Intended Learning Rubric for Archetypal Characterization
Intended Learning / Exceeds / Meets / Does not meetUnderstanding characters and identifying types of characters using archetypal classifications / Student has five or more high quality written examples where archetypes have been identified and explained in more than one work of literature / Student has three or four quality written examples where archetypal characters have been identified and explained in more than one work of literature / Student has two or less written examples where archetypal characters have been identified and explained or the written examples are incomplete and show little effort
Student has evidence of identifying archetypes from multi-media / A viewing archetypal chart for The Village has at least three archetypes identified / A viewing archetypal chart for The Village has at least two archetypes identified / A viewing archetypal chart for The Village has at one or no archetypes identified
Writing to persuade in a formal academic essay / Student presents a very strong well presented argument for or against archetypes which includes a thesis or position statement as well as presents a high quality of writing both in word choice and grammar / Students presents a solid argument for or against archetypes which includes a thesis or position statement and may contain some errors in word choice and grammar / Student presents an argument greatly lacking in depth, and readability. Grammar and word choice may make the essay impossible to understand, or there is no demonstration of essay writing at all.
Student use Jung’s definition of “the shadow” to reflect on their own shadow / Student presents an artifact that shows in-depth personal reflection / Student presents an artifact that shows some effort to examine themselves / Student presents no artifact that demonstrates personal reflection or an artifact that is incomplete or greatly lacking in thought
Using others to affect your own thought process and demonstrating reading skills such as highlighting and note taking / Student has three or more artifacts, including at least one whole group shared inquiry session, to show that he or she participated in a collaborative effort to understand characterization. / Student has only two examples to show that she or he participated in a collaborative effort to understand characterization. / The student has one or no examples that he or she participated in a collaborative effort to understand characterization.
Because we have to assign a letter grade:
5 exceeds=A+ 100%Two exceeds and no DNM= B 85%One DNM=C73%
4exceeds=A 95%One exceeds and no DNM=B 80%two DNM=C 70%
3 exceeds but no DNM=A- 90%All meets=C 78%Three or more DNM=F 50%
*Please not there are no D’s. If three of the five intended learnings can not be evidenced to meet the standard, then it would compromise the integrity of the class to provide a passing grade on this unit.