City Council
August 3, 2015
Monday, August 3, 2015
Red Bud City Hall
City Council Chambers
The City Council of Red Bud, Randolph County, Illinois met on Monday, August 3, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. at Red Bud City Hall, City Council Chambers.
Members Present: Clem Esker, Don Thompson, Mike Reed, Bill Hanebutt, Glenn Linnertz, David Friess, Kyle Donjon, Clarence Nail
Members Absent: Mayor Tim Lowry
Others Present: City Attorney, Paul Ray; City Superintendent, Josh Eckart; City Code Administrator, Jeff Mueller, Chief of Police, John Brittingham; Administrative Assistant, Pam Poetker; City Clerk, Joanne Cowell
I. Call to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Alderman Hanebutt
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Roll Call by City Clerk, Joanne Cowell
IV. Approval of Financial Statements
Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail to approve the Financial Statements as presented and file for audit. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye. Motion carried.
V. Line Item Transfers
There were none.
VI. Approval of Estimated and Listed Bills
Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Donjon, to approve the estimated and listed bills. The vote was as follows: Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried.
VII. Consideration of any Additional Bills
There were none.
VIII. Correspondence and Public Guest Comments
There were none.
IX. Consent Agenda—Items Originated at Committee Level
Please note: Items with ** were removed from the consent agenda.
Consent Agenda – Items Originated At Committee Level as Indicated in ( )
A. City Council Meeting Minutes from July 6, 2015
Approval of minutes of July 6, 2015
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
B. Purchase of Laptops from American NTE $3,896.00 (Public Health & Safety)
Approval to purchase four laptops for the work stations in the police department from American Imaging Systems, Inc. for $3,896.00
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
C. Training Request – Carl Williams (Public Health and Safety)
Approval of training request for Carl Williams to attend the Police Rifle Instructor Training on September 9-11, 2015, in O’Fallon, IL
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
D. Training Request – John Brittingham (Public Health & Safety)
Approval of request for John Brittingham to attend the IMEA Training Summit on September 8-11, 2015 in Springfield, IL
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
E. Josh Wirth – Full Time Police Officer (Public Health & Safety)
Approval to hire Josh Wirth as full time officer at $21.53/hour pending completion of physical, drug test, psych evaluation & waiver
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
F. Request from Human Service Center (Cultural)
Approval of request for Human Service Center to reserve Ratz Pavilion #1 on August 14, 2015, for Special Olympics, less reservation fee
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
G. Request from SWIC (Cultural)
Approval of request for SWIC to add a rain date of September 18, 2015, for Movie Night at Lincoln Park, less reservation fee
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
H. Request from Julie Hudson (Cultural)
Approval of request from Julie Hudson to close a portion of the 400 block of Washington St., on August 23, 2105, for a public auction
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
I. Concrete Program Request (Public Works)
Approval of request from Bob Pratt, 822 Locust St., to participate in the concrete replacement program
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
J. Amy Minemann – Special Use Ordinance NO. 1342 (Planning Commission)
Approval of request from Amy Minnemann for a Special Use Permit (Ord. NO. 1342) to have a Home Occupation Beauty Shop located at 430 Madison St.
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to approve under the omnibus designation, the items on the consent agenda. The vote was as follows: Reed, abstain; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye: Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye. Motion carried.
X. Reports of Standing Committee, Departments and Other Committees, Boards & Commissions
A. Finance Committee—Meeting July 23, 2015
1. Maturing CDs
No action.
2. IML Conference Registration/Attendees
Motion made by Council Member Reed, seconded by Council Member Nail, to approve to send the Mayor, Attorney Ray, Alderman Donjon, Alderman Friess and a 5th person of the Mayor’s choosing, from those indicating interest in attending, to the IML Conference in Chicago, September 17-19, 2015. The vote was as follows: Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye. Motion carried.
3. Senior Citizen Meals – VFW Coordinating Effort to Continue Service
Motion made by Council Member Hanebutt, seconded by Council Member Reed, to approve up to $1,000 reimbursement to the Garden Place for meals prepared for home bound persons who have had this service discontinued because of the State of Illinois’ failure to pass a budget. The vote was as follows: Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, abstain; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye. Motion carried.
B. Personnel Committee - Meeting July 23, 2015
Motion made by Council Member Linnertz, seconded by Council Member Thompson, to recess to Executive Session to discuss employee discipline. The vote was as follows: Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, nay; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, nay; Linnertz, aye. Motion carried.
Council went into executive session at 7:13 P.M. (5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1))
Council returned from executive session at 7:52 P.M. No action taken.
C. Public Health & Safety Committee - Meeting July 23, 2015
Nothing to report
D. Public Works Committee - Meeting July 23, 2015
1. Training Request for Steve Muertz and Kenny Langrehr
Motion made by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve training request for Steve Muertz and Kenny Langrehr for the 2015 Small Operators Gas Pipeline Safety at Rend Lake Resort in Whittington, IL, on September 23-24, 2015. The vote was as follows: Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye. Motion carried.
E. Code Enforcement Committee - Meeting July 23, 2015
Nothing to report
F. Cultural Committee - Meeting July 23, 2015
1. Randolph County Humane Society to Collect at 4 Way Stop on August 7, 2015 (2:00-6:00 P.M.) and August 8, 2015 (8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.)
Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Donjon, to approve the RCHS request to collect at the 4 Way Stop on August 7, 2015 (2:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.) and August 8, 2015 (8:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.) The vote was as follows: Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye. Motion carried.
2. University of Illinois Extension Office – Ratz Park, October 10, 2015, Less Reservation Fee, for an “Find Out Event” about 4-H in Randolph County
Motion made by Council Member Thompson, seconded by Council Member Esker, to approve the University of Illinois Extension Office request to reserve Ratz Park, October 10, 2015, less reservation fee, for an information event about 4-H in Randolph County. The vote was as follows: Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, aye; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, aye; Esker, aye. Motion carried.
G. Executive Session Minutes Review Committee -No Meeting
Nothing to report
H. Planning and Public Policy Committee - Meeting held with Planning Comm. July 21, 2015
Nothing to report
I. Planning Commission - Meeting July 21, 2015
Nothing to report
J. Economic Development Commission - Meeting July 22, 2015, August 3, 2015
1. O.H. Bistro/David Dannenberg Loan
Motion made by Council Member Esker, seconded by Council Member Reed, to direct the City Attorney to draw up the necessary paperwork for a $75,000 loan to O.H. Bistro/David Dannenberg, from the city economic development revolving loan funds. The vote was as follows: Esker, aye; Thompson, aye; Reed, aye; Hanebutt, abstain; Linnertz, aye; Friess, aye; Donjon, aye; Nail, abstain. Motion carried.
K. Parks & Recreation Committee - No Meeting
1. Quote from Nevois for Swimming Pool – The pool project was discussed and will be reconsidered after a plan for the pool is in place. What is the ultimate goal for how far the city is planning to go with updating/repairing the pool over the next couple of years?
XI. Old Business
XII. New Business
A. Review of June Calendar
Note: There will be no Planning Commission Meeting in August.
L. Other Comments
C. Adjournment
Motion made at 8:04 P.M. by Council Member Nail, seconded by Council Member Reed to adjourn the meeting. The vote was as follows: all ayes. Motion carried.
Clerk Note: No recording of meeting; disk error
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne G. Cowell, City Clerk
Red Bud, Illinois