(THURSDAY) MAY 10, 2007
Conference Session: 7:00 P.M.
Adoption of minutes and memorialization of resolutions
Public Hearing: 7:30 P.M
Item # 1 -46698–Site Plan Application: The applicant intends to construct two units (semi-detached) on two conforming lots: Location of Development: 949 – 951 Ohio Avenue; City Tax Map: Blocks 23904, Lots 6 and 7: Applicant: Frank Lanaolfi, 7 Colts Neck Road, Hamilton, NJ 08620.
Item # 2 - 46699– Preliminary Major Site Plan Application, Preliminary Major Subdivision Application: The applicant intends to consolidate three lots and re - subdivide to create four conforming lots and build 4 units (semidetached) with off street parking: Location of Development: Williams Street; City Tax Map: Blocks 19203, Lots 33, 34, 35: Applicant: Par Five Associates, LLC, 61 Brinkerhoff Avenue, Freehold, NJ 07728
Item # 3 -46700–Site Plan Application (waiver from site plan checklist requirements), rear yard and parking variance: The applicant intends renovate the upper floors of an existing building for seven apartment units, applicant previously received approvals from the Planning Board to use the first floor as a bakery: Location of Development: 900 Brunswick Avenue; City Tax Map: Blocks23701, Lots13 and 14: Applicant: Eagle Bakery V.A., LLC, 900 Brunswick Pike, Trenton, NJ 08638.
Item # 4 – Public Hearing on the proposed amendments to the New York Avenue Redevelopment Area. This project will include block 24004, lot 1. Boundary Maps advertised in the Trenton Times newspaper on 4/25/07 and 4/30/07)
Part A- Determination that the proposed expanded area is an “area in need of redevelopment” in accordance with the Local Redevelopment Laws (Public hearing pursuant to a request by the City Council of the City of Trenton - Resolution 07-58).
Part B – In the event that the Planning Board should make a determination that the proposed study area qualifies as an area in need of redevelopment and decides to recommend such designation to the City Council, and time permits, the Planning Board shall proceed to consider the proposed changes to the New York Avenue Redevelopment Area. The intended purpose of this Redevelopment area is to allow for the redevelopment of new single family homes.
Plans and applications are available for inspection weekdays between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. at the Office of the Division of Planning, Department of Housing and Development, 3rd floor, City Hall Annex, 319 East State Street. /o Department of Housing and Development