CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming
Instructor: Overstreet
Homework 2 (VB - Controls and Properties)
Due: Week 5 - Monday, February 9
1) Create a Visual Basic project named “CIS115 HW1-1_Controls” where you create a replica of your bank check on a form. Place the title “CIS 115 HW1-1_‘your full name’ ” in the title bar of the form. Words common to all checks, such as “PAY TO THE ORDER OF” should be contained in labels. Items specific to your checks, such as your name at the top left, should be contained in text boxes. Make the check on the screen resemble your personal checks as much as possible (please do not use your actual bank account number or bank routing number in this example). Make sure all of your controls are named properly.
2) Create a Visual Basic project named CIS115 HW1-2_Controls where you create a replica of your campus ID on a form. Place the title “CIS 115 HW1-2_‘your full name’ ” in the title bar of the form. Words that are on all student IDs, such as “UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH ALABAMA” should be contained in labels. Information specific to your ID, such as your name and Jag number should be contained in text boxes. Simulate your picture with a text box containing a smiling face – a size 24 Wingdings J. Make sure all of your controls are named properly.
You will need to submit a screen shot of your project. To accomplish this you will need to run your application (click on the run button ), when the application and form load, click the ALT & PRNT SCRN buttons at the same time. This will make a copy of the active window – your form – to the clipboard. Open Microsoft Word and paste this copy of your form into a Word document. To stop your program, you will need to click on the Red X button in the top right hand corner of your application.
Staple your grade sheet (on top) and both screen shots together and make sure to write your name, jnumber and section number at the top of your grade sheet. No envelope necessary.
CIS 115 Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming
Instructor: Overstreet
Homework 2 (VB - Controls and Properties)
Due: Week 5 - Monday, February 9
_____(50pts) Exercise 1
_____(50pts) Exercises 2
_____(100pts) Total Score