day in detail, including all elements of the topic below + stretch to writing about dream school using set phrases in conditional style.
G:Understand and use prepositions in, auf, neben, an with correct effect on following gender. Use modal verb dürfen to say what you are (not) allowed to do at school (infinitive verb > end of sentence). Stretch to dream school work using conditional type sentences i.e. in meinerTraumschulegäbeeseinen/eine/ein………
Advancing (A8) / L:Understand a longer passage about subjects, school day, teachers (with opinions + reasons, times). Be able to transcribe individual words or short phrases from memory.
S:Describe your teachers in a respectful way using a variety of adjectives, intensifiers and connectives. Link this to your speaking about subjects with opinions + reasons.
R:Identify teacher characteristics in a longer piece of writing and understand what he/she can do. Understand his/her. Be able to translate simple sentences into English.
W:Write about what your teachers are like using 3rd person (er/sie). Extend to er/siekann to give more detail to say what he/she can do. Use his/her correctly.
G:Usegreat adjectives to describe what teachers are like. Use impersonal form i.e. meinMathelehrerist…../meineKunstlehrerinist ……Include a variety of intensifiers and connectives. 3rd person use of können to stretch. Use sein + ihr for his + her with correct endings for feminine + plural nouns.
Secure (S8) / L:Understanda short passage about subjects with details to include opinions + reasons and times.
S:Be able to have a short conversation with a partner about your school subjects, asking and answering questions and including opinions with simple reasons.Say when you have certain subjects.
R:Understand main points communicated in a short text, including times.
W:Write about your school subjects and school day including opinions + reasons, times and correct word order.
G:Be able to tell the time using 12 hour and 24 hour clock; use numbers 0-59. Be able to time phrase twist to say when you have certain subjects (using days of week, times, ordinal numbers with lessons i.e. in der erstenStunde…)
Developing (D8) / L:Understand a short text about school subjects, including opinion and likes/dislikes + favourites.
S:Answer and ask basic questions about school subjects and include favourite subject(s).
R:Understand short text about school subjects including likes and dislikes + reasons and favourite subjects.
W:Write sentences about which subjects you like and dislike with reasons for opinions + great adjectives. Include favourites.
G:Understand and use kicker connectives weil + da (because) to give reasons for opinions about school subjects. Vary use of because with denn. Use superlative Lieblings…… to say which is/are your favourite subject(s).
Foundation (F8) / L:Understand key points from short listening passages.
S:Pronounce key words with reasonable accuracy.
R: Recognise key phrases and cognates from text, mostly from memory.
W:Write about which subjects you like and dislike.
G:Understand and use the verb mögen (singular forms of the verb) with a variety of school subjects.