Citizens Advice South Hams
Satisfaction Survey
April 2018
As a local charity our aim is to ensure all members of our community can access the advice they need to resolve the problems they face. We help people understand their rights and responsibilities in all areas of social welfare law. We gather people’s experiences of the social welfare system and, where we identify common social injustices, we campaign for change.
We would like to invite you to comment on how well our service is performing in South Hams and how well we are helping you meet the needs of the people you serve in South Hams. Your feedback will help us to assess our performance and improve our service. Many thanks for your time.
Q1. How well do you feel you know the work of Citizens Advice South Hams?
Very often / Sometimes / Rarely / Never / Not able to commentI receive regular updates about your work / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
I’ve seen articles in local newspapers and magazines / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
I’ve seen you on local TV and radio / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
I make use the charity’s website / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
I follow you on Twitter or Facebook / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Other, please state
Q2. How would you rate the effectiveness of Citizens Advice South Hams’ activities?
Very effective / Effective / Ineffective / Very ineffective / Not able to commentSupporting clients with information and advice / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Providing accessible services / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Research and campaigns work / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Training partner agencies / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Partnership working / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Fundraising / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Q3. How well do you feel Citizens Advice South Hams supports you to achieve your strategic goals?
〇Very well
〇Neither supports nor hinders
〇 Not as well as we would like
〇Not applicable
Q4. Has your organisation made any referrals to, or received referrals from, Citizens Advice South Hams in the past 12 months? If yes, roughly how many? ______
If no, please move to Q7.
Q5. How satisfied are you with the referral process?
〇Very satisfied
〇 Dissatisfied
〇Very dissatisfied
Please comment:
Q6. If you make referrals what, if any, feedback have you received about your clients’ experience?
Very satisfied / Satisfied / Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied / Dissatisfied / Very dissatisfied / No feedback receivedEase of access / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Overall experience / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Found a way forward / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Problem partially or fully resolved / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Would recommend
to family or friend / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇 / 〇
Q7. What do you value most about the service we provide?
Q8. To help us improve, what is the one thing that you would like to see us get better at?
Q9. From which sector is the organisation you represent?
〇Local statutory organisation
Your role:
〇 Local voluntary sector organisation
Your role:
〇Other, please state
Q10. Any other comments:
Please return to by April 16th 2018. Thank you.