Nyelvvizsga - B2 Angol - ECL

Nyelvvizsga - B2 Angol - ECL

Nyelvvizsga - B2 angol - ECL

2009. szeptember 27.



4. Lakás/lakóhely
- Bérlakás/saját tulajdonú lakás
- Albérlet
- Lakásvásárlás/lakáshitel
- Lakáskorszerűsítés

The flat or house you spend your days in, pretty much the most important place. It reflects your personality. The equipment, colours of the walls influence your mood and mind. That’s include the most private things of yours, that’s why its type is really important. We can divide the types of having houses into groups.

The first is when you rent a house. I think it’s got pros and cons as well, but I guess there are more from the disadvantages. Renting a house is of course much more cheaper, than buy one. You have to pay monthly the rental fee and the overhead as well. Depending on your salary it can take all of your money, so you’d better choose according your opportunities. In this case you have to care about not to cause any damages in the house, because you have to pay after it to the owner. That’s why you can’t have the feeling of freedom. I think that’s just bad. Although you usually haven’t got the chance to have an own house if you’re a student or looking after a job. You must rely on your parents.

We’re talking about the second case if you’ve got an own house or flat. In this case I’m sure you have a well paid job or a really high debt.

A bit more about this: In order to get a credit with acceptable interest rate you’ll need proper coverage. Of course you’ll need a well paid job. Take your possibilities under advisement before you decide what kind of credit system is the best for you. Do not accept credits with high interest rate. Choose reasonable!

In an own house you can have the feeling of freedom, you can change the furniture, the equipment, paint the walls and so on. I’ve heard about several surveys about the colour of walls. They can influence your mood and lifestyle. You can have a special house decoration according to traditional believes or methods. I know almost nothing about its effects. If you want to apply one of them, then read more about it or enquire on the net for example. The decorators can also help you to find the perfect match between you and your house.

After a certain amount of time you are going to need to renew or reorganise your house. It’s naturally I think you need to devote an amount of money to refresh your environment. It’s good for your body and soul as well.

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5. Utazás/közlekedés
- Gépjárművezetés/közlekedési szabályok
- Közlekedési balesetek
- Közlekedés gyalogosan, kerékpáron
- Külföldi utazások célja/formái

In my opinion the traffic has got a medium level in Hungary. The roads aren’t too good, because of the lot of potholes. The repairing of it is going on all the time. I think there’s a simple explanation why are the roads somewhere in bad shape. Hungary is in the middle of Europe that’s why our traffic role in Europe is pretty significant. We could say we’re the centre of Europe. A lot of vehicles cross our country from different reasons. Several families have got a destination which can be reached only by crossing Hungary. The other big part is the eternity number of trucks. They’re transporting goods or other important ingredients to the industry or to the buyer. So that’s why our roads are weighted and their quality is going down.
Let’s talk a bit about the public transport. In my opinion the pt. is well organised in Hungary. We can regard Budapest as the centre of the pt. Here are buses which go everywhere in the country. We can divide the public transport 3 big groups in Budapest.

The first group: travelling with bus. Maybe the easiest way to travel in the city is if we use this possibility. We have to buy a ticket to use it, but we can also buy season tickets. It’s a different system then the simple tickets. Season tickets are divided into groups on the base of How far would you like to go and how long would you like to buy it for? According to the reasonable thinking the more you travel the more you pay. Buses are pretty comfortable, but often crowded that’s why you don’t have a sit. That’s really disturbing.
Travelling by tram is almost the same. The difference is the tram is faster than the bus, because it doesn’t have to deal with the traffic jams and other traffic problems.

The metro or underground; as it it’s in its name it transports the people under the ground. That’s the best way in my opinion because it’s the faster and most comfortable. It’s almost sure you have got a sit if you travel by metro. Maybe underground is not the friendliest place, but it can be used to it.

If you want to be travel further then the best solution is travelling by train. It’s the cheapest way and it’s pretty comfortable. The important thing is to check to don’t buy a ticket to the smoker carriage.

The Hungarian timetable is manageable and reasonable. There’s a lot of information in it, so it can seem complicated, but after a couple minutes of browsing you’ll find your destination.

6. Vásárlás/üzletek
- Vásárlási szokások
- Áruházláncok/csomagküldő szolgálat
- Kis boltok kontra bevásárlóközpontok
- Vásárlói reklamációk

Nowadays shopping became the one of the most entertaining activities. People spend their time a lot in the shops. They have to buy the basic products of course for example: meat, bread, water or fizzy drinks, clothes, eggs etc. These are the staple needs which have to be bought, but unfortunately people spend their money on useless things as well. It became a hobby to do it and show off the products they’ve bought. If there’s a sale in a shop or hypermarket, people rush to buy the low priced products.

There are multinational companies who invest into products. They’re trying to seduce the people with special offers, that’s why gaining income. They sell all kind of products so it’s easier and cheaper to consume there. There are appealing offers, so a lot of shopaholic people go and spend money there. But their consuming is could be excessive.

They offer plenty ways to pay, this way making shopping easier. They always have a package service which deliver products to your own house. We take this opportunity if we bought a bigger product for example a TV a computer or other electronic things.

It’s really hard to compete with the multinational companies but some smaller or corner shops try to do that. They haven’t got too much products in stock, but they’re trying to sell fresh bread and rolls for example. It’s better to go a corner shop if it’s close to your house and don’t want to drive or walk miles to reach the closest hypermarket. The shop assistants are more polite in a corner shop and they’re trying to help you all the time. There isn’t crowd so it’s more convenient to shop.

Of course there are a lot of advantage beside the super and hypermarkets. They offer appealing sales and their prices are much lower. It’s because they have a lot of products in stock and trying to seduce the shopaholic people. They’re targeting all of ages and offer sales for everyone especially if a holiday’s coming. In a hypermarket you can find everything you need, but they’re are often crammed with people. Sometimes you have to queue for long and personally I don’t like it. In a hypermarket you also can pay by credit or bankcard. It’s much safer because you needn’t to have a lot of money on you. They also offer credits for the more expensive electronic products. That’s why a lot of people with tight budgets can afford the purchasing of it as well.

Unfortunately when the bigger system is the higher the chances are of the mistakes. The quality of the goods is often is not adequate. You can complain if you’ve got the necessary guarantee documents. For instance, my computer had got problems several times so we had to take it to Budapest.

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7. Kommunikáció/kapcsolattartás
- A mobiltelefon terjedésének okai
- A nyelvtudás szerepe a kommunikációban
- Az angol nyelv erősödő dominanciája

So about the communication. As our traffic and the internet are improving we can know

a lot of people abroad and keep in contact with them after all we're thousands miles

from each other. We can know places what were unknown this far.

According to the meaningful approach, people are trying satisfy there curiosity that's

why they interested in unknown things.

The most important thing to we could communicate with the people have different

language is the knowledge of languages. The most people use the English because I

think that's the easiest one of all. We can explain the domination of it with this fact.

English's become the most popular language the educated people's number is

growing. I think it's great because we can understand each other.

The other thing I have to mention is the role of the telephone. Today it's more than a

simple tool we can use to communicate. People never leave their home without it. The

truth is neither do I. We can call it an addiction but this is amazing important because if

we have some problem or we're in trouble we can use it easily. Today the phones are so

modern that you can do almost everything with it. I mean you can take photos, send

massages, surf the net and much more.

I think the people who know this language will be much more than now and English will

become general knowledge.

8. Szolgáltatások
- Autóbérlés
- Biztosítás/fajtái
- Utazási irodák/bankok
- Javítások/garancia
- Közüzemi szolgáltatások

First I’d like to talk about travelling services, like travel agencies. These are companies who are organising different trips, travels. Like for instance: When there is a bigger sport event in the world like the summer or winter Olympics, the FIFA World Cup, etc. They organise groups, because travelling with a group is cheaper, than travelling individually. They also take care of the accommodation and the tickets to the events as well. This is actually how these agencies work. They collect bigger groups so it is cheaper. Even if we are talking about a simple holyday, they wait until a there is enough people. Of course they can handle specific cases also, in fact businessman often have a travel agency behind their back. They organise his flight and different means of his travel, and of course their accommodation.

And talking about people in business, there is car rentals. Renting a car I think in most of the cases is unnecessary, because in most countries, I’m not talking of our own, the public transport is well figured out, and in bugger cities, most of the times it is also much faster. But if that is not true, then you can live with the opportunity to rent a car. Usually they’re very expensive, but it is true, if you have to travel long distances, and you’re in a hurry, it can be mandatory.

Now if we’re talking about travelling, and cars it is appropriate to mention insurances. For most people the first type of insurance that comes to mind is the life insurance. That means of you get permanently injured, or die, than you or your family can get some money so it may be a little easier to carry on after the incident. The second may be health insurance. In Hungary health insurance is handled by the state. Every person has to pay a portion of their salary, which goes into a public account and every person gets treated whit that money. In other countries the health insurance is given by the insurance companies. In that case everyone pays as much money as they want, or can, and they can get treatment according to how good insurance they have. There is the travel insurance, which is paying if you get stuck abroad, get injured or something else happens. The companies providing these are usually banks also.

Banks are corporations where you usually keep your money. But they can be so much more. In most of the times banks are where insurance companies, retirement accounts are. Banks also give you some interest if you keep your money in their facility. That means that every month they give a percentage of the money you’d put in. They can give you loans also, so you can borrow money from them, but you have to pay back more according to the interest rate you and the bank agreed upon the contract.

A few words about public utilities, they are the water, sewer, electricity, etc.. The companies that provide these are called public companies. Just think about it, what would happen if you wouldn’t have one of these in your house, it would be very unpleasant.

9. Kultúra/szórakozás
- Zenei irányzatok/zenei ízlés
- Könyv kontra Internet
- Mozi, színház kontra TV, Video, DVD

Nowadays the pattern of living changed dramatically. As our life changes it’s inevitable to follow its lead. That’s the reason there are different entertainment and culture habits as were 10-15years ago.

We should talk a bit about the habits of listening music. I can’t even think about how many genres music has. But there are two big groups of course; the salon music and the older the classic music. There’s a really serious line between them. The classical music is the one we can hear only in theatres or on concerts, because it’s not as popular as it was earlier. I think this change has got good but bad effects as well. The traditional music which was written by Mozart or Beethoven but I could mention a lot of names more is nearly gone from radios and public places. I think that’s sad, but for me it’s not entertaining anymore, because the take up, the thinking was different long ago. My point of view is we need actual themes and the song’s lyrics should express this. The people who want to keep the tradition go to a theatre.

The way of keeping informed has also changed as well. People usually use the Internet and I definitely agree with them. It’s the simplest and best way to be acquainted with the news in the world. If you need some information about anything then the only thing you need to do is put the keywords in the Google and there you go. You’ll get everything you need. Reading a book is slow and it’s often full with worthless information. That’s why is pretty obsolete in our time. Of course if you like reading and have time for do that, then I’ve got to say that’s the greatest way to feel the motions of the writer and imagine the story. The youth spends much more time in front of the screen surfing the net then above the books. I completely agree with them.

As I said the entertaining patterns have changed, that’s why a lot of young people visit pubs and night clubs to have fun. This way of living is far from me actually because my parents brought me up as a polite man who does not spend his money on alcohol and girls just for fun. I sometimes go to the cinema with my friends but that’s all. To tell the truth I don’t like the big crowded places which are crammed with people. Me and my friends prefer silent places where people can have a nice and calm conversation.

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10. Idő/időjárás
- Az előrejelzések szerepe, pontossága
- Időjárás és közérzet(orvosmeteorológia)
- A klíma és növény-állatvilág összefüggési

The weather always influences people’s life because if it’s cloudy or foggy then we often aren’t in good mood either. It’s natural. The weather forecast tries to help us predict the conditions of the weather in advance. A lot of people watch it on the internet or on TV before leave the house. We decide how to dress that certain day according to the report. We take into consideration if we take an umbrella or not. If the weather is cold or rainy we have to take care of our clothes. We should take a coat or an umbrella. Prevention is better than cure. It’s better if we have to prepare for the bad weather conditions. The accuracy of the weather reports are not always proper, but the experts are trying to give their best knowledge to determine the breaking of the weather.

As I’ve mentioned before the weather conditions influence our lives. Some people are really reactive to it and have to watch the reports all the time. This way he/she could prepare for headache and sore back or hip etc. It’s different in every case what kind of problems weather can cause. For instance my grandma always suffers from joint pain when there’s a front coming. She needs more rest in these times. In weather reports people are always warned if some kind of front’s coming. It also can cause accident’s on the roads unfortunately. We have to pay more attention for each other in these days.

As we contaminate our environment the climate changes as well. The ozone layer is depleting and it causes global warming because it doesn’t have the capability to absorb the harmful sunlight. There’s a warming blanket in our atmosphere as well, so the harmful gases are absorbed and can’t leave. This phenomenon causes the greenhouse effect and the global warming as well. The global warming affects the flora and the fauna as well. As we cut out the big trees and even forests we destroy the community who creates Oxygen using CO2. But this is not the only problem. The animals’ place to live is shrinking. Some species are on the brink of extinction and some of them become angry and attack the people nearby. Otherwise this process is called urbanization. Of course there’s still a huge where forests reign. That doesn’t mean we can cut the trees out one by one, because we are going to suffer from its consequences.