Making Cascarones
Teacher Name:
Student Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Time and Effort / Much time and effort went into the planning and design of the cascaron. It is clear the student put time and effort into the project. / It is clear that student put in some time and effort into the design and creation of cascaron. / Student could have put in more time and effort into the project. / Student has put in very little time and effort into the project.
Photos / Every step of the creation of cascaron was documented by photographs. At least 7 photographs included. / Not all steps were documented by photographs. Four - six photographs included. / Less than four photographs included. / No photographs were taken during creation of egg.
Deadline / Cascaron was handed in on time. / Cascaron was handed in one day late. / Cascaron was handed in more than a day late. / Cascaron was handed in a week late.
Decoration / Cascaron is tastefully and creatively decorated. / Cascaron is somewhat creatively decorated. / Cascaron is decorated with little creativity. / Cascaron is not decorated.
Confetti / Cascaron is filled with confetti. / - / - / Cascaron is not filled with confetti.