CIT 112 - Networking Technologies

Semester: Fall 2011

Instructor: Cathy Valdez

Office: HTC 131

Office Hours: Tues. 9-11, Wed. 9-11, Thurs. 9-10

Phone: 775-753-2288

E-mail: catherinev(a)

Credits: 3

Instructor accepts email, phone calls, or appointments. I will return e-mails within 24 hours. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

E-mail: WebCampus

Textbooks: CCNA Exploration Network Fundamentals Version 4. 0, and Working at Small-to-Medium Business or ISP (w/CD) both by Cisco Press. ISBN is located on the Great Basin College Website. Go to schedule and find CIT 112, click on Details link, and then the View Textbooks link. Books are available at the college bookstore or Search using the title or ISBN number at various discounters / used book dealers.


Catalog Description: Course covers computer network infrastructure, network uses, and basic network management issues.

Course Prerequisites: CIT 112B has no prerequisite but assumes that students are familiar with computer hardware, have a basic understanding of stand alone operating systems, and can use applications software.

Course Description: This course introduces students to computer networks and network management. We will cover network infrastructure, examining the architecture and models for some of the more common networks. You will be introduced to network uses and misuses, and material covered throughout various MCSE exams, the Network+ exam, as well as other certification exams. You will be introduced to cabling specifications, including patch cables.

METHOD OF INSTRUCTION: This class will be taught via Internet using GBC's WebCampus instructional delivery system. You are expected to participate in weekly on-line discussions if used, various quizzes, other class activities as assigned, the mid-term, and final exam.

As an Internet based class, there are no traditional lectures, discussions, or labs. Furthermore, you are expected to keep up with the weekly chapter reading assignments from the book. In lieu of lectures I will create various posts and link supplementary materials in the schedule below which you are also expected to review each week. Instead of classroom discussions you will be expected to post your own college quality written comments on one topic related to the class readings each week as well as respond to your fellow students' comments. To help you with ideas for posts, I will post potential discussion ideas and comments from time to time. I will read and assess your posts as well as comment on them if necessary for clarification purposes.


The primary objective of this class is to introduce students to the fundamental building blocks that form a modern network, such as protocols, topologies, hardware, and network operating systems. It then provides in-depth coverage of the most important concepts in contemporary networking, such as client/server architecture, TCP/IP, Ethernet, wireless transmission, and security.


The successful student in this class will have and be able to:

1 have a thorough understanding of network standards and terminology;

2 select the best network design, hardware, and software for a given environment;

3 know common problems encountered when installing or upgrading networks;

4 be familiar with common user/group accounts, rights, and security concerns;

Learner Outcome Measurements

Measurement Method Learner Outcomes Class Discussion via web posts 2, 3, 4

Lab and research Assignments 2, 4 Exams 1, 2, 3, 4

Class Policies & Procedures

GRADING POLICY: This is a letter grade class an





F=59% or less or W=Official Withdrawal if done before the withdrawal deadline. There is no curve in this grading scale. Your grade will be based 30% on class assignments, 30% on the Mid-Term exam, and 40% on the Final Exam. All assignments are due by the date posted within WebCampus.

EXAM & QUIZ PROCEDURES: All exams and quizzes will be objective, e.g. true/false, multiple choice, fill-in the blank, etc, and will be conducted using GBC's web based learning system.

ATTENDANCE POLICY: The instructor must agree in advance to any excused absences unless there are strong extenuating circumstances. Three (3) unexcused absences can result in a failing grade, in an on-line class an absence is one week when you do not participate in class or contact the instructor.

OTHER POLICIES: Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and can result in a failing grade. The student conduct policy stated in the GBC 2011-2012 Catalog will be enforced. This syllabus is not a contract and is subject to reasonable changes as the class proceeds.

For live classes, Cell phones are prohibited, except for work and family emergency. Please notify the Professor if you need to have your cell phone available. PDA usage is limited to course related activities only. Internet usage for any purpose other than course related activities is grounds for loss of participation points.

ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Director of Services for Students with Disabilities will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids and services. For more information or further assistance, please call (775) 753-2271.


In order to keep up with the posted web discussions, you should read and understand each week's topics as they are covered. The first week of class begins, January 24, 2011, the mid-term exam will be available the eighth week of the semester, and the final will be available the last week of the semester. Each exam will have a two hour time limit once you begin taking it.

Assignments, Chapters & Readings

Week / Chapters / Assignments
1 / Introduction
2 / 1 / Read Chapter 1 Both Books
3 / 2 / CCNA Exploration
4 / 2 / CCNA Discovery Learning Guide
5 / 3 / CCNA Exploration
6 / 3 / CCNA Discovery Learning Guide
7 / 4 / CCNA Exploration
8 / Mid-Term
9 / 5 / Read Chapter 5 Both Books
10 / 6 / CCNA Exploration
11 / 7 / CCNA Exploration
12 / 8 / CCNA Discovery Learning Guide
13 / 9 / Read Chapter 9 Both Books
14 / 10 / Read Chapter 10 Both Books
15 / 11 / CCNA Exploration & Review
16 / Final Exam