The ABC’s of being a Puritain!

The Puritans passed their beliefs to their children through the New England Primer, which is basically the ABC book you had as a kid, except instead of “B is for ball,” it says “B is for Blasphemy, and if you blaspheme, you’ll go to hell!

We looked at the first few examples of the New England Primer in class, and you took several pages of notes on the Puritans, now you get to write your own Puritan ABC book!

Here are the requirements:

1. 26 letters in the alphabet kids. You have to use all 26. For the letters Q, X, and Z, you may use words in which those letters appear. (for example, “exalt” would work for X)

2. a picture for each entry.

3. you may use info from the notes or conclusions you have been able to draw from other pieces of Puritan literature: The Bay Psalm Book, Winthrop’s journal entry, Anne Bradstreet’s poems, Salem Court Documents, Cotton Mather’s writing, Jonathan Edwards’ sermon, or Winthrop’s “City Upon a Hill” Sermon. If you use a conclusion that you’ve drawn (For example: M is for Marriage – the Puritans believed that marriage lasted for eternity), you need to tell what piece you got it from (That example was from Anne Bradstreet’s poem “To My Dear and Loving Husband”)

4. Your entries you follow the format of the example in number three: ___ is for ___. The Puritans believed that…

5. It needs to be a book. Don’t just hand me a typed list. LAME!

6. Make it look good! You can put it together however you want (type, handwrite, scrapbook, stone tablets, hologram), but make it look pretty!

This will be due on Friday, September 18 (which is, coincidentally, the same day as your Unit 1 test. What an excellent study aid I’ve devised for you! “Thanks Ms. Nolan!” You’re welcome. )