Paul Neuman

Loren Colin

Michael Ray Menjivar


Crissi Avila


Kim Jones





2898 Rowena Avenue, Suite 101
Los Angeles, CA. 90039
TELEPHONE: (323) 661-SLNC (7562)
FAX: (323) 661-7564

Our meetings rely on input from the stakeholders of Silver Lake. Comments from the public on Agenda items will be heard only when the respective item is being considered. Agenda is posted for public review at SLNC Office, 2898 Rowena Ave., #101 and throughout Silver Lake. Internet users can sign up to receive agendas and minutes via the city’s Early Notification System at

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Urban Design & Preservation Advisory Committee


Chair – Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov

Governing Board Member, Representative At-Large

Regular Monthly Meeting Minutes

February 11, 2009

I. 6:30 p.m. Call to Order

II.  In attendance: (17)

Board Members (4): Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov (Chair, UD&PAC), Crissi Avila (Treasurer), Gale Jaffe (SLNC Reg. 4 Rep.), David Hessel (SLNC Reg. 5 Rep)

Committee Members: (1) Leni Fleming

Stakeholders: (8) Teresa Owen, Tony Klouk, Meredith Hightower, Jerome Courshon, Carla Luzzareschi, Lori Oddino, Jonathan Noah Stein, Stephen Bryda

Developers, Architects and their Staff: (5) Kurken Alyanakian (DDCM Inc.), Manuk Melkonyan (DDCM Inc.), Kevin Southerland (Assemblage+), David Thompson (Assemblage+), Ness Hamaoui (property owner of 634 Maltman Avenue)

III.  6:35 p.m. Leni Fleming moves to approve Minutes of 01.14.2009 UD&PAC meeting – Minutes approved with amendment adding Al Guerrero’s comment that the development on 4000 Sunset Blvd. could increase traffic to an already crowded area.

IV.  6:36 p.m. Public comment – There is no public comment.

V.  6:40 p.m. Special Presentations and Reports

i.  2267 Duane Street & 2260, 2266 Ewing Street – SLNC Region 7

Follow-up presentation:

On January 14, 2009, representatives from DDCM presented the project to the Committee. The Committee made the following recommendations:

i.  Provide the scope and description (number and kind of units) of the proposal

ii.  Provide 500 feet radius map with color coded existing buildings which exceed the allowable density by the SL-EP-EV Community Plan.

iii.  Provide two Cross-Sections of the proposal (along Duane and along Ewing) - through the hill depicting the property volumes above and bellow the proposed new buildings

iv.  Provide Roof Plan

v.  Trash collection should not be scheduled before 8 AM

The applicants provide the plans as requested. They would like the committee’s approval of the project as presented. The developer is requesting Zone Change (From R2 to RD2) for the two parcels on 2260 & 2266 Ewing St. Such drastic request will trigger “SL-EP-EV Community Plan Amendment”, something which is a major procedure and affects the entire Community Plan.

The developer is offering 3 affordable units for Medium Low Income buyers. According to SB 1818 it qualifies him for the requested incentives: 32 % (35% allowed) increased density bonus, 20% setbacks reduction, and a 20% reduction in open space.

Discussion summary: The applicant states that SB1818 provides a density bonus that would allow him to build the 2 parcels on Ewing as planned without applying for a zone change. The committee chair explained that the two lots on Ewing will require a zone change and lots tie to support a multi family development (as it is proposed). At present the two lots along Ewing support only a duplex on each lot (R2 – 1VL zone). The members of the Committee express their concern about the possible increase in development to spill through the entire area as a result of the zone change. The area in question used to be R3 zone (multi-family) in the past. It has been down-zoned to R2 during zoning revisions in the 1980s. The applicant is requesting to overturn longstanding City policy with respect to the R2 parcels. The stakeholders in attendance do not want the area to be built up, and they do not believe that the City will approve of the zone change for his lots only (spot-zoning.) A neighbor is concerned that, during the 16-month construction period, the applicant will not be able to resolve any problems the construction would bring to her property. Only one neighbor approves of the project’s request for up-zone because it would allow him to tear down and rebuild his property.

Rebuttal by the applicant: The zone change will allow him to build an aesthetically pleasing building with the appearance of open space. Building within the zone change will result in an inferior project.

After a straw poll:

M/S/P (Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov): “That UD&PAC support a multi-family development for 2267 Duane Street (as many units as the zoning supports), a duplex on 2260 Ewing Street and another duplex on 2262 Ewing Street with no zone change and lots tie.” Unanimous.

ii.  634-647 Maltman Ave.– Follow Up

The architects and developers initially made their proposal at the meeting on November 12, 2008. The Committee made the following recommendations:

i.  Landscaping plan needed.

ii.  Move or conceal the A/C units from the top floor.

iii.  Provide for the committee a structural integrity evaluation by a structural engineer of the current buildings to be replaced.

iv.  Provide a cost-comparison between sustaining and remodeling the current building at 643 Maltman, versus replacing it with a new structure.

Applicants: The two existing structures have been built in early 1900s. The plumbing is deteriorated. Remodeling 643 Maltman Avenue would cost $911,000.00. If the buildings were remodeled, a tenant would pay $1.800/mo for a 700 sq. ft. apartment. Rebuilding the property is the only financially feasible option for the property owner and the occupants. The property owner is working with the current tenants, providing at least 9-month lead time before they plan to break ground, 5 months beyond the required span of time. The project will be finished by late 2011/early 2012.

Committee Consensus: They appreciate that the newly proposed project remains within the scale of the neighborhood and agree that it’s a good design.

M/S/P (Elizabeth Bougart-Sharkov): “Move that the Committee support the proposal on the condition that it applies only for the specific application, by this specific applicant, as it has been applied. The UD&PAC will not support any transfer of entitlements” Unanimous.

On the first Wednesday of March, Ms. Bougart-Sharkov will put forth motions on behalf of the Committee regarding the two proposals this evening before the Silver Lake Neighborhood Council Governing Board. After the SLNC Gov. Board determination the SLNC will send official correspondence to the Department of City Planning/ AA.

VI.  Committee Business 8:30 PM

iii.  Membership – Motion (Bougart-Sharkov):

“Move to adopt that the UD&PAC Chair shall obtain a straw poll from ALL STAKEHOLDERS in attendance of the UD&PAC meeting.

A STAKEHOLDER becomes an UD&PAC MEMBER and qualifies to cast a vote on agendized item at his/her third consecutive attendance of UD&PAC meeting. A UD&PAC member disqualifies as a member of this committee and cannot cast a vote after his/her three consecutive absences of UD&PAC meeting. UD&PAC membership status can be regained again at the third consecutive attendance”; discussion and possible action.

The issue is tabled because some members of the committee (Maryann Kuk, Wes Joe and Rusty Millar) were not able to attend.

iv.  “State of the Infrastructure in Silver Lake”; discussion and possible action – All committee members were encouraged to submit ideas and projects for future consideration.

v.  CNC Report – New applications and items for March 11‘09 proposed agenda:

1723-27 Lucile Ave. – 4 unit condo

Other – as they arrive

VII.  Adjournment 9:00 PM