MARCH 15, 2016

5:15 PM

The March 15, 2016 council meeting was called to order by Mayor Mark Brown at 5:15 PM. Those present include Brown, Lowell Helget, Chett Bisel, Theresa Beckman, Mike Rothmeier, City Attorney Paul Muske, City Manager Matt Skaret and City Clerk Amy Vogel. Others present include Mike Rogotzke, John Fank, Rachelle Halvorson, Gretchen Horning, Paul Dunn, Keith Kottke, Doris Weber, Marlys Vanderwerf and John Nicholson.

Motion by Helget, second by Bisel to adopt the agenda with the following add-on’s: declare city phones as surplus property, hear a request to vacate an alley by the school, consider a letter of support for the Brown Co Childcare Initiative Grant application, and consider uses of old community center chairs. All ayes.

The council reviewed the consent agenda list. Dunn explained that the Softball Assn has planned to have a 1-day co-ed softball tournament from 9-6 on Riverside Days Saturday. They have requested a 3.2 beer license for that day. Motion by Helget, second by Rothmeier to approve the consent agenda and waive the need for insurance for the Softball Assn. All ayes.

Skaret mentioned that Steve Hansen could not be present to discuss the intersection sight issues at 502 W Lincoln St. He will be available for the April meeting. The council asked if the trees/bushes are in the right-of-way or on private property. Motion by Bisel, second by Rothmeier to table this matter to the April meeting and instruct Gene Haas to mark the stakes at this property. All ayes.

The second reading on Ordinance 410 regarding council wages was conducted. It would increase council wages $40/month beginning Jan 1, 2017. The mayor would be $3,960 and council members would be $3,180 annually. Motion by Helget, second by Rothmeier to adopt Ordinance 410 raising council wages effective Jan. 1, 2017. All ayes.

Brown stated that he and Skaret met with Gene Haas, Bryan Page from Mead & Hunt, and John Ryan and Brian Schwartz from the airport commission to discuss the need for the Master Plan. They have agreed that a Master Plan is needed to keep moving ahead to make airport improvements. They are asking the council to reiterate their desire to complete a Master Plan and move ahead with the state grant application. FAA has not given their approval to the Master Plan that the state will accept. The main reason for this is the recent change of our airport to “unclassified”. Motion by Beckman, second by Helget to approve moving ahead with the state grant application to have a Master Plan done for the airport. All ayes.

Muske explained that he is still working on revisions to the rental inspection ordinance so that the city does not need to adopt the state building code. Motion by Bisel, second by Rothmeier to table this. All ayes.

At the Feb. council meeting the council agreed to look at a 5/12 pitched shingled roof for the East End Park bathroom remodel. Skaret spoke with Salonek’s and their price did not change. Rothmeier stated that the council should be looking at more than one quote. Skaret said that he didn’t pursue additional quotes because the council did not direct him to do so. He agreed to solicit additional quotes. Motion by Helget, second by Rothmeier to table this. All ayes.

Skaret gave a pool staff update to the council. Applications were due Feb. 26 and only 23 aps were received. Only 3 were WSI certified. There was one manager applicant who recently pulled her name. Additional applicants would be nice but the current applicants seem to want full time employment. Incentives may be necessary to get more WSI employees.

Skaret noted that he and Chief Nicholson reviewed 8 applications for the animal control officer, of which they interviewed 2. They recommended to the council to hire Margaret Potter at $11.50, with a $0.50 raise after 6 months of satisfactory employment. He also stated that a minimum of 1 hour would be paid when she is called out. Motion by Beckman, second by Helget to approve hiring Potter at $11.50/hr. All ayes.

Rogotzke, representing Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club, asked the council to consider allowing them to apply for a grant through the city to provide snowmobile and atv training courses locally. They are a non-profit but not a 501(c)3. Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to authorize application through the city to provide this training. All ayes.

Motion by Rothmeier, second by Beckman to approve closing O’Connell from Central to Lincoln for the Legion during Riverside Days. All ayes.

Halvorson explained their plans to provide entertainment for children during Riverside Days since there will be no carnival. There will be 7 inflatables and 14 games that children will have unlimited use of Friday and Saturday with the purchase of a wristband. There will also be a concession stand and a mechanical bull that will be extra to use. They are currently trying to find sponsors for the entertainment. They are also looking at additional activities. They would like to find enough orange fencing to enclose the area. Fank also mentioned that they are planning to have duck races starting Friday that will be a fundraiser for these activities. The Rotary gave them $1,500 seed money to get started planning and reserving these items. They did apply for grants under the city’s name to provide them funding. They expect the whole project to cost about $6,300. Motion by Rothmeier, second by Beckman to authorize the grant aps under the city’s name and approve these activities during Riverside Days. All ayes.

Kottke requested the council to consider vacating a portion of the east/west alley between Central and Winona along the 321 W Central St property the school recently purchased. They are getting bids for demolition of the two houses and garages. With the help of Andy Kehren at Bolton & Menk, they are putting together a site design for the parking lot area. They like the outflow down the alley to the east so there isn’t additional traffic towards Burns. A major concern is snow removal since the east portion would hopefully remain an alley. Muske stated that the city would have to hold a hearing to vacate the alley. If the school knows by the April meeting, the hearing could be held at the May council meeting.

The engineer and Community Facilities Board have recommended approval of pay estimate #1 to Ahrens Heating for $75,000, which represents 30% of the project done through March 3. They are currently about 50% done now and hope to be 60% complete by March 25. They are also asking the council to approve pay estimate #2 for $75,000 to be paid out on March 25 so the council would not have to call a special meeting. Rothmeier was concerned about setting precedence by approving payments early. Motion by Rothmeier, second by Bisel to approve payment of estimate #1 for $75,000 to Ahrens for the community center HVAC project. All ayes.

The council reviewed change order #1 for the HVAC system about moving duct work so that floor space is not lost but instead the ceiling space is lost. Motion by Bisel to approve the change order for $992. Since there was confusion about the actual cost of the change order, Bisel rescinded his motion. The council agreed that there should be a special meeting scheduled to discuss this so that the project can keep moving forward. Motion by Beckman, second by Bisel to table this change order. All ayes.

Motion by Bisel to call a special meeting for March 29 at 5:15 PM to consider the change order. There was discussion that this date may force a delay in the project. Bisel rescinded his motion. Skaret will set a special meeting as soon as possible. It was suggested to have the meeting at the center in case they want to view anything.

Skaret said that the center bar remodel has been completed and recommended final payment to Jeremy Zihlke. The price was about $1,400 over the original quote due to the change to rollup doors of $725, an extra knee wall around the sink, painting everything instead of spot painting and tiling the whole floor instead of spot tiling. Motion by Helget, second by Beckman to approve the final payment of $7,272.83 to Zihlke. All ayes.

The library board recently reviewed and recommended minor changes to their by-laws and policies. Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to approve those changes to the library by-laws and policies. All ayes.

The council reviewed 2 quotes for a new mower for the parks. Kesteloot and Miller Sellner both quoted $13,800. The 2010 trade would be worth $7,500 to $8,500. The PUC would like to purchase this so it was recommended to sell it to them for $8,000 contingent on PUC approval. Motion by Beckman, second by Helget to approve the mower purchase from Miller Sellner for $13,800 and sell the old mower to the PUC for $8,000. All ayes.

Skaret gave a street maintenance update. The 2016 budget provides funds for sealcoating and patching. It also provides for crack sealing if the small cities street funds are distributed again this year. This will not likely be known until May and these funds could be set aside to do overlays to prolong the life of some streets instead of crack sealing. However, Andy Kehren, Gene Haas and Skaret are recommending moving ahead with some crack sealing on Appel, Von Fischer and Cottonwood Streets.

Skaret noted that Brandon Wilhelmi will not be returning this summer in the Rec Complex. However Sam Baier has helped the past 2 summers and has applied for the position this year. The Rec Complex board has recommended hiring Sam Baier as the lead and Carter Erickson to help. The duties will be divided between the 2 so the wages are closer. Motion by Beckman, second by Helget to approve hiring Baier and Erickson with wages to be determined. All ayes.

Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to approve Skaret attending the MCMA and LMC conferences. All ayes.

The new phones were recently installed throughout the city depts. Motion by Rothmeier, second by Beckman to declare the old phones as surplus. All ayes.

Skaret asked the council to approve drafting a letter of support for the Brown Co Childcare grant application to address the shortage of childcare. They are partnering with United Way to hire someone to work with current and new providers. The grant is $20,000 with a $5,000 local match. The deadline for the application is March 26. Motion by Helget, second by Beckman to approve issuing a letter of support to the grant application. All ayes.

The council was asked if they would like to have some of the old community center chairs that are being replaced. There are about 500 chairs available. Fire, ambulance and street depts. are taking some. There is a Comfrey church that would like to purchase some. The chairs do not store as easily as the folding chairs. Vogel said that she would prefer not to have them.

Brown asked if the uniform ordering was going better. Nicholson stated that the officer is approving the invoices and he also approving and coding them. They also have a book set up to track purchases.

Brown also asked if the schedules were changed to accommodate the school patrol better – like going to 8-4 instead of 7-3. Nicholson noted that shifts have not been changed. Brown also noted that they don’t have to stay with 1 week days, 1 week afternoons and 1 week of nights. Maybe they could change to 2 or 3 weeks each.

Rothmeier stated that the property on Sanborn St has collected lots of wood again. The police will look into this.

Motion by Rothmeier, second by Helget to adjourn at 7:15 PM. All ayes.

Amy A. Vogel, City Clerk