Parks Commission Minutes
May 19, 2014
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I. Call to Order: Chair Hauble called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Vice Chair Eder, Commissioners Bye, Krieger, and Viers; City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Kegley, Arborist Widin, and Commission Liaison McComber. Absent: None.
II. Approval of Agenda: Vice Chair Eder, seconded by Commissioner Viers, moved to approve the Agenda. Carried 5-0.
III. Approval of Parks Commission Minutes – April 21, 2014: Commissioner Krieger, seconded by Commissioner Bye, moved to approve the Minutes as printed. Carried 5-0.
IV. Department/Commission Liaison Reports:
A. Arborist: Arborist Widin reported that this time of the year was not a good time to prune trees, especially oaks due to the oak wilt fungus. She stated that if trees were wounded during the growing season, the wounds should be painted as soon as possible to prevent insect feeding. She stated that she and Public Works Operator Lisa would be marking dead pines in Brekke Park and the disc golf course for removal. Widin also reported that she would be checking young trees that were planted in 2013.
B. Public Works Director: Public Works Director Kegley reported they hired the summer park attendants. He stated parks would be officially open Memorial Weekend. He stated they were working on maintenance items in the parks.
C. Other / Commission Liaison Reports: Commission Liaison McComber reported that the City received the Playful City designation in 2014. She stated she received a request from a child for swings at Oak Park Crossing Park. McComber also reported that she had some information on splash pads.
Commissioner Viers, seconded by Commissioner Krieger, moved to accept the Department / Commission Liaison Reports. Carried 5-0.
V. Visitors/Public Comment: None
VI. Public Hearings: None
VII. New Business: None
VIII. Old Business:
A. Park Walkthrough Discussion: Commissioner Bye suggested some plantings at Oak Park Crossing Park, finishing the path that was started, and a bike rack installation. Chair Eder added the swing request. Vice Chair Eder suggested adding the potential ball fields to the list. Commission Liaison McComber also stated that they had talked about splash pads for that site as well.
Chair Hauble stated the Parks Commission had talked about putting concrete at Cover Park and a new warming house. Commission Liaison McComber stated that there was a lot of construction in the area. Chair Hauble suggested updating that park after the construction was complete in that area.
Commission Liaison McComber stated that the Parks Commission had discussed expanding the park shelter and redoing the parking lot at Valley View Park. Commissioner Bye suggested the park sign lettering be repainted. Public Works Director Kegley stated that the sign may need to be removed because it was damaged in last year’s storm and was leaning.
Commissioner Viers reported that he was at Brekke Park the night before the meeting and there were some teenagers smoking and there were beer and pizza boxes on a picnic table in the disc golf course. Vice Chair Eder stated he had never had an issue with the young people playing disc golf. City Administrator Johnson stated that the park attendants would be working in the summer and there would be more activities in the ball fields, and the best deterrent was more people present at the park. Chair Hauble stated the train at Brekke Park was getting weathered.
City Administrator Johnson stated that a group had requested pickle-ball lines be painted at Swager Park. He stated the City contacted a painter to paint the lines. Commissioner Krieger stated that the new playground would be built in July at Swager Park.
The Parks Commission discussed a bandshell for Autumn Hills Park. They felt Autumn Hills Park was a good location for a bandshell, and it could be used for summer park program movie nights. Commission Liaison McComber stated she would contact the League of Minnesota Cities to obtain information from other cities who have installed one. City Administrator Johnson suggested first having a discussion about plans and events for the bandshell.
Commission Liaison McComber suggested the Parks Commission have a worksession to review the Capital Improvement Plan. Chair Hauble suggested prioritizing projects at that worksession.
Chair Hauble, seconded by Commissioner Bye, moved to set a worksession prior to the June 16 meeting at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall. Carried 5-0.
B. Playful City USA Playground Build at Swager Park: July 12, 2014: City Administrator Johnson reported that staff was working on the contract with St. Croix Recreation for the Swager Park playground. He stated the plan was to have the build date on July 12. He stated staff would advertise for volunteers and the Fire Department would work on getting volunteers.
IX. Informational:
A. Next Meeting: Monday, June 19, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall
B. Council Representative: Tuesday, May 27 – Commissioner Eder
X. Adjournment:
Commissioner Krieger, seconded by Chair Hauble, moved to adjourn the meeting. Carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Pinski
Deputy Clerk